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Created April 23, 2014 21:10
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Save amitm02/11232530 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
amits-MacBook-Pro-2:Takes amitm02$ ./
Building Takes App for Enteprise Deployment
Adding Keys!
security: SecKeychainCreate ios-build.keychain: A keychain with the same name already exists.
security: SecKeychainItemImport: The specified item already exists in the keychain.
security: SecKeychainItemImport: The specified item already exists in the keychain.
1 identity imported.
Building App
[Info] Loading settings for scheme 'Takes' ... (1316 ms)
=== CLEAN ===
xcodebuild clean Takes
GPUImage / GPUImage (Release)
✓ Check dependencies (899 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove libGPUImage.a (1 ms)
✓ Remove (41 ms)
Takes / Takes (Release)
✓ Check dependencies (0 ms)
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/New
✓ Create product structure (0 ms)
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/New\
✓ Remove (0 ms)
✓ Remove New (0 ms)
✓ Remove New (0 ms)
xcodebuild build clean
GPUImage / GPUImage (Release)
✓ Check dependencies (883 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove libGPUImage.a (1 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove GPUImage-Prefix.pch.pch (1 ms)
✓ Remove (1 ms)
Takes / Takes (Release)
✓ Check dependencies (0 ms)
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/New
✓ Create product structure (0 ms)
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/New\
✓ Remove (0 ms)
✓ Remove New (0 ms)
✓ Remove New (0 ms)
Takes / Takes Tests (Release)
✓ Check dependencies (0 ms)
✓ Create product structure (0 ms)
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/Takes\ Tests.xctest
✓ Remove Takes Tests.xctest (0 ms)
✓ Remove Takes Takes Tests-Prefix.pch.pch (0 ms)
✓ Remove Takes (0 ms)
✓ Remove Takes Tests.xctest.dSYM (0 ms)
** CLEAN SUCCEEDED ** (3503 ms)
=== BUILD ===
xcodebuild build Takes
GPUImage / GPUImage (Release)
✓ Check dependencies (917 ms)
✓ Write auxiliary files (3 ms)
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
✓ Precompile GPUImage-Prefix.pch (238 ms)
✓ Precompile GPUImage-Prefix.pch (248 ms)
✓ Precompile GPUImage-Prefix.pch (230 ms)
✓ Precompile GPUImage-Prefix.pch (221 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilter.m (663 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageView.m (446 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVideoCamera.m (650 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageContext.m (271 ms)
✓ Compile GLProgram.m (103 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOutput.m (495 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSepiaFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePicture.m (311 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePixellateFilter.m (249 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorInvertFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSaturationFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageContrastFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBrightnessFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGammaFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (264 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorMatrixFilter.m (254 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDissolveBlendFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMultiplyBlendFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageKuwaharaFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovie.m (601 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOverlayBlendFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDarkenBlendFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLightenBlendFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageToonFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRawDataOutput.m (407 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSketchFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSwirlFilter.m (244 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVignetteFilter.m (245 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter.m (371 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovieWriter.m (622 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoPassFilter.m (381 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilterPipeline.m (368 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianSelectiveBlurFilter.m (274 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageExposureFilter.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSharpenFilter.m (257 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminanceRangeFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorBurnBlendFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorDodgeBlendFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageScreenBlendFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDifferenceBlendFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageExclusionBlendFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHardLightBlendFilter.m (224 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSoftLightBlendFilter.m (219 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTextureOutput.m (125 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCropFilter.m (277 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSubtractBlendFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGrayscaleFilter.m (261 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTransformFilter.m (296 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHazeFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePosterizeFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilterGroup.m (338 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBoxBlurFilter.m (260 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAdaptiveThresholdFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageUnsharpMaskFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter.m (256 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePinchDistortionFilter.m (268 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCrosshatchFilter.m (248 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCGAColorspaceFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageStillCamera.m (418 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePolarPixellateFilter.m (242 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageStretchDistortionFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTextureInput.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTiltShiftFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageEmbossFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImage3x3ConvolutionFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdEdgeDetectionFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSmoothToonFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMaskFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHistogramFilter.m (288 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHistogramGenerator.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePrewittEdgeDetectionFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageXYDerivativeFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter.m (305 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAlphaBlendFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSourceOverBlendFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoInputFilter.m (292 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMedianFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImage3x3TextureSamplingFilter.m (263 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBilateralFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCrosshairGenerator.m (248 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePerlinNoiseFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageJFAVoronoiFilter.m (308 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMosaicFilter.m (268 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVoronoiConsumerFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageToneCurveFilter.m (455 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRawDataInput.m (269 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageShiTomasiFeatureDetectionFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNobleCornerDetectionFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSingleComponentGaussianBlurFilter.m (286 ms)
