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Wordpress Woocommerce Orders API add License ( Free Plugin) and Subscription (SUMO Subscriptions Paid Plugin) info to each purchased product info and to the global order object too. Read the code :)
* This code helps you start selling software products (subscriptions) with generated license codes on Wordpress with Woocommerce
* using 2 plugins:
* [FREE] Wordpress <- Obviously :)
* [FREE] Woocommerce <- Complete e-commerce stack for wordpress
* [FREE] License Manager for Woocommerce :
* [49$] SUMO Subscriptions:
* # My use case:
* As a founder, I want to sell software license for my new SaaS project (not running on wordpress, developped on react/node/...).
* To keep focus and energy on my SaaS project:
* I want all the sales process (user payments, stock, cart, invoicing, marketing, refunds, reporting, ...)
* as well as the subscription management (monthly/yearly subscriptions, renewals, cancellations,...)
* as well as the License Key management (secure keys, usage, account linking)
* to be managed by Wordpress and its plugins eco-system.
* ### When a user creates an account on my SaaS project,
* I call Woocommerce API to:
* Create a new customer,
* Create a PREMIUM subscription plan order (running in TRIAL mode).
* Get some necessary info (ids, license key...) back from the API to save it in my SaaS database.
* From my SaaS project, I call Woocommerce API to check regularly for my user's subscription status
* (is in TRIAL? is expired? is paid?) to allow access to premium features
* Woocommerce (+plugins) manages the sales, payments and follow-ups processes.
* ### When a user buys a subscription plan from my Wordpress landing website,
* at order completion, I call my SaaS project's API to create the user also in my SaaS database, and redirect the user
* to his account on my SaaS project. The purchased subscription (and license) is already applied to the user's account
* as in the API call, I mentioned all info to my SaaS server.
* ### From my SaaS project, I check Woocommerce API every 24hours for subscription changes for each of my users via
* automated API calls and update the SaaS database.
* This will add License info and Subscription info to each product's meta data.
function amirhmoradi_add_lic_subs_info_to_line_items_wc_api ( $items, $order, $types )
foreach ($items as $orderItemId => $item){
if ( is_a( $item, 'WC_Order_Item_Product' ) ) {
$prd_id = $item->get_data()["product_id"];
$user_id = $order->get_customer_id();
$order_id = $order->get_id();
$prd_name = $item->get_data()["product_name"];
$license = LicenseManagerForWooCommerce\Repositories\Resources\License::instance()->findBy(
'product_id' => $prd_id,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'order_id' => $order_id,
$subscription_id = sumosubs_get_subscriptions_by_product($prd_id,$user_id)[0];
$subscription = sumo_get_subscription($subscription_id);
$subscription_data = array(
'raw_meta' => get_post_meta($subscription_id),
'order_id' => $order_id,
'date' => sumo_display_start_date( $subscription_id ),
'status' => sumo_get_subscription_status( get_post_meta( $subscription_id, 'sumo_get_status', true )),
'total' => sumo_get_subscription_plan( $subscription_id ),
$subscription_data["customer_email"] = $subscription_data["raw_meta"]["sumo_buyer_email"];
$subscription_data["subscription_end_date_gmt"] = $subscription_data["raw_meta"]["sumo_get_next_payment_date"];
$subscription = (object) array_merge(
(array) $subscription, $subscription_data);
$license_line = [
"id" => $license->getId(),
"product_id" => $license->getProductId(),
"product_name" => $prd_name,
"order_id" => $license->getOrderId(),
"key" => $license->getDecryptedLicenseKey(),
"expires_at" => $license->getExpiresAt(),
"valid_for_days" => $license->getValidFor(),
"source" => $license->getSource(),
"status" => $license->getStatus(),
"times_activated" => $license->getTimesActivated(),
"times_activated_max" => $license->getTimesActivatedMax(),
"subscription" => $subscription,
$item['license'] = $license_line;
return $items;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_get_items', 'amirhmoradi_add_lic_subs_info_to_line_items_wc_api',10 ,3);
* This will add Subscription info to the orders's subscription_lines new element.
function amirhmoradi_add_subscriptions_to_order_api_data ( $response, $order, $request ) {
$subscriptionId = sumosubs_get_subscriptions_from_parent_order($order->id)[0];
$subscription = sumo_get_subscription($subscriptionId);
$subscription_data = array(
'raw_meta' => get_post_meta($subscriptionId),
'order_id' => $order->id,
'date' => sumo_display_start_date( $subscriptionId ),
'status' => sumo_get_subscription_status( get_post_meta( $subscriptionId, 'sumo_get_status', true )),
'total' => sumo_get_subscription_plan( $subscriptionId ),
$subscription_data["customer_email"] = $subscription_data["raw_meta"]["sumo_buyer_email"];
$subscription_data["subscription_end_date_gmt"] = $subscription_data["raw_meta"]["sumo_get_next_payment_date"];
$subscription = (object) array_merge(
(array) $subscription, $subscription_data);
$response->data['subscription_lines'][] = $subscription;
return $response;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_rest_prepare_shop_order_object', 'amirhmoradi_add_subscriptions_to_order_api_data',9 ,3);
* This will add Licenses info to the orders's subscription_lines new element.
function amirhmoradi_add_licenses_to_order_api_data ( $response, $order, $request ) {
$licenses = apply_filters('lmfwc_get_customer_license_keys', $order);
foreach ($licenses as $prd_id => $license) {
$prd_name = $license["name"];
$license = $license["keys"][0];
$license_line = [ "id" => $license->getId(),
"product_id" => $license->getProductId(),
"product_name" => $prd_name,
"order_id" => $license->getOrderId(),
"key" => $license->getDecryptedLicenseKey(),
"expires_at" => $license->getExpiresAt(),
"valid_for_days" => $license->getValidFor(),
"source" => $license->getSource(),
"status" => $license->getStatus(),
"times_activated" => $license->getTimesActivated(),
"times_activated_max" => $license->getTimesActivatedMax(),
$license_lines[] = $license_line;
$response->data['license_lines'] = $license_lines;
return $response;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_rest_prepare_shop_order_object', 'amirhmoradi_add_licenses_to_order_api_data',10 ,3);
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Hi @sammymlangeni , thanks for the feedback.

I did not test your specific use-case, but as the code is written, it would take all license keys "per order" and add them to the "license_lines" output key.
Theoretically, if the customer bought multiple licenses in a given order, they would show in the corresponding order's output.

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sammymlangeni commented Aug 3, 2022

Hi @amirhmoradi

Thank you for your feedback,

I think this line is the one that is delivering a single line $license = $license["keys"][0]; preventing the delivery of various quantities (e.g a customer bought more than one license on a single order ). This is on my basic understanding of the array structure.

Once more, thank you for responding to my query

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Hi @amirhmoradi

I replied to your question here
Yes, the sample you shared is what I am looking for,Thank you in advance

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Hi @amirhmoradi

Do you mind sharing the code you used to get the recent outcome on this post

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