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Last active April 14, 2020 18:45
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static void gather_stats(const char *buf, unsigned long size, struct text_stat *stats)
unsigned long i;
memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
unsigned char c = buf[i];
if (c == '\r') {
if (i+1 < size && buf[i+1] == '\n')
if (c == '\n') {
if (c == 127)
/* DEL */
else if (c < 32) {
switch (c) {
/* BS, HT, ESC and FF */
case '\b': case '\t': case '\033': case '\014':
case 0:
/* fall through */
if (size >= 1 && buf[size-1] == '\032')
static int is_binary(unsigned long size, struct text_stat *stats)
if (stats->nul)
return 1;
if ((stats->printable >> 7) < stats->nonprintable)
return 1;
* Other heuristics? Average line length might be relevant,
* as might LF vs CR vs CRLF counts..
* NOTE! It might be normal to have a low ratio of CRLF to LF
* (somebody starts with a LF-only file and edits it with an editor
* that adds CRLF only to lines that are added..). But do we
* want to support CR-only? Probably not.
return 0;
struct ring_buffer *rb_alloc(int nr_pages, long watermark, int cpu, int flags)
struct ring_buffer *rb;
unsigned long size;
int i;
size = sizeof(struct ring_buffer);
size += nr_pages * sizeof(void *);
rb = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!rb)
goto fail;
rb->user_page = perf_mmap_alloc_page(cpu);
if (!rb->user_page)
goto fail_user_page;
for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++) {
rb->data_pages[i] = perf_mmap_alloc_page(cpu);
if (!rb->data_pages[i])
goto fail_data_pages;
rb->nr_pages = nr_pages;
ring_buffer_init(rb, watermark, flags);
return rb;
for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
free_page((unsigned long)rb->data_pages[i]);
free_page((unsigned long)rb->user_page);
return NULL;
def split_args(args):
Splits args on whitespace, but intelligently reassembles
those that may have been split over a jinja2 block or quotes.
Basically this is a variation shlex that has some more intelligence for
how Ansible needs to use it.
params = []
args = args.strip()
args = args.encode('utf-8')
do_decode = True
except UnicodeDecodeError:
do_decode = False
items = args.split('\n')
quote_char = None
inside_quotes = False
print_depth = 0 # used to count nested jinja2 {{ }} blocks
block_depth = 0 # used to count nested jinja2 {% %} blocks
comment_depth = 0 # used to count nested jinja2 {# #} blocks
for itemidx,item in enumerate(items):
# we split on spaces and newlines separately, so that we
# can tell which character we split on for reassembly
# inside quotation characters
tokens = item.strip().split(' ')
line_continuation = False
for idx,token in enumerate(tokens):
if token == '\\' and not inside_quotes:
line_continuation = True
# store the previous quoting state for checking later
was_inside_quotes = inside_quotes
quote_char = _get_quote_state(token, quote_char)
inside_quotes = quote_char is not None
appended = False
if inside_quotes and not was_inside_quotes:
appended = True
elif print_depth or block_depth or comment_depth or inside_quotes or was_inside_quotes:
if idx == 0 and not inside_quotes and was_inside_quotes:
params[-1] = "%s%s" % (params[-1], token)
elif len(tokens) > 1:
spacer = ''
if idx > 0:
spacer = ' '
params[-1] = "%s%s%s" % (params[-1], spacer, token)
spacer = ''
if not params[-1].endswith('\n') and idx == 0:
spacer = '\n'
params[-1] = "%s%s%s" % (params[-1], spacer, token)
appended = True
# if the number of paired block tags is not the same, the depth has changed, so we calculate that here
# and may append the current token to the params (if we haven't previously done so)
prev_print_depth = print_depth
print_depth = _count_jinja2_blocks(token, print_depth, "{{", "}}")
if print_depth != prev_print_depth and not appended:
appended = True
prev_block_depth = block_depth
block_depth = _count_jinja2_blocks(token, block_depth, "{%", "%}")
if block_depth != prev_block_depth and not appended:
appended = True
prev_comment_depth = comment_depth
comment_depth = _count_jinja2_blocks(token, comment_depth, "{#", "#}")
if comment_depth != prev_comment_depth and not appended:
appended = True
if not (print_depth or block_depth or comment_depth) and not inside_quotes and not appended and token != '':
if len(items) > 1 and itemidx != len(items) - 1 and not line_continuation:
if not params[-1].endswith('\n') or item == '':
params[-1] += '\n'
line_continuation = False
if print_depth or block_depth or comment_depth or inside_quotes:
raise Exception("error while splitting arguments, either an unbalanced jinja2 block or quotes")
if do_decode:
params = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in params]
return params
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