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Created December 13, 2018 13:15
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Yarowsky's supervised Decision List
import sys
import argparse
import pprint
import string
import re
import math
import nltk
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
from nltk.probability import ConditionalFreqDist
from nltk.probability import ConditionalProbDist
from nltk.probability import LaplaceProbDist
from nltk.probability import WittenBellProbDist
from nltk.probability import LidstoneProbDist
from nltk.probability import UniformProbDist
from nltk import tag
from nltk.metrics import ConfusionMatrix
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize.punkt import PunktWordTokenizer
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
tokenizer = PunktWordTokenizer()
#tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+|\$[\d\.]+|\S+')
#tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\S+')
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
test_data = \
*bass: portion of shrimp, mussels, sea bass and whatnot in a spicy,
bass: Stephan Weidner, the composer and bass player for Boehse Onkelz, a
bass: valued at $250,000. Another double bass trapped in the room is
*bass: -- OPTIONAL MATERIAL FOLLOWS.) Striped bass are also being spotted in
*bass: source of entertainment is pay-per-view bass fishing. Yet this is still
*bass: herring and the enormous striped bass that feed on them. It
*bass: and dining on Chilean sea bass and poached peaches. <DOC id="APW20010228.0028"
*bass: <DOC id="NYT20010802.0256" type="story" > Japan's bass fisherman become homeland heroes New
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
*bass: restaurant, waiters serve pecan-crusted sea bass ($18.95) and peppered rib eye
class DecisionListClf(object):
Implements the Supervised Yarowsky Decision list for the homograph
disambiguation problem.
Constructor takes as input a string of test data of the form:
*word: context of word to train the classifier on
word: context of the word with a different sense
def __init__(self, train_data, test_data = None):
# root word without and with the prepended *
self.root = None # + likelihood denotes this sense
self.root_star = None # - likelihood denotes this sense
# The train split into a two part list [sense, [context, tokens]]
# It handles basic normalization by removing English stop words,
# punctuation, and XML tags
self.train = self.process_corpus(train_data)
#portion = int(len(self.train) * 0.5)
#self.train = self.train[:portion]
if test_data:
self.test = self.process_corpus(test_data)
self.test = None
# Uses NLTK's ConditionalFreqDist to count up frequencies = None
# Uses NLTK's ConditionalProbDist and one of the ProbDistI classes to
# calculate probabilities and smooth counts respectively
self.cpd = None
# Creates a list of rules sorted by their log likelihood
self.decision_list = []
# Generates the above from the train data
self.res = dict()
#self.prior_probability = None
#self.majority_label = None
def fit(self):
# creates and self.cpd
def generate_distributions(self, smooth=None):
Creates the conditional frequency and probability distributions to
generate the decision list rules.
""" = ConditionalFreqDist()
self.k_word_dist(self.train, 1)
self.k_word_dist(self.train, -1)
self.k_window_dist(self.train, 5)
self.k_tag_dist(self.train, 1)
self.k_tag_dist(self.train, -1)
if smooth:
self.cpd = ConditionalProbDist(, smooth)
#self.cpd = ConditionalProbDist(, WittenBellProbDist, 3)
self.cpd = ConditionalProbDist(, LidstoneProbDist, 0.1)
#self.cpd = ConditionalProbDist(cfd, LaplaceProbDist)
#self.cpd = ConditionalProbDist(cfd, UniformProbDist)
def generate_decision_list(self):
for rule in self.cpd.conditions():
likelihood = self.calculate_log_likelihood(rule)
self.decision_list.append([rule, likelihood])
# instead of always applying the abs, I opted to apply only while
# sorting, as the sign is an easy way to denote sense:
# + for root / - for root star
self.decision_list.sort(key=lambda rule: math.fabs(rule[1]), reverse=True)
def evaluate(self, test_data=None):
if test_data:
self.test = self.process_corpus(test_data)
root_prior, root_star_prior = 0.0, 0.0
for line in self.train:
if line[0] == self.root:
root_prior += 1.0
elif line[0] == self.root_star:
root_star_prior += 1.0
print("warning no match")
self.res["total"] = root_star_prior + root_prior
self.res["root_prior"] = root_prior / self.res["total"]
self.res["root_star_prior"] = root_star_prior / self.res["total"]
if self.res["root_star_prior"] > self.res["root_prior"]:
self.majority_label = self.root_star
self.res["prior_probability"] = self.res["root_star_prior"]