✓ Compile GPUimageDirectionalSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDirectionalNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (267 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageWeakPixelInclusionFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageUIElement.m (310 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDilationFilter.m (247 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageErosionFilter.m (256 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoPassTextureSamplingFilter.m (268 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOpeningFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageClosingFilter.m (251 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBDilationFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBErosionFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBOpeningFilter.m (244 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBClosingFilter.m (248 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorPackingFilter.m (251 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSphereRefractionFilter.m (264 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMonochromeFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBuffer.m (289 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOpacityFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHighlightShadowFilter.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFalseColorFilter.m (253 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHueFilter.m (255 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHSBFilter.m (326 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGlassSphereFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLookupFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAmatorkaFilter.m (258 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMissEtikateFilter.m (255 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSoftEleganceFilter.m (260 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDivideBlendFilter.m (242 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAddBlendFilter.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePolkaDotFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLocalBinaryPatternFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLanczosResamplingFilter.m (261 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAverageColor.m (362 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSolidColorGenerator.m (260 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminosity.m (310 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAverageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageChromaKeyFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageWhiteBalanceFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLowPassFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHighPassFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMotionDetector.m (256 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNormalBlendFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHalftoneFilter.m (224 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHoughTransformLineDetector.m (282 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdedNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageParallelCoordinateLineTransformFilter.m (285 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdSketchFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLineGenerator.m (271 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLevelsFilter.m (269 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorBlendFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHueBlendFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSaturationBlendFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminosityBlendFilter.m (247 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLinearBurnBlendFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianBlurPositionFilter.m (279 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePixellatePositionFilter.m (264 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoInputCrossTextureSamplingFilter.m (252 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePoissonBlendFilter.m (327 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMotionBlurFilter.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageZoomBlurFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageKuwaharaRadius3Filter.m (219 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLaplacianFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThreeInputFilter.m (294 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovieComposition.m (334 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageiOSBlurFilter.m (249 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilter.m (656 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageView.m (452 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVideoCamera.m (636 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageContext.m (263 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOutput.m (487 ms)
✓ Compile GLProgram.m (99 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSepiaFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePicture.m (305 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePixellateFilter.m (257 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorInvertFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSaturationFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageContrastFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBrightnessFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (254 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGammaFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorMatrixFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDissolveBlendFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMultiplyBlendFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageKuwaharaFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovie.m (571 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOverlayBlendFilter.m (224 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDarkenBlendFilter.m (221 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLightenBlendFilter.m (221 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageToonFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRawDataOutput.m (398 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSketchFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSwirlFilter.m (244 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVignetteFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter.m (355 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovieWriter.m (604 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoPassFilter.m (364 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilterPipeline.m (358 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianSelectiveBlurFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageExposureFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSharpenFilter.m (248 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminanceRangeFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorBurnBlendFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorDodgeBlendFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageScreenBlendFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDifferenceBlendFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageExclusionBlendFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHardLightBlendFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSoftLightBlendFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTextureOutput.m (130 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCropFilter.m (269 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSubtractBlendFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGrayscaleFilter.m (255 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTransformFilter.m (280 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHazeFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePosterizeFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilterGroup.m (329 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBoxBlurFilter.m (248 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAdaptiveThresholdFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageUnsharpMaskFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter.m (251 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePinchDistortionFilter.m (252 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCrosshatchFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCGAColorspaceFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageStillCamera.m (424 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePolarPixellateFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageStretchDistortionFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTextureInput.m (244 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTiltShiftFilter.m (247 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImage3x3ConvolutionFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageEmbossFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter.m (253 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdEdgeDetectionFilter.m (267 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSmoothToonFilter.m (261 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHistogramFilter.m (303 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMaskFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHistogramGenerator.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePrewittEdgeDetectionFilter.m (247 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageXYDerivativeFilter.m (253 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter.m (291 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAlphaBlendFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSourceOverBlendFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoInputFilter.m (277 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMedianFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImage3x3TextureSamplingFilter.m (245 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBilateralFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCrosshairGenerator.m (251 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePerlinNoiseFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageJFAVoronoiFilter.m (302 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMosaicFilter.m (251 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVoronoiConsumerFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageToneCurveFilter.m (437 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRawDataInput.m (271 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageShiTomasiFeatureDetectionFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNobleCornerDetectionFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSingleComponentGaussianBlurFilter.m (275 ms)
