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Forked from anonymous/SixensePlugin.cs
Last active June 23, 2019 03:47
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Sixense Plugin fix for OSX - Copy your libs from the Sixense OSX SDK as is to the x86 and x86_64 plugins directories
// Copyright (C) 2013 Sixense Entertainment Inc.
// All Rights Reserved
// Sixense Driver Unity Plugin
// Version 1.0
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
/// <summary>
/// The SixensePlugin class provides direct access to the C sixense.dll driver.
/// </summary>
/// <code>
/// #ifndef _SIXENSE_H_
/// #define _SIXENSE_H_
/// #if defined(WIN32)
/// #define SIXENSE_EXPORT
/// #else
/// #define SIXENSE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
/// #else
/// #define SIXENSE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
/// #endif
/// #endif
/// #else
/// #define SIXENSE_EXPORT
/// #endif
/// #define SIXENSE_BUTTON_BUMPER (0x01<<7)
/// #define SIXENSE_BUTTON_JOYSTICK (0x01<<8)
/// #define SIXENSE_BUTTON_1 (0x01<<5)
/// #define SIXENSE_BUTTON_2 (0x01<<6)
/// #define SIXENSE_BUTTON_3 (0x01<<3)
/// #define SIXENSE_BUTTON_4 (0x01<<4)
/// #define SIXENSE_BUTTON_START (0x01<<0)
/// #define SIXENSE_SUCCESS 0
/// #define SIXENSE_FAILURE -1
/// typedef struct _sixenseControllerData {
/// float pos[3];
/// float rot_mat[3][3];
/// float joystick_x;
/// float joystick_y;
/// float trigger;
/// unsigned int buttons;
/// unsigned char sequence_number;
/// float rot_quat[4];
/// unsigned short firmware_revision;
/// unsigned short hardware_revision;
/// unsigned short packet_type;
/// unsigned short magnetic_frequency;
/// int enabled;
/// int controller_index;
/// unsigned char is_docked;
/// unsigned char which_hand;
/// unsigned char hemi_tracking_enabled;
/// } sixenseControllerData;
/// typedef struct _sixenseAllControllerData {
/// sixenseControllerData controllers[4];
/// } sixenseAllControllerData;
/// #if defined(__LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS)||defined(__cplusplus)||defined(c_plusplus)
/// extern "C" {
/// #endif
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseInit( void );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseExit( void );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetMaxBases();
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseSetActiveBase( int i );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseIsBaseConnected( int i );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetMaxControllers( void );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseIsControllerEnabled( int which );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetNumActiveControllers();
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetHistorySize();
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetData( int which, int index_back, sixenseControllerData * );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetAllData( int index_back, sixenseAllControllerData * );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetNewestData( int which, sixenseControllerData * );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetAllNewestData( sixenseAllControllerData * );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseSetHemisphereTrackingMode( int which_controller, int state );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingMode( int which_controller, int *state );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseAutoEnableHemisphereTracking( int which_controller );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseSetHighPriorityBindingEnabled( int on_or_off );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabled( int *on_or_off );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseTriggerVibration( int controller_id, int duration_100ms, int pattern_id );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseSetFilterEnabled( int on_or_off );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetFilterEnabled( int *on_or_off );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseSetFilterParams( float near_range, float near_val, float far_range, float far_val );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetFilterParams( float *near_range, float *near_val, float *far_range, float *far_val );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseSetBaseColor( unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue );
/// SIXENSE_EXPORT int sixenseGetBaseColor( unsigned char *red, unsigned char *green, unsigned char *blue );
/// #if defined(__LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS)||defined(__cplusplus)||defined(c_plusplus)
/// }
/// #endif
/// #endif
/// </code>
public partial class SixensePlugin
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
public struct sixenseControllerData
[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3 )]
public float[] pos;
[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 9 )]
public float[] rot_mat;
public float joystick_x;
public float joystick_y;
public float trigger;
public uint buttons;
public byte sequence_number;
[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4 )]
public float[] rot_quat;
public ushort firmware_revision;
public ushort hardware_revision;
public ushort packet_type;
public ushort magnetic_frequency;
public int enabled;
public int controller_index;
public byte is_docked;
public byte which_hand;
public byte hemi_tracking_enabled;
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
public struct sixenseAllControllerData
[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4 )]
public sixenseControllerData[] controllers;
public const int RTLD_LAZY = 0x0001;
public const int RTLD_NOW = 0x0002;
public const int RTLD_GLOBAL = 0x0100;
public const int RTLD_LOCAL = 0x0000;
public const int RTLD_NOSHARE = 0x1000;
public const int RTLD_EXE = 0x2000;
public const int RTLD_SCRIPT = 0x4000;
public static extern IntPtr dlopen(string filename, int flag);
public static extern string dlerror();
public static extern IntPtr dlsym(IntPtr handle, string symbol);
public static extern int dlclose(IntPtr handle);
// Ref parameters can't be included in Func<>
