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Last active June 19, 2021 17:40
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Dijkstra's algorithm... yayyyy.....
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NodeId = System.String;
namespace dijkstra
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Visual representation of Graph
// +--------------[F]------ 9 -----[E]
// | | |
// | 2 6
// | | |
// | +--------[C]----- 11 -----[D]
// | | | |
// 14 | | |
// | 9 10 14
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +----[A]-- 7 --[B]---------------+
// Calculate shortest path
var path = Dijkstra.ShortestPath(startNode: "A",
endNode: "E",
graph: new Graph("A", 7, "B",
"A", 9, "C",
"B", 10, "C",
"B", 14, "D",
"A", 14, "F",
"C", 2, "F",
"C", 11, "D",
"F", 9, "E",
"D", 6, "E"));
// Write all graph history
path.History.Each(g => $"{g}\n".WriteLine());
// Write all the nodes
path.Nodes().Join(" -> ").WriteLine(label: "* Path/Solution:");
// Output
// * Graph Generation: 0
// ** Node: A, Pending
// ** Node: B, Pending
// ** Node: C, Pending
// ** Node: D, Pending
// ** Node: F, Pending
// ** Node: E, Pending
// * Graph Generation: 1
// ** Node: A, Score: 0, Source: A
// ** Node: B, Pending
// ** Node: C, Pending
// ** Node: F, Pending
// ** Node: D, Pending
// ** Node: E, Pending
// * Graph Generation: 2
// ** Node: A, Score: 0, Source: A
// ** Node: B, Score: 7, Source: A
// ** Node: C, Pending
// ** Node: F, Pending
// ** Node: D, Pending
// ** Node: E, Pending
// * Graph Generation: 3
// ** Node: A, Score: 0, Source: A
// ** Node: B, Score: 7, Source: A
// ** Node: C, Score: 9, Source: A
// ** Node: F, Pending
// ** Node: D, Pending
// ** Node: E, Pending
// * Graph Generation: 4
// ** Node: A, Score: 0, Source: A
// ** Node: B, Score: 7, Source: A
// ** Node: C, Score: 9, Source: A
// ** Node: F, Score: 11, Source: C
// ** Node: D, Pending
// ** Node: E, Pending
// * Graph Generation: 5
// ** Node: A, Score: 0, Source: A
// ** Node: B, Score: 7, Source: A
// ** Node: C, Score: 9, Source: A
// ** Node: F, Score: 11, Source: C
// ** Node: D, Pending
// ** Node: E, Score: 20, Source: F
// * Graph Generation: 6
// ** Node: A, Score: 0, Source: A
// ** Node: B, Score: 7, Source: A
// ** Node: C, Score: 9, Source: A
// ** Node: F, Score: 11, Source: C
// ** Node: D, Score: 20, Source: C
// ** Node: E, Score: 20, Source: F
// * Path/Solution: A -> C -> F -> E
public static class Dijkstra
public static Path ShortestPath(NodeId startNode,
NodeId endNode,
Graph graph)
var history = new List<Graph> { graph };
return new Path(startNode,
nodeToScore: startNode,
history: history));
static List<Graph> ShortestPathRecur(NodeId startNode,
NodeId endNode,
Graph graph,
NodeId nodeToScore,
List<Graph> history)
if (nodeToScore == null) return history;
var nextGraph = graph.DeepClone();
if (nodeToScore == startNode) nextGraph.SetScore(nodeToScore, 0);
nextGraph.Neighbors(of: nodeToScore)
.Each(neighbor => nextGraph.ScoreNeighbor(source: nodeToScore,
neighbor: neighbor));
return ShortestPathRecur(startNode,
graph: nextGraph,
nodeToScore: nextGraph.PendingNeighbor(of: nodeToScore),
history: history);
public class Path
public NodeId StartNode { get; set; }
public NodeId EndNode { get; set; }
public List<Graph> History { get; set; }
public Path(NodeId startNode, NodeId endNode, List<Graph> history)
StartNode = startNode;
EndNode = endNode;
History = history;
public IEnumerable<NodeId> Nodes()
return ResultRecur(History.Last(),
new List<NodeId> { EndNode }).ReverseEx();
List<NodeId> ResultRecur(Graph graph, List<NodeId> path)
var lastNode = path.LastOrDefault();
if (lastNode == StartNode) return path;
return ResultRecur(graph,
public class Graph
public int Generation { get; set; } = 0;
public Dictionary<NodeId, Dictionary<NodeId, int>> Edges = new Dictionary<NodeId, Dictionary<NodeId, int>>();
public Dictionary<NodeId, bool> Completed = new Dictionary<NodeId, bool>();
public Dictionary<NodeId, NodeId> ScoreSource { get; set; } = new Dictionary<NodeId, NodeId>();