✓ Compile GPUimageDirectionalSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDirectionalNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (249 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageWeakPixelInclusionFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageUIElement.m (273 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDilationFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageErosionFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoPassTextureSamplingFilter.m (260 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOpeningFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageClosingFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBDilationFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBErosionFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBOpeningFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBClosingFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorPackingFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSphereRefractionFilter.m (259 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMonochromeFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBuffer.m (280 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOpacityFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHighlightShadowFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFalseColorFilter.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHueFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHSBFilter.m (348 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGlassSphereFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLookupFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAmatorkaFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMissEtikateFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSoftEleganceFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDivideBlendFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAddBlendFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePolkaDotFilter.m (221 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLocalBinaryPatternFilter.m (212 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLanczosResamplingFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAverageColor.m (341 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSolidColorGenerator.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminosity.m (289 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAverageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageChromaKeyFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageWhiteBalanceFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLowPassFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHighPassFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMotionDetector.m (252 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNormalBlendFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHalftoneFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHoughTransformLineDetector.m (277 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdedNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageParallelCoordinateLineTransformFilter.m (280 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdSketchFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLineGenerator.m (274 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLevelsFilter.m (261 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorBlendFilter.m (245 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHueBlendFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSaturationBlendFilter.m (247 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminosityBlendFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLinearBurnBlendFilter.m (261 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianBlurPositionFilter.m (313 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePixellatePositionFilter.m (317 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoInputCrossTextureSamplingFilter.m (293 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePoissonBlendFilter.m (381 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMotionBlurFilter.m (297 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageZoomBlurFilter.m (297 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageKuwaharaRadius3Filter.m (285 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLaplacianFilter.m (273 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThreeInputFilter.m (322 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovieComposition.m (335 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageiOSBlurFilter.m (254 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilter.m (626 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageView.m (429 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVideoCamera.m (606 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageContext.m (263 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOutput.m (479 ms)
✓ Compile GLProgram.m (97 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSepiaFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePicture.m (299 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePixellateFilter.m (249 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorInvertFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSaturationFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageContrastFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBrightnessFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGammaFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (252 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorMatrixFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDissolveBlendFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMultiplyBlendFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageKuwaharaFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovie.m (557 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOverlayBlendFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDarkenBlendFilter.m (221 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLightenBlendFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageToonFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRawDataOutput.m (389 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSketchFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSwirlFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVignetteFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter.m (356 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovieWriter.m (595 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoPassFilter.m (354 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilterPipeline.m (342 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianSelectiveBlurFilter.m (260 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageExposureFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSharpenFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminanceRangeFilter.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorBurnBlendFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorDodgeBlendFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageScreenBlendFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDifferenceBlendFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageExclusionBlendFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHardLightBlendFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSoftLightBlendFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTextureOutput.m (136 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGrayscaleFilter.m (256 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCropFilter.m (273 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSubtractBlendFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTransformFilter.m (275 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHazeFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePosterizeFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFilterGroup.m (320 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBoxBlurFilter.m (251 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAdaptiveThresholdFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePinchDistortionFilter.m (256 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCrosshatchFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageUnsharpMaskFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter.m (257 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCGAColorspaceFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageStillCamera.m (394 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePolarPixellateFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageStretchDistortionFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTextureInput.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTiltShiftFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImage3x3ConvolutionFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageEmbossFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter.m (245 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdEdgeDetectionFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSmoothToonFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMaskFilter.m (221 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHistogramFilter.m (283 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHistogramGenerator.m (219 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePrewittEdgeDetectionFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageXYDerivativeFilter.m (216 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter.m (285 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAlphaBlendFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSourceOverBlendFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoInputFilter.m (272 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBFilter.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMedianFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImage3x3TextureSamplingFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBilateralFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageCrosshairGenerator.m (248 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePerlinNoiseFilter.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageJFAVoronoiFilter.m (303 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMosaicFilter.m (254 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageVoronoiConsumerFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageToneCurveFilter.m (418 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRawDataInput.m (264 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageShiTomasiFeatureDetectionFilter.m (221 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNobleCornerDetectionFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSingleComponentGaussianBlurFilter.m (266 ms)
