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Created February 22, 2019 06:27
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eLocations Smart Contract
contract AgreementContract {
struct PaidRent {
uint id;
uint value;
PaidRent[] public paidrents;
uint public lastRentPaidTimestamp;
uint public createdTimestamp;
uint public rent;
string public deposit;
string public house;
string public country;
string public referenceD;
address public landlord;
address public tenant;
enum State {Created, Started, Terminated}
State public state;
function AgreementContract(uint _rent, string _deposit, string _house, string _referenceD, string _country) {
rent = _rent;
deposit = _deposit;
house = _house;
country = _country;
referenceD = _referenceD;
landlord = msg.sender;
createdTimestamp = block.timestamp;
modifier require(bool _condition) {
if (!_condition) throw;
modifier onlyLandlord() {
if (msg.sender != landlord) throw;
modifier onlyTenant() {
if (msg.sender != tenant) throw;
modifier inState(State _state) {
if (state != _state) throw;
/* We also have some getters so that we can read the values
from the blockchain at any time */
function getPaidRents() internal returns (PaidRent[]) {
return paidrents;
function getHouse() constant returns (string) {
return house;
function getDeposit() constant returns (string) {
return deposit;
function getCountry() constant returns (string) {
return country;
function getLandlord() constant returns (address) {
return landlord;
function getTenant() constant returns (address) {
return tenant;
function getRent() constant returns (uint) {
return rent;
function getReferenceDetails() constant returns (string) {
return referenceD;
function getContractCreated() constant returns (uint) {
return createdTimestamp;
function getContractAddress() constant returns (address) {
return this;
function getLastRentPaidTime() constant returns (uint) {
return lastRentPaidTimestamp;
function getState() returns (State) {
return state;
/* Events for DApps to listen to */
event agreementConfirmed();
event paidRent();
event contractTerminated();
/* Confirm the lease agreement as customer*/
function confirmAgreement()
require(msg.sender != landlord)
tenant = msg.sender;
state = State.Started;
function payRent() payable
require(msg.value >= rent)
id : paidrents.length + 1,
value : msg.value
lastRentPaidTimestamp = block.timestamp;
/* Terminate the contract so the customer can’t pay rent anymore,
and the contract is terminated */
function terminateContract() payable
//Comment the above line and uncomment the line below if you want both tenant and landlord to have the authority to cancel/terminate the contract, otherwise it's only the landlord who can terminate the contract
//require(msg.sender == landlord || msg.sender == tenant)
/* If there is any value on the
contract send it to the owner (company)*/
state = State.Terminated;
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