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Created April 3, 2017 09:32
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package org.modeshape.jcr.index.local;
import org.mapdb.*;
import org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems;
import org.modeshape.jcr.ExecutionContext;
import org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n;
import org.modeshape.jcr.NodeTypes;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.index.IndexDefinition;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.ChildCount;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.change.ChangeSetAdapter;
import org.modeshape.jcr.query.QueryContext;
import org.modeshape.jcr.query.model.Comparison;
import org.modeshape.jcr.query.model.FullTextSearch;
import org.modeshape.jcr.spi.index.IndexCostCalculator;
import org.modeshape.jcr.spi.index.provider.IndexProvider;
import org.modeshape.jcr.spi.index.provider.IndexUsage;
import org.modeshape.jcr.spi.index.provider.ManagedIndexBuilder;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Set;
* User: Antoine Mischler <>
* Date: 31/03/2017
* Time: 15:53
public class CustomLocalIndexProvider extends IndexProvider {
private static final String DB_FILENAME = "local-indexes.db";
* The directory in which the indexes are to be stored. This needs to be set, or the {@link #path} and {@link #relativeTo}
* need to be set.
private String directory;
* The path in which the indexes are to be stored, relative to {@link #relativeTo}. Both of these need to be set, or the
* {@link #directory} needs to be set.
private String path;
* The directory relative to which the {@link #path} specifies where the indexes are to be stored. Both of these need to be
* set, or the {@link #directory} needs to be set.
private String relativeTo;
private DB db;
private IndexUpdater indexUpdater;
* A bunch of MapDB specific options which can be used to further tweak this provider
private boolean cacheLRUEnable = false;
private boolean mmapFileEnable = false;
private boolean commitFileSyncDisable = false;
private boolean transactionDisable = false;
private boolean asyncWrite = false;
private Integer cacheSize;
public CustomLocalIndexProvider() {
* Get the absolute or relative path to the directory where this provider should store the indexes.
* @return the path to the directory
public String getDirectory() {
return directory;
protected void doInitialize() throws RepositoryException {
if (directory == null && relativeTo != null && path != null) {
// Try to set the directory using relativeTo and path ...
try {
File rel = new File(relativeTo);
File dir = Paths.get(rel.toURI()).resolve(path).toFile();
directory = dir.getAbsolutePath();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RepositoryException(e);
if (directory == null) {
throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.localIndexProviderMustHaveDirectory.text(getRepositoryName()));
logger().debug("Initializing the local index provider '{0}' in repository '{1}' at: {2}", getName(), getRepositoryName(),
// Find the directory and make sure it exists and we have read and write permission ...
File dir = new File(directory);
if (!dir.exists()) {
// Try to make it ...
logger().debug("Attempting to create directory for local indexes in repository '{1}' at: {0}", dir.getAbsolutePath(),
if (dir.mkdirs()) {
logger().debug("Created directory for local indexes in repository '{1}' at: {0}", dir.getAbsolutePath(),
} else {
logger().debug("Unable to create directory for local indexes in repository '{1}' at: {0}", dir.getAbsolutePath(),
if (!dir.canRead()) {
throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.localIndexProviderDirectoryMustBeReadable.text(dir, getRepositoryName()));
if (!dir.canWrite()) {
throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.localIndexProviderDirectoryMustBeWritable.text(dir, getRepositoryName()));
// Find the file for the indexes ...
File file = new File(dir, DB_FILENAME);
if (logger().isDebugEnabled()) {
String action = file.exists() ? "Opening" : "Creating";
logger().debug("{0} the local index provider database for repository '{1}' at: {2}", action, getRepositoryName(),
// Get the database ...