✓ Compile GPUimageDirectionalSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDirectionalNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageWeakPixelInclusionFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageUIElement.m (265 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDilationFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageErosionFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOpeningFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoPassTextureSamplingFilter.m (252 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageClosingFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBDilationFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBErosionFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBOpeningFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageRGBClosingFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorPackingFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSphereRefractionFilter.m (258 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMonochromeFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageBuffer.m (291 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageOpacityFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHighlightShadowFilter.m (244 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFalseColorFilter.m (244 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHueFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHSBFilter.m (298 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGlassSphereFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLookupFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAmatorkaFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMissEtikateFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSoftEleganceFilter.m (245 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageDivideBlendFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAddBlendFilter.m (226 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePolkaDotFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLocalBinaryPatternFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLanczosResamplingFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAverageColor.m (334 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSolidColorGenerator.m (247 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminosity.m (288 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageAverageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageChromaKeyFilter.m (249 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageWhiteBalanceFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLowPassFilter.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHighPassFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMotionDetector.m (245 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHalftoneFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNormalBlendFilter.m (225 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHoughTransformLineDetector.m (276 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdedNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageParallelCoordinateLineTransformFilter.m (265 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThresholdSketchFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLineGenerator.m (267 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLevelsFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageColorBlendFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageHueBlendFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLuminosityBlendFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSaturationBlendFilter.m (230 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLinearBurnBlendFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageGaussianBlurPositionFilter.m (281 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePixellatePositionFilter.m (297 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageTwoInputCrossTextureSamplingFilter.m (267 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImagePoissonBlendFilter.m (345 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMotionBlurFilter.m (289 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageZoomBlurFilter.m (261 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageKuwaharaRadius3Filter.m (251 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageLaplacianFilter.m (257 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageThreeInputFilter.m (327 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageMovieComposition.m (321 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageiOSBlurFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageFilter.m (408 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageVideoCamera.m (543 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageView.m (315 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageContext.m (197 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageOutput.m (365 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GLProgram.m (55 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSepiaFilter.m (212 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePicture.m (239 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePixellateFilter.m (229 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageColorInvertFilter.m (209 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSaturationFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageContrastFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageBrightnessFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageGammaFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageColorMatrixFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageDissolveBlendFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMultiplyBlendFilter.m (219 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageKuwaharaFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMovie.m (1274 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageOverlayBlendFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageDarkenBlendFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLightenBlendFilter.m (210 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageToonFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageRawDataOutput.m (334 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSketchFilter.m (207 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSwirlFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageVignetteFilter.m (210 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter.m (297 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMovieWriter.m (419 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTwoPassFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageFilterPipeline.m (233 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageGaussianSelectiveBlurFilter.m (216 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageExposureFilter.m (210 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSharpenFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLuminanceRangeFilter.m (209 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageColorBurnBlendFilter.m (205 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageColorDodgeBlendFilter.m (213 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageScreenBlendFilter.m (208 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageDifferenceBlendFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageExclusionBlendFilter.m (207 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHardLightBlendFilter.m (205 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTextureOutput.m (98 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSoftLightBlendFilter.m (208 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageCropFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSubtractBlendFilter.m (206 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageGrayscaleFilter.m (818 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTransformFilter.m (219 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHazeFilter.m (207 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (210 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePosterizeFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageFilterGroup.m (235 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageBoxBlurFilter.m (246 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageAdaptiveThresholdFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageUnsharpMaskFilter.m (224 