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Last active September 19, 2018 12:01
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stat_sand <- function(mapping = NULL,
data = NULL,
position = 'identity',
na.rm = FALSE,
show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE,
...) {
stat = StatSand,
geom = GeomSand,
data = data,
position = position,
show.legend = show.legend,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
na.rm = na.rm,
StatSand <- ggproto(
required_aes = c("x", "y"),
setup_data = function(data, params) {
compute_group = function(data, scales, params) {
# print(data)
geom_sand <- function(mapping = NULL,
data = NULL,
hl = NA,
vl = NA,
position = "identity",
na.rm = FALSE,
show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE,
...) {
stat = StatSand,
geom = GeomSand,
data = data,
mapping = mapping,
position = position,
show.legend = show.legend,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
hl = hl,
vl = vl,
na.rm = na.rm,
GeomSand <- ggproto(
required_aes = c("x", "y"),
# draw_key = draw_key_path,
default_aes = aes(
fill = NA,
alpha = 1,
size = 1,
stroke = 1,
linetype = 1,
colour = 'black',
shape = 16
setup_data = function(data, params) {
# data$xend <- params$vl
# data$yend <- params$hl
# print(params)
# print(data)
draw_panel = function(data, panel_params, coord, hl, vl){
# print("Geom:draw_panel")
# print(panel_params)
# print(coord)
coords <- coord$transform(data, panel_params)
# print(coord$limits)
# print(panel_params)
# print(coords)
panel_params$x.range <- c(-15, 15)
panel_params$y.range <- c(-15, 15)
panel_params$y.labels <- c("10", "15")
v.line <- data.frame(x = vl, xend = vl, y = panel_params$y.range[1], yend = panel_params$y.range[2])
v.line <- cbind(v.line, head(select(coords, -x, -y), 1))
v.line$size <- 1
h.line <- data.frame(y = hl, yend = hl, x = panel_params$x.range[1], xend = panel_params$x.range[2])
h.line <- cbind(h.line, head(select(coords, -x, -y), 1))
h.line$size <- 1
GeomPoint$draw_panel(data, panel_params, coord)
# Vertical Line
, GeomSegment$draw_panel(v.line,
# Horizontal Line
, GeomSegment$draw_panel(h.line,
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