public delegate int sixenseDelegate();
public delegate int sixenseIntDelegate( int a );
public delegate int sixenseIntIntDelegate( int a, int b );
public delegate int sixenseIntIntIntDelegate( int a, int b, int c );
public delegate int sixenseFloatFloatFloatFloatDelegate( float a, float b, float c, float d );
public delegate int sixenseByteByteByteDelegate( byte a, byte b, byte c );
public delegate int sixenseGetDataDelegate( int which, int index_back, ref sixenseControllerData cd );
public delegate int sixenseGetAllDataDelegate( int index_back, ref sixenseAllControllerData acd );
public delegate int sixenseGetNewestDataDelegate( int which, ref sixenseControllerData cd );
public delegate int sixenseGetAllNewestDataDelegate( ref sixenseAllControllerData acd );
public delegate int sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingModeDelegate(int which_controller,ref int state);
public delegate int sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabledDelegate( ref int on_or_off );
public delegate int sixenseGetFilterEnabledDelegate( ref int on_or_off );
public delegate int sixenseGetFilterParamsDelegate( ref float near_range, ref float near_val, ref float far_range, ref float far_val );
public delegate int sixenseGetBaseColorDelegate( ref byte red, ref byte green, ref byte blue );
private static IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
private static T GetFunctionPtr<T>(string name) where T : class
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(dlsym(handle, name), typeof(T)) as T;
private static void InitPlugin()
// HACK: Until Unity adds UNITY_32 and UNITY_64 we have to do this
if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
// 32-bit
handle = dlopen("Assets/Plugins/x86/libsixense.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
// 64-bit
handle = dlopen("Assets/Plugins/x86_64/libsixense_x64.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
sixenseInitInternal = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseDelegate>("sixenseInit");
sixenseExitInternal = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseDelegate>("sixenseExit");
sixenseGetMaxBases = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseDelegate>("sixenseGetMaxBases");
sixenseSetActiveBase = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntDelegate>("sixenseSetActiveBase");
sixenseIsBaseConnected = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntDelegate>("sixenseIsBaseConnected");
sixenseGetMaxControllers = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseDelegate>("sixenseGetMaxControllers");
sixenseIsControllerEnabled = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntDelegate>("sixenseIsControllerEnabled");
sixenseGetNumActiveControllers = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseDelegate>("sixenseGetNumActiveControllers");
sixenseGetHistorySize = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseDelegate>("sixenseGetHistorySize");
sixenseGetData = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetDataDelegate>("sixenseGetData");
sixenseGetAllData = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetAllDataDelegate>("sixenseGetAllData");
sixenseGetNewestData = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetNewestDataDelegate>("sixenseGetNewestData");
sixenseGetAllNewestData = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetAllNewestDataDelegate>("sixenseGetAllNewestData");
sixenseSetHemisphereTrackingMode = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntIntDelegate>("sixenseSetHemisphereTrackingMode");
sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingMode = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingModeDelegate>("sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingMode");
sixenseAutoEnableHemisphereTracking = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntDelegate>("sixenseAutoEnableHemisphereTracking");
sixenseSetHighPriorityBindingEnabled = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntDelegate>("sixenseSetHighPriorityBindingEnabled");
sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabled = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabledDelegate>("sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabled");
sixenseTriggerVibration = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntIntIntDelegate>("sixenseTriggerVibration");
sixenseSetFilterEnabled = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseIntDelegate>("sixenseSetFilterEnabled");
sixenseGetFilterEnabled = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetFilterEnabledDelegate>("sixenseGetFilterEnabled");
sixenseSetFilterParams = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseFloatFloatFloatFloatDelegate>("sixenseSetFilterParams");
sixenseGetFilterParams = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetFilterParamsDelegate>("sixenseGetFilterParams");
sixenseSetBaseColor = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseByteByteByteDelegate>("sixenseSetBaseColor");
sixenseGetBaseColor = GetFunctionPtr<sixenseGetBaseColorDelegate>("sixenseGetBaseColor");
private static void DeinitPlugin()
if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
sixenseInitInternal = null;
sixenseExitInternal = null;
sixenseGetMaxBases = null;
sixenseSetActiveBase = null;
sixenseIsBaseConnected = null;
sixenseGetMaxControllers = null;
sixenseIsControllerEnabled = null;
sixenseGetNumActiveControllers = null;
sixenseGetHistorySize = null;
sixenseGetData = null;
sixenseGetAllData = null;
sixenseGetNewestData = null;
sixenseGetAllNewestData = null;
sixenseSetHemisphereTrackingMode = null;
sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingMode = null;
sixenseAutoEnableHemisphereTracking = null;
sixenseSetHighPriorityBindingEnabled = null;
sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabled = null;
sixenseTriggerVibration = null;
sixenseSetFilterEnabled = null;
sixenseGetFilterEnabled = null;
sixenseSetFilterParams = null;
sixenseGetFilterParams = null;
sixenseSetBaseColor = null;
sixenseGetBaseColor = null;
public static int sixenseInit()
return sixenseInitInternal();