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePinchDistortionFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageCrosshatchFilter.m (212 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageCGAColorspaceFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageStillCamera.m (357 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePolarPixellateFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageStretchDistortionFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTextureInput.m (219 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTiltShiftFilter.m (239 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImage3x3ConvolutionFilter.m (233 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageEmbossFilter.m (236 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter.m (249 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageThresholdEdgeDetectionFilter.m (228 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSmoothToonFilter.m (244 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMaskFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHistogramFilter.m (255 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHistogramGenerator.m (227 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePrewittEdgeDetectionFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageXYDerivativeFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter.m (288 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageAlphaBlendFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSourceOverBlendFilter.m (213 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTwoInputFilter.m (259 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageRGBFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMedianFilter.m (203 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImage3x3TextureSamplingFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageBilateralFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageCrosshairGenerator.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePerlinNoiseFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageJFAVoronoiFilter.m (251 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMosaicFilter.m (223 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageVoronoiConsumerFilter.m (213 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageToneCurveFilter.m (392 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageRawDataInput.m (237 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageShiTomasiFeatureDetectionFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageNobleCornerDetectionFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSingleComponentGaussianBlurFilter.m (241 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUimageDirectionalSobelEdgeDetectionFilter.m (213 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageDirectionalNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageWeakPixelInclusionFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageUIElement.m (223 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageDilationFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageErosionFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTwoPassTextureSamplingFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageOpeningFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageClosingFilter.m (221 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageRGBErosionFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageRGBDilationFilter.m (222 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageRGBOpeningFilter.m (219 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageRGBClosingFilter.m (216 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageColorPackingFilter.m (238 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSphereRefractionFilter.m (235 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMonochromeFilter.m (224 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageBuffer.m (250 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageOpacityFilter.m (234 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHighlightShadowFilter.m (231 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageFalseColorFilter.m (248 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHueFilter.m (250 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHSBFilter.m (298 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLookupFilter.m (257 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageGlassSphereFilter.m (299 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageAmatorkaFilter.m (265 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMissEtikateFilter.m (334 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSoftEleganceFilter.m (373 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageDivideBlendFilter.m (213 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageAddBlendFilter.m (212 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePolkaDotFilter.m (212 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLocalBinaryPatternFilter.m (206 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLanczosResamplingFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageAverageColor.m (288 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSolidColorGenerator.m (221 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLuminosity.m (246 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageAverageLuminanceThresholdFilter.m (224 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageChromaKeyFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageWhiteBalanceFilter.m (209 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLowPassFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHighPassFilter.m (211 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMotionDetector.m (215 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageNormalBlendFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHalftoneFilter.m (220 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHoughTransformLineDetector.m (336 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageThresholdedNonMaximumSuppressionFilter.m (215 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageParallelCoordinateLineTransformFilter.m (976 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageThresholdSketchFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLineGenerator.m (237 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLevelsFilter.m (227 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageColorBlendFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageHueBlendFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageSaturationBlendFilter.m (218 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLuminosityBlendFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLinearBurnBlendFilter.m (216 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageGaussianBlurPositionFilter.m (224 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePixellatePositionFilter.m (217 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageTwoInputCrossTextureSamplingFilter.m (209 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImagePoissonBlendFilter.m (268 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMotionBlurFilter.m (214 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageZoomBlurFilter.m (212 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageKuwaharaRadius3Filter.m (205 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageLaplacianFilter.m (213 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageThreeInputFilter.m (503 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageMovieComposition.m (281 ms)
✓ Analyze (shallow) GPUImageiOSBlurFilter.m (219 ms)
✓ Libtool libGPUImage.a normal armv7 (64 ms)
/Applications/ -dynamic not specified the following flags are invalid: -ObjC
✓ Libtool libGPUImage.a normal armv7s (60 ms)
/Applications/ -dynamic not specified the following flags are invalid: -ObjC
✓ Libtool libGPUImage.a normal arm64 (57 ms)
/Applications/ -dynamic not specified the following flags are invalid: -ObjC
✓ Create universal binary libGPUImage.a (445 ms)
Takes / Takes (Release)
✓ Check dependencies (10 ms)
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/New
✓ Write auxiliary files (9 ms)
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/\ Capture.hmap
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/\ Capture-generated-files.hmap
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/\ Capture-own-target-headers.hmap
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/\ Capture.LinkFileList
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/\ Capture-project-headers.hmap
write-file /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/\ Capture-all-target-headers.hmap
✓ Create product structure (0 ms)
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/New\
✓ Copy New ResourceRules.plist (0 ms)
⚠ DataModelVersionCompile New\ Model.momd Model.xcdatamodeld (749 ms)
2014-04-23 14:07:13.835 cdtool[43214:303] CoreData: warning: no NSValueTransformer with class name 'UIImageToDataTransformer' was found for attribute 'thumbnail' on entity 'CapturedPhoto'
✓ Compile TTTTimeIntervalFormatter+TakesAdditions.m (322 ms)
✓ Compile UIImageCropperView.m (498 ms)
✓ Compile Cloud MarkATakeAsLikedOperation.m (328 ms)
✓ Compile TTTAddressFormatter.m (281 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterOldMovieKodak.m (348 ms)
⚠ Compile OpenUDID.m (348 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/ThirdParty/OpenUDID.m:61:25: warning: unused variable 'kOpenUDIDDescription' [-Wunused-const-variable]
static NSString * const kOpenUDIDDescription = @"OpenUDID_with_iOS6_Support";
1 warning generated.
