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Created August 29, 2023 16:53
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global without sharing class WhatsAppWebhook {
private static Final String SIGNATURE_VALID_MESSAGE = 'Signature Verified';
private static Final String SIGNATURE_NOT_VALID_MESSAGE = 'Signature could not be verified';
@HttpGet // GET
global static void doGet() {
RestResponse response = RestContext.response;
RestRequest request = RestContext.request;
if(request.params.get('hub.verify_token') == 'WHATSAPPTOKEN'){
response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf( request.params.get('hub.challenge') );
@HttpPost // POST
global static void doPost() {
RestResponse response = RestContext.response;
String responseString = RestContext.request.requestBody.toString();
Map<String, String> headers = RestContext.request.headers;
String responseValid = validateWhatsAppSignature(RestContext.request, responseString);
if(responseValid == SIGNATURE_VALID_MESSAGE){
System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.DEBUG, ' Headers Response From WhatsApp \n '+ JSON.serialize(headers) );
System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.DEBUG, ' Response From WhatsApp \n '+ responseString);
String finalResponseString = responseString.replace('type', 'typex');
WhatsAppMessage parentMessage = (WhatsAppMessage)JSON.deserialize( finalResponseString, WhatsAppMessage.class);
List<WhatsAppMessage.entry> messageEntries = parentMessage.entry;
if(messageEntries != null && messageEntries.size() > 0){
WhatsAppMessage.entry entryMessage = messageEntries.get(0);
List<WhatsAppMessage.changes> changeMessages = entryMessage.changes;
if(changeMessages != null && changeMessages.size() > 0){
WhatsAppMessage.changes changeMessage = changeMessages.get(0);
List<WhatsAppMessage.contacts> contactList = changeMessage.value.contacts;
List<WhatsAppMessage.messages> messageList = changeMessage.value.messages;
WhatsAppMessage.metadata metadata = changeMessage.value.metadata;
/* Create record into Salesforce */
WAMessage__c salesforceMessage = new WAMessage__c();
salesforceMessage.BusinessPhoneNumber__c = metadata != null ? metadata.display_phone_number : null;
if(contactList != null && contactList.size() > 0){
WhatsAppMessage.contacts contact = contactList.get(0);
salesforceMessage.CustomerPhone__c = contact.wa_id;
salesforceMessage.CustomerName__c =;
if(messageList != null && messageList.size() > 0){
/* Simple Message */
WhatsAppMessage.messages message = messageList.get(0);
salesforceMessage.MessageID__c =;
salesforceMessage.MessageType__c = message.typex;
salesforceMessage.MessageSentTime__c =;
salesforceMessage.MessageContent__c = message.text != null? message.text.body : null;
/* If message is reaction */
salesforceMessage.Reaction__c = message.reaction != null ? message.reaction.emoji : null;
salesforceMessage.ParentMessageID__c = message.reaction != null ? message.reaction.message_id : null;
/* If message is Image */
salesforceMessage.ImageID__c = message.image != null ? : null;
salesforceMessage.ImageType__c = message.image != null ? message.image.mime_type : null;
salesforceMessage.ImageSHA256__c = message.image != null ? message.image.sha256 : null;
/* If message is Video */
salesforceMessage.VideoId__c = != null ? : null;
salesforceMessage.VideoType__c = != null ? : null;
salesforceMessage.VideoSHA256__c = != null ? : null;
/* If message is Document */
/* If the message is reply to another message */
salesforceMessage.ParentMessageID__c = message.context != null ? : null;
upsert salesforceMessage MessageID__c;
/* Publish the Platform Event to be listened by LWC */
WA_Message_Event__e platformEvent = new WA_Message_Event__e();
platformEvent.Message_Id__c = salesforceMessage.Id;
platformEvent.Customer_Phone__c = salesforceMessage.CustomerPhone__c;
Eventbus.publish( platformEvent );
response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('{success:false, event:"Unknown","message:"'+responseValid+'"}');
response.statusCode = 401;
response.statusCode = 200;
response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('{success:true, event:"success"}');
private static String validateWhatsAppSignature(RestRequest request, String responseString) {
// Validate Stripe signature Start
Map<String, String> headers = request.headers;
String whatsAppSignature = headers.get('X-Hub-Signature-256');
String whatsAppPayload = RestContext.request.requestBody.toString();
// Verify the signature using 'hmacSHA256'. I have the Webhook key stored in a Custom Label
String whatsAppSecret = System.Label.WHATSAPPSECRET; // Facebook Application Secret Key
Blob signedPayload = Crypto.generateMac('hmacSHA256', Blob.valueOf(whatsAppPayload), Blob.valueOf( whatsAppSecret ));
String encodedPayload = 'sha256='+EncodingUtil.convertToHex(signedPayload);
// Return status code based on whether signed payload matches or not
String response = (encodedPayload == whatsAppSignature)? SIGNATURE_VALID_MESSAGE : SIGNATURE_NOT_VALID_MESSAGE;
return response;
// Validate Stripe signature End
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