private static sixenseDelegate sixenseInitInternal = null;
public static int sixenseExit()
int result = sixenseExitInternal();
return result;
private static sixenseDelegate sixenseExitInternal = null;
public static sixenseDelegate sixenseGetMaxBases = null;
public static sixenseIntDelegate sixenseSetActiveBase = null;
public static sixenseIntDelegate sixenseIsBaseConnected = null;
public static sixenseDelegate sixenseGetMaxControllers = null;
public static sixenseIntDelegate sixenseIsControllerEnabled = null;
public static sixenseDelegate sixenseGetNumActiveControllers = null;
public static sixenseDelegate sixenseGetHistorySize = null;
public static sixenseGetDataDelegate sixenseGetData = null;
public static sixenseGetAllDataDelegate sixenseGetAllData = null;
public static sixenseGetNewestDataDelegate sixenseGetNewestData = null;
public static sixenseGetAllNewestDataDelegate sixenseGetAllNewestData = null;
public static sixenseIntIntDelegate sixenseSetHemisphereTrackingMode = null;
public static sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingModeDelegate sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingMode = null;
public static sixenseIntDelegate sixenseAutoEnableHemisphereTracking = null;
public static sixenseIntDelegate sixenseSetHighPriorityBindingEnabled = null;
public static sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabledDelegate sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabled = null;
public static sixenseIntIntIntDelegate sixenseTriggerVibration = null;
public static sixenseIntDelegate sixenseSetFilterEnabled = null;
public static sixenseGetFilterEnabledDelegate sixenseGetFilterEnabled = null;
public static sixenseFloatFloatFloatFloatDelegate sixenseSetFilterParams = null;
public static sixenseGetFilterParamsDelegate sixenseGetFilterParams = null;
public static sixenseByteByteByteDelegate sixenseSetBaseColor = null;
public static sixenseGetBaseColorDelegate sixenseGetBaseColor = null;
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseInit" )]
public static extern int sixenseInit();
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseExit" )]
public static extern int sixenseExit();
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetMaxBases" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetMaxBases();
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseSetActiveBase" )]
public static extern int sixenseSetActiveBase( int i );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseIsBaseConnected" )]
public static extern int sixenseIsBaseConnected( int i );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetMaxControllers" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetMaxControllers();
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseIsControllerEnabled" )]
public static extern int sixenseIsControllerEnabled( int which );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetNumActiveControllers" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetNumActiveControllers();
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetHistorySize" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetHistorySize();
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetData" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetData( int which, int index_back, ref sixenseControllerData cd );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetAllData" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetAllData( int index_back, ref sixenseAllControllerData acd );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetNewestData" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetNewestData( int which, ref sixenseControllerData cd );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetAllNewestData" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetAllNewestData( ref sixenseAllControllerData acd );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseSetHemisphereTrackingMode" )]
public static extern int sixenseSetHemisphereTrackingMode( int which_controller, int state );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingMode" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetHemisphereTrackingMode( int which_controller, ref int state );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseAutoEnableHemisphereTracking" )]
public static extern int sixenseAutoEnableHemisphereTracking( int which_controller );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseSetHighPriorityBindingEnabled" )]
public static extern int sixenseSetHighPriorityBindingEnabled( int on_or_off );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabled" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetHighPriorityBindingEnabled( ref int on_or_off );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseTriggerVibration" )]
public static extern int sixenseTriggerVibration( int controller_id, int duration_100ms, int pattern_id );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseSetFilterEnabled" )]
public static extern int sixenseSetFilterEnabled( int on_or_off );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetFilterEnabled" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetFilterEnabled( ref int on_or_off );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseSetFilterParams" )]
public static extern int sixenseSetFilterParams( float near_range, float near_val, float far_range, float far_val );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetFilterParams" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetFilterParams( ref float near_range, ref float near_val, ref float far_range, ref float far_val );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseSetBaseColor" )]
public static extern int sixenseSetBaseColor( byte red, byte green, byte blue );
[DllImport( "sixense", EntryPoint = "sixenseGetBaseColor" )]
public static extern int sixenseGetBaseColor( ref byte red, ref byte green, ref byte blue );
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Cross22 commented Feb 10, 2016

What configuration did you test this with? I am still seeing it crash on OSX 64 10.10.5 running Unity 5.3.0f4.

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