✓ Compile main.m (311 ms)
✓ Compile ATake.m (122 ms)
✓ Compile Social FetchUsersOperation.m (180 ms)
✓ Compile AppDelegate.m (375 ms)
✓ Compile UserProfileImageCropperViewController.m (195 ms)
⚠ Compile BaseVideoPlayer.m (296 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/InterfaceLayer/NewPlayerLayer/BasePlayer/BaseVideoPlayer.m:417:31: warning: unused variable 'playerItem' [-Wunused-variable]
AVPlayerItem *playerItem = (AVPlayerItem *)object;
1 warning generated.
✓ Compile AVAsset+genericTake.m (166 ms)
✓ Compile Cloud InitializeATakeOperation.m (205 ms)
✓ Compile VideoSegment.m (131 ms)
✓ Compile VideoFile.m (135 ms)
✓ Compile AFHTTPClient.m (786 ms)
✓ Compile DeleteCommentOperation.m (128 ms)
✓ Compile LoginViewController.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile AFHTTPRequestOperation.m (272 ms)
✓ Compile TTTOrdinalNumberFormatter.m (206 ms)
✓ Compile Cloud FinalizeATakeOperation.m (169 ms)
✓ Compile SelectChannelsView.m (316 ms)
✓ Compile AFImageRequestOperation.m (244 ms)
✓ Compile AFJSONRequestOperation.m (206 ms)
✓ Compile HashtagChannelViewController.m (228 ms)
✓ Compile AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.m (169 ms)
✓ Compile FacebookStreamActivity.m (146 ms)
✓ Compile NotificationCell.m (232 ms)
✓ Compile AFPropertyListRequestOperation.m (188 ms)
✓ Compile CaptureCotnentCollageView.m (359 ms)
✓ Compile AFURLConnectionOperation.m (515 ms)
✓ Compile NotificationAlertView.m (161 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilter16mm.m (146 ms)
✓ Compile AFXMLRequestOperation.m (173 ms)
✓ Compile UIImageView+AFNetworking.m (205 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageNOPFilter.m (116 ms)
✓ Compile NoDataCell.m (142 ms)
✓ Compile DownloadPlaylistItemOperation.m (160 ms)
✓ Compile UIView+Bounce.m (155 ms)
✓ Compile ATake+CloudTakeRepresentation.m (139 ms)
✓ Compile CachedAsset.m (101 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterGotham.m (139 ms)
✓ Compile TwitterActivity.m (160 ms)
✓ Compile CameraBottomBarView.m (235 ms)
✓ Compile FeedPlayerDebugView.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterLomo.m (135 ms)
✓ Compile EmptyHeaderWithButtonCell.m (217 ms)
✓ Compile BaseVideoPlayerView.m (151 ms)
✓ Compile SyncTakeView.m (631 ms)
✓ Compile NSMutableDictionary+NetworkHTTPParameters.m (140 ms)
✓ Compile SearchResultSectionHeader.m (162 ms)
✓ Compile CaptureCotnentInstantView.m (309 ms)
✓ Compile TTTLocationFormatter.m (264 ms)
✓ Compile FetchCommentsOperation.m (146 ms)
✓ Compile Profile EmailLoginViewController.m (323 ms)
✓ Compile GalleriesGlobalVars.m (253 ms)
✓ Compile SearchTagItemCell.m (205 ms)
✓ Compile NotificationsHeaderCell.m (168 ms)
✓ Compile LocationManager.m (171 ms)
✓ Compile DownloadPlaylistPlayer.m (283 ms)
✓ Compile Remote UnregisterDeviceTokenForRemoteNotificationsRequest.m (116 ms)
✓ Compile UserInfo.m (112 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageSpriteSheetTiler.m (190 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterEarlyBird.m (135 ms)
✓ Compile StreamCellsAudioPlayer.m (197 ms)
