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Last active November 12, 2019 07:50
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  • Save amit-g/a020cf91bbab4dc2656aac97f3e6a61a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Reads the Podcast Feed and Downloads the Podcasts
$FeedResponse=Invoke-WebRequest $FeedUrl
$ |
Select-Object @{ L="PubDate"; E={ [DateTime]::ParseExact($_.pubDate.Substring(0, $_.pubDate.Length - 3) + "GMT", "R", $null) } }, @{ L="Uri"; E={ [Uri]$_.guid } } |
Select-Object @{ L="LocalName"; E={ $_.PubDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-") + [Uri]::UnescapeDataString($_.Uri.Segments[$_.Uri.Segments.Length - 1]).Replace(" ", "_") } }, PubDate, Uri |
Select-Object -First 2 |
% { if (! (Test-Path $_.LocalName)) { echo "Downloading $($_.LocalName)"; "Start-BitsTransfer -Source $_.Uri -Destination $_.LocalName; Sleep 10;" } else { echo "$($_.LocalName) already downloaded" } }
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