DBMaker<?> dbMaker = DBMaker.newFileDB(file);
if (this.cacheSize != null) {
logger().debug("MapDB cache size set to {0} for index provider {1}", cacheSize, getName());
if (this.cacheLRUEnable) {
logger().debug("MapDB cacheLRU enabled for index provider {0}", getName());
if (this.mmapFileEnable) {
logger().debug("MapDB mmapFiles enabled for index provider {0}", getName());
if (this.commitFileSyncDisable) {
logger().debug("MapDB commitFileSync enabled for index provider {0}", getName());
if (this.transactionDisable) {
logger().debug("MapDB transactions disabled for index provider {0}", getName());
if (this.asyncWrite) {
logger().debug("MapDB async writes enabled for index provider {0}", getName());
// we always want to have the close via the shutdown hook; it should be idempotent
this.db = make(dbMaker);
this.indexUpdater = new IndexUpdater(db);
logger().trace("Found the index files {0} in index database for repository '{1}' at: {2}", db.getCatalog(),
getRepositoryName(), file.getAbsolutePath());
public DB make(DBMaker dbMaker) {
Engine engine = dbMaker.makeEngine();
boolean dbCreated = false;
DB var5;
try {
DB db = new DB(engine, false, false) {
public synchronized <K> Set<K> getHashSet(String name) {
Set ret = (Set)this.getFromWeakCollection(name);
if(ret != null) {
return ret;
} else {
String type = (String)this.catGet(name + ".type", (Object)null);
if(type == null) {
if(this.engine.isReadOnly()) {
StoreHeap e = new StoreHeap();
(new DB(e)).getHashSet("a");
return null;
} else {
return this.createHashSet(name).counterEnable().makeOrGet();
} else {
this.checkType(type, "HashSet");
ret = (new HTreeMap(this.engine, ((Long)this.catGet(name + ".counterRecid")).longValue(), ((Integer)this.catGet(name + ".hashSalt")).intValue(), (long[])((long[])this.catGet(name + ".segmentRecids")), (Serializer)this.catGet(name + ".serializer", this.getDefaultSerializer()), (Serializer)null, ((Long)this.catGet(name + ".expireTimeStart", Long.valueOf(0L))).longValue(), ((Long)this.catGet(name + ".expire", Long.valueOf(0L))).longValue(), ((Long)this.catGet(name + ".expireAccess", Long.valueOf(0L))).longValue(), ((Long)this.catGet(name + ".expireMaxSize", Long.valueOf(0L))).longValue(), ((Long)this.catGet(name + ".expireStoreSize", Long.valueOf(0L))).longValue(), (long[])((long[])this.catGet(name + ".expireHeads", (Object)null)), (long[])((long[])this.catGet(name + ".expireTails", (Object)null)), (Fun.Function1)null, (Hasher)this.catGet(name + ".hasher", Hasher.BASIC), false)).keySet();
this.namedPut(name, ret);
return ret;
dbCreated = true;
var5 = db;
} finally {
if(!dbCreated) {
return var5;
protected void postShutdown() {
logger().debug("Shutting down the local index provider '{0}' in repository '{1}'", getName(), getRepositoryName());
if (db != null) {
try {
} finally {
db = null;
public Long getLatestIndexUpdateTime() {
return indexUpdater.latestIndexUpdateTime();
public void validateProposedIndex( ExecutionContext context,
IndexDefinition defn,
NodeTypes.Supplier nodeTypeSupplier,
Problems problems ) {
// first perform some custom validations
LocalIndexBuilder.validate(defn, problems);
protected ManagedIndexBuilder getIndexBuilder(IndexDefinition defn,
String workspaceName,
NodeTypes.Supplier nodeTypesSupplier,
ChangeSetAdapter.NodeTypePredicate matcher ) {
return LocalIndexBuilder.create(context(), defn, nodeTypesSupplier, workspaceName, matcher, db);
protected IndexUsage evaluateUsage(QueryContext context, IndexCostCalculator calculator, IndexDefinition defn ) {
return new IndexUsage(context, calculator, defn) {
protected boolean applies( FullTextSearch search ) {
// We don't support full text search criteria ...
return false;
protected boolean indexAppliesTo( Comparison constraint ) {
if (QueryObjectModelConstants.JCR_OPERATOR_LIKE.equals(constraint.getOperator())) {
// Our indexes don't handle LIKE operations ...
return false;
return super.indexAppliesTo(constraint);
protected boolean applies( ChildCount operand ) {
// this index can't handle this
return false;
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