self.majority_label = self.root
self.res["prior_probability"] = self.res["root_prior"]
predictions, references = [], []
self.res["correct"], self.res["incorrect"], self.res["all_res"] = [], [], []
for context in self.test:
pred, ref, r, c = self.predict(context)
if pred == ref:
self.res["correct"].append([pred, ref, r, c])
self.res["all_res"].append([r[1], "correct"])
elif pred != ref:
self.res["incorrect"].append([pred, ref, r, c])
self.res["all_res"].append([r[1], "incorrect"])
self.res["predictions"] = predictions
self.res["references"] = references
self.res["cm"] = self.confustion_matrix(predictions, references)
self.res["accuracy"] = self.accuracy(predictions, references)
self.res["error"] = 1.0 - self.res["accuracy"]
self.res["baseline_error"] = 1.0 - self.res["prior_probability"]
self.res["error_reduction"] = \
self.error_reduction(self.res["error"], self.res["baseline_error"])
self.res["root_star_precision"], self.res["root_precision"] = \
self.res["root_star_recall"], self.res["root_recall"] = \
self.res["macro_precision"], self.res["macro_recall"] = self.macro_average( \
self.res["root_precision"], \
self.res["root_star_recall"], \
# bin log-likelihood by casting as an int
self.res["dlist_dist"] = [int(r[1]) for r in self.decision_list]
#self.res["dlist_dist"] = [math.fabs(int(r[1])) for r in self.decision_list]
self.res["cnd_dist"] = ConditionalFreqDist()
for res in self.res["all_res"]:
#condition = str(res[0]) + "_" + str(res[1])
self.res["cnd_dist"][str(math.fabs(int(res[0])))][str(res[1])] += 1
def print_results(self):
print("int-binned log-likelihood distributions:")
ll_fdist = FreqDist(self.res["dlist_dist"])
.format("Majority Class Prior Prob: ",
.format("Majority Class Label: ", self.majority_label))
.format("Accuracy: ", self.res["accuracy"]))
.format("Error: ", self.res["error"]))
.format("Error Reduction / Baseline: ",
"Precision: ",
"Precision: ",
"Recall: ",
"Recall: ",
.format("Macro Precision: ", self.res["macro_precision"]))
.format("Macro Recall: ", self.res["macro_recall"]))
print("Top Ten Rules:")
for l in self.decision_list[:10]:
print("{:<30}{:>.4}".format(l[0], l[1]))
print("3 Correct:")
for l in self.res["correct"][:3]:
print("Correctly Predicted: {} \n Rule: {}, log-likelihood: {} \n {}"
.format(l[0], l[2][0], l[2][1], " ".join(l[3])))
print("3 Incorrect:")
for l in self.res["incorrect"][:3]:
print("Predicted: {}, was actually: {} \n Rule: {}, log-likelihood: {} \n {}"
.format(l[0], l[1], l[2][0], l[2][1], " ".join(l[3])))
def confustion_matrix(self, predictions, references):
return ConfusionMatrix(references, predictions)
def accuracy(self, predictions, references):
correct, total = 0.0, 0.0
for i, p in enumerate(predictions):
if p == references[i]:
correct += 1.0
total += 1.0
return correct / total
def error_reduction(self, my_error, base_error):
# 1 - (my error/baseline error)
return 1.0 - (float(my_error) / float(base_error))
def precisions(self, cm):
confusions = cm._confusion
r_star_tp = float(confusions[0][0])
r_star_fp = float(confusions[0][1])
r_star_fn = float(confusions[1][0])
r_tp = float(confusions[1][1])
r_fp = float(confusions[1][0])
r_fn = float(confusions[0][1])
if r_star_tp + r_star_fp == 0:
r_star_precision = 0
r_star_precision = r_star_tp / (r_star_tp + r_star_fp)
if r_tp + r_fp == 0:
r_precision = 0
r_precision = r_tp / (r_tp + r_fp)
return (r_star_precision, r_precision)
def recalls(self, cm):
confusions = cm._confusion
r_star_tp = float(confusions[0][0])
r_star_fp = float(confusions[0][1])
r_star_fn = float(confusions[1][0])
r_tp = float(confusions[1][1])
r_fp = float(confusions[1][0])
r_fn = float(confusions[0][1])
if r_star_tp + r_star_fn == 0:
r_star_precision = 0
r_star_precision = r_star_tp / (r_star_tp + r_star_fn)
if r_tp + r_fn == 0:
r_precision = 0
r_precision = r_tp / (r_tp + r_fn)
return (r_star_precision, r_precision)
def macro_average(self, p1, p2, r1, r2):
macro_precision = (float(p1) + float(p2)) / 2.0
macro_recall = (float(r1) + float(r2)) / 2.0
return (macro_precision, macro_recall)
def predict(self, context):
Predict with ground truth in the same form as the train data
Returns tuple of the form (prediction, actual, rule, context)
if type(context) != list:
context = self.process_corpus(context)
for rule in self.decision_list:
if self.check_rule(context[1], context[2], rule[0]):
# + implies root, - implies root_star
if rule[1] > 0:
return (self.root, context[0], rule, context[1])
elif rule[1] < 0:
return (self.root_star, context[0], rule, context[1])
# Default to majority label
return (self.majority_label, context[0], "default", context[1])
def check_rule(self, context, tags, rule):
Given a rule and a context