✓ Compile SearchViewController.m (419 ms)
✓ Compile UIDeviceHardware.m (162 ms)
✓ Compile FacebookActivity.m (161 ms)
✓ Compile FetchActivityOperation.m (141 ms)
✓ Compile AMBlurView.m (157 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterVibrance.m (156 ms)
✓ Compile CameraPreviewView.m (449 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterNOP.m (127 ms)
✓ Compile CloudTake.m (243 ms)
✓ Compile GPUImageFastBlendingFilter.m (168 ms)
✓ Compile ProfileInfoView.m (345 ms)
✓ Compile TTTLocalizedPluralString.m (181 ms)
✓ Compile ATakesUploadingQueue.m (345 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterFunkyRedSolo.m (155 ms)
✓ Compile Profile ChangePasswordViewController.m (260 ms)
✓ Compile Stream.m (123 ms)
✓ Compile SyncButtonView.m (212 ms)
✓ Compile FollowersSearchViewItemCell.m (186 ms)
✓ Compile CapturedTake.m (134 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterSoviet.m (154 ms)
✓ Compile CaptureCotnentBatchView.m (272 ms)
✓ Compile CameraScreen.m (420 ms)
✓ Compile Cloud FetchStreamsOperation.m (155 ms)
✓ Compile Remote RegisterDeviceTokenForRemoteNotificationsRequest.m (120 ms)
✓ Compile CameraBlurView.m (193 ms)
✓ Compile TakesHTTPJSONClient.m (383 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterLookupMissEtikate.m (120 ms)
✓ Compile UserImageView.m (182 ms)
✓ Compile NetworkImageCache.m (222 ms)
✓ Compile StreamBarView.m (324 ms)
✓ Compile CapturedPhoto.m (183 ms)
✓ Compile Remote BindDeviceTokenToUserForRemoteNotificationsRequest.m (119 ms)
✓ Compile ClusterOfVideoSegments.m (126 ms)
✓ Compile PrevPauseNextButtons.m (241 ms)
✓ Compile UIImage+Alpha.m (132 ms)
✓ Compile LikesViewController.m (270 ms)
✓ Compile HomeViewController.m (336 ms)
✓ Compile CaptureModeIndicatorView.m (213 ms)
✓ Compile CaptureContentView.m (184 ms)
✓ Compile UIImage+Buffer.m (120 ms)
✓ Compile ATake+JSON.m (166 ms)
✓ Compile Profile EmailSignUpViewController.m (394 ms)
✓ Compile SetOfStreams.m (102 ms)
✓ Compile SettingsViewController.m (429 ms)
✓ Compile UIImage+Resize.m (159 ms)
✓ Compile UIImage+RoundedCorner.m (122 ms)
✓ Compile UIImage-Extensions.m (219 ms)
✓ Compile ActivityEvent.m (157 ms)
✓ Compile CloudTakeVideoPlayer.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile SearchHeaderCell.m (201 ms)
✓ Compile Profile RegistrationOperation.m (159 ms)
✓ Compile Analytics.m (357 ms)
✓ Compile SettingsManager.m (190 ms)
✓ Compile NetworkJSONRequestOperation.m (203 ms)
✓ Compile Profile UpdateProfileOperation.m (188 ms)
✓ Compile StickyHeaderLayout.m (197 ms)
⚠ Compile CoreDataManager.m (744 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/CoreData/CoreDataManager.m:246:21: warning: unused variable 'store' [-Wunused-variable]
NSPersistentStore* store = [_persistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil URL:storeURL options:nil error:&error];
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/CoreData/CoreDataManager.m:553:27: warning: unused variable '_detailedError' [-Wunused-variable]
for (NSError *_detailedError in _detailedErrors) {
2 warnings generated.