public Dictionary<NodeId, int> Scores { get; set; } = new Dictionary<NodeId, int>();
public Graph() { }
public Graph(NodeId from, int distance, NodeId to, params object[] rest)
AddConnection(from, distance, to);
rest.EachThree<NodeId, int, NodeId>(AddConnection);
public int Score(NodeId node) => Scores[node];
public void AddConnection(NodeId from, int distance, NodeId to)
AddEdge(from, distance, to);
public void AddEdge(NodeId from, int distance, NodeId to)
edges.SafeGetOrNew(from)[to] = distance;
edges.SafeGetOrNew(to)[from] = distance;
public void AddNode(NodeId node)
Scores[node] = int.MaxValue;
completed[node] = false;
public void MarkComplete(NodeId node) => completed[node] = true;
public IEnumerable<NodeId> Neighbors(NodeId of) => edges[of].Keys;
public void ScoreNeighbor(NodeId source, NodeId neighbor) =>
SetScore(node: neighbor,
value: Distance(source, neighbor) + Score(source),
source: source);
public void SetScore(NodeId node, int value) => SetScore(node, value, null);
public void SetScore(NodeId node, int value, NodeId source)
if (Scores[node] < value) return;
Scores[node] = value;
if (source != null) ScoreSource[node] = source;
public int Distance(NodeId node, NodeId otherNode) => edges[node][otherNode];
public Graph DeepClone()
var clone = new Graph();
clone.Generation = Generation + 1;
edges.Each((node, neighbors) =>
neighbors.Each((otherNode, distance) =>
clone.AddConnection(node, distance, otherNode);
Scores.Each((node, score) => clone.Scores[node] = score);
ScoreSource.Each((node, sourceNode) => clone.ScoreSource[node] = sourceNode);
completed.FilterEach(filter: (_, hasBeenScored) => hasBeenScored,
action: (node, _) => clone.MarkComplete(node));
return clone;
public NodeId PendingNeighbor(NodeId of) => PendingNeighbors(of).FirstOrDefault();
public IEnumerable<NodeId> PendingNeighbors(NodeId of) => Neighbors(of).Where(IsPending);
public bool IsPending(NodeId node) => !completed[node];
string NodeToString(string node)
if (IsPending(node)) return $"** Node: {node}, Pending";
return $"** Node: {node}, Score: {Scores[node]}, Source: {ScoreSource.SafeGetOrDefault(node, node)}";
public override string ToString()
var strings = new List<string>();
strings.Add($"* Graph Generation: {Generation}");
Scores.Each((node, score) => strings.Add(NodeToString(node)));
return strings.Join("\n");
static class Extensions
// debugging extensions
public static T WriteLine<T>(this T o, string label = "")
if (label != string.Empty) label = label + " ";
return o;
// enumeration extensions
public static void Times(this int t, Action<int> action)
for(var i = 0; i < t; i++) action(i);
public static void Each<T1, T2>(this Dictionary<T1, T2> dict, Action<T1, T2> action)
dict.Keys.Each(k => action(k, dict[k]));
public static void Each<T1>(this IEnumerable<T1> list, Action<T1> action)
foreach (var l in list) action(l);
public static void EachThree<T1, T2, T3>(this object[] list, Action<T1, T2, T3> action)
(list.Length / 3).Times(i => action((T1)list[i * 3], (T2)list[i * 3 + 1], (T3)list[i * 3 + 2]));
public static void FilterEach<T1, T2>(this Dictionary<T1, T2> dict, Func<T1, T2, bool> filter, Action<T1, T2> action)
.Where(k => filter(k, dict[k]))
.Each(k => action(k, dict[k]));
// dictionary extensions
public static T2 SafeGetOrDefault<T1, T2>(this Dictionary<T1, T2> dict, T1 key, T2 defaultValue)
if (!dict.ContainsKey(key)) return defaultValue;
return dict[key];
public static T2 SafeGetOrNew<T1, T2>(this Dictionary<T1, T2> dict, T1 key) where T2 : new()
if (!dict.ContainsKey(key)) dict.Add(key, new T2());
return dict[key];
// list extensions
public static IEnumerable<T> ReverseEx<T>(this List<T> list)
var result = new List<T>(list);
return result;
public static List<T> AppendEx<T>(this List<T> list, T value)
return list;
public static string Join<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, string delimiter)
return string.Join(delimiter, list);
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