Returns whether the rule applies to the context
rule_scope, rule_type, rule_feature = rule.split("_")
rule_scope = int(rule_scope)
#print(rule_scope, rule_type, rule_feature)
if rule_type == "word":
return self.check_k_word(rule_scope, context, rule_feature)
elif rule_type == "window":
return self.check_k_window(rule_scope, context, rule_feature)
elif rule_type == "tag":
return self.check_k_tag(rule_scope, context, tags, rule_feature)
return False
def k_word_dist(self, corpus, k):
for line in corpus:
sense, context = line[0], line[1]
k_word = self.get_k_word(k, context)
if k_word:
# create freqdist for each sense per word
condition = str(k) + "_word_" + re.sub(r'\_', '', k_word)[condition][sense] += 1
def k_tag_dist(self, corpus, k):
for line in corpus:
sense, context, tags = line[0], line[1], line[2]
k_tag = self.get_k_tag(k, context, tags)
if k_tag:
# create freqdist for each sense per word
condition = str(k) + "_tag_" + k_tag[condition][sense] += 1
def k_window_dist(self, corpus, k):
for line in corpus:
k_ = k
sense, context = line[0], line[1]
while k_ > 0:
pos_k_word = self.get_k_word(k_, context)
neg_k_word = self.get_k_word(-1 * k_, context)
if pos_k_word:
condition = str(k)+"_window_"+re.sub(r'\_', '', pos_k_word)[condition][sense] += 1
if neg_k_word:
condition = str(k)+"_window_"+re.sub(r'\_', '', neg_k_word)[condition][sense] += 1
k_ -= 1
def check_k_word(self, k, context, check_word):
return self.get_k_word(k, context) == check_word
def check_k_window(self, k, context, check_word):
k_ = k
while k_ > 0:
if self.get_k_word(k_, context) == check_word:
return True
if self.get_k_word(-1 * k_, context) == check_word:
return True
k_ -= 1
return False
def check_k_tag(self, k, context, tags, check_tag):
return self.get_k_tag(k, context, tags) == check_tag
def get_k_word(self, k, context):
root_i = context.index(self.root)
k_word_i = root_i + k
if len(context) > k_word_i and k_word_i >= 0:
return context[k_word_i]
return False
def get_k_tag(self, k, context, tags):
root_i = context.index(self.root)
k_tag_i = root_i + k
if len(tags) > k_tag_i and k_tag_i >= 0:
return tags[k_tag_i]
return False
def calculate_log_likelihood(self, rule):
prob = self.cpd[rule].prob(self.root)
prob_star = self.cpd[rule].prob(self.root_star)
div = prob / prob_star
# -means prob_star, +means prob
if div == 0:
return 0
return math.log(div, 2)
def process_corpus(self, text):
Process an input of the form:
*word: context of word to train the classifier on
word: context of the word with a different sense
# split the text into its individual senses and contexts
corpus = text.split("\n")
# split the sense from the context
corpus = [l.split("\t") for l in corpus if l != '']
# strip the colon from the sense
corpus = [[l[0][:-1], l[1]] for l in corpus]
# remove XML tags from corpus
corpus = [[l[0], re.sub(r'\<.*?(\>|$)', '', l[1])] for l in corpus]
# Punkt tokenize the context
corpus = [[l[0], tokenizer.tokenize(l[1].lower())] for l in corpus]
# Get rid of stop words and punctuation from the context
stop_words = stopwords.words("english")
# Get pos tags, but store them in adjacent array because it makes
# root sense lookup easier
corpus = [[l[0], [w for w in tag.pos_tag(l[1])]] for l in corpus]
# Remove punctuation from words
corpus = [[l[0], [(re.sub(r'[\.\,\?\!\'\"\-\_]','', w[0]), w[1]) for w in l[1]]] for l in corpus]
# only keep context words that aren't in our stop words list and that
# are shorter than two characters long
corpus = [[l[0], [w for w in l[1] if w[0] not in stop_words and len(w[0]) > 1]] for l in corpus]
# get root word without the * by looking at the first example
self.root = re.sub(r'\*', '', corpus[0][0])
self.root_star = "*" + self.root
# Change the structure of the corpus
pos_corpus = []
for l in corpus:
temp_w, temp_t = [], []
for w_t in l[1]:
pos_corpus.append([l[0], temp_w, temp_t])
return pos_corpus
def test_based_on_paper_results(self):
# Should equal ~7.14 according to Yarowsky given test data string
#if self.train == test_data:
print("This likelihood should equal ~7.14 if it was feed the `test_data` string according to Yarowksy's paper")
def main(args):
if args.train and args.test:
train_text = open(args.train, 'r')
test_text = open(args.test, 'r')
train_text =
test_text =
clf = DecisionListClf(train_text)
clf = DecisionListClf(test_data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument( "-t", "--train",
help = "pass a file path to the train data" )
parser.add_argument( "-s", "--test",
help = "pass a file path to the test data" )
parser.add_argument( "-p", "--predict",
help = "pass a phrase to predict the sense of" )
args = parser.parse_args()
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