✓ Compile Cloud ReportATakeOperation.m (129 ms)
✓ Compile Social FollowUserOperation.m (142 ms)
✓ Compile UIImageToDataTransformer.m (109 ms)
✓ Compile FacebookClient.m (421 ms)
✓ Compile ATakeUploadingOperation.m (407 ms)
⚠ Compile CameraCaptureManager.m (1024 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/CameraCaptureManager.m:276:9: warning: implicit declaration of function 'runOnMainQueueWithoutDeadlocking' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/CameraCaptureManager.m:1306:18: warning: unused variable 'totalNumberOfSegmentsInFile' [-Wunused-variable]
NSUInteger totalNumberOfSegmentsInFile = [temporaryVideoFile.capturedTakes count];
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/CameraCaptureManager.m:1459:18: warning: unused variable 'error' [-Wunused-variable]
NSError* error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.takes" code:99999 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Video track is absent in Asset."}];
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/CameraCaptureManager.m:1605:18: warning: unused variable 'error' [-Wunused-variable]
NSError* error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.takes" code:99999 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Video track is absent in Asset."}];
4 warnings generated.
✓ Compile TwitterClient.m (260 ms)
✓ Compile RealtimeVideoRecorder.m (240 ms)
✓ Compile VideoSegmentPhoto.m (118 ms)
✓ Compile StreamCollectionViewController.m (775 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilter.m (113 ms)
✓ Compile UserChannelViewController.m (336 ms)
✓ Compile NetworkImageView.m (176 ms)
✓ Compile Profile DeleteProfileOperation.m (114 ms)
✓ Compile MPCJSONDataSerializer.m (162 ms)
✓ Compile TextCell.m (154 ms)
✓ Compile NSString+trimLeadingWhitespace.m (102 ms)
✓ Compile MPCJSONSerializer.m (120 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionAudioPlayerView.m (415 ms)
✓ Compile Profile GetUserInfoOperation.m (137 ms)
✓ Compile MPCSerializedJSONData.m (115 ms)
✓ Compile Social UnfollowUserOperation.m (148 ms)
✓ Compile NSData+MPBase64.m (143 ms)
✓ Compile ODIN.m (128 ms)
✓ Compile TTTArrayFormatter.m (201 ms)
✓ Compile Cloud DeleteATakeOperation.m (125 ms)
✓ Compile Profile LogoutOperation.m (109 ms)
✓ Compile StreamInfoView.m (341 ms)
✓ Compile EmailActivity.m (156 ms)
✓ Compile FetchHashtagsOperation.m (162 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterFunkyParty.m (157 ms)
✓ Compile TTTUnitOfInformationFormatter.m (208 ms)
✓ Compile SimpleAudioPlayer.m (166 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterLookupAmatorka.m (130 ms)
✓ Compile TTTURLRequestFormatter.m (177 ms)
✓ Compile WrongOrientationAlertBlackoutView.m (178 ms)
⚠ Compile Mixpanel.m (610 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/ThirdParty/Mixpanel/Mixpanel.m:355:13: warning: unused variable 'k' [-Wunused-variable]
for (id k in properties) {
/Users/amitm02/Takes/ThirdParty/Mixpanel/Mixpanel.m:1083:13: warning: unused variable 'v' [-Wunused-variable]
for (id v in [properties allValues]) {
2 warnings generated.
✓ Compile SetOfStreams+NSOrderedSetModifiers.m (162 ms)
⚠ Compile CommentCell.m (410 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/InterfaceLayer/Galleries/GalleriesUI/layout/CommentsScreen/CommentCell.m:111:43: warning: 'sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 - Use -boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context: [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
CGSize constrainedSize = [commentText sizeWithFont:commentTextFont constrainedToSize:freeSize lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping];
In module 'UIKit' imported from /Users/amitm02/Takes/App/Takes-Prefix.pch:13:
/Applications/ note: method 'sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:' declared here
- (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(2_0, 7_0, "Use -boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context:"); // NSTextAlignment is not needed to determine size
1 warning generated.
✓ Compile PostCommentOperation.m (137 ms)
✓ Compile ProgressHUD.m (186 ms)
✓ Compile SearchFooterCell.m (163 ms)
✓ Compile UIActionSheet+Blocks.m (295 ms)
✓ Compile Crittercism+LogError.m (103 ms)
✓ Compile StreamCell.m (517 ms)
✓ Compile Playlist.m (159 ms)
✓ Compile MigrationViewController.m (224 ms)
✓ Compile TTTColorFormatter.m (179 ms)
✓ Compile CheckFreeDiskSpace.m (179 ms)
✓ Compile MBProgressHUD.m (609 ms)
✓ Compile PlaylistVideoPlayerView.m (203 ms)
⚠ Compile DataManager.m (786 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/DataManager.m:308:70: warning: 'capturedTakesInUploadingQueue' is deprecated: @Start switching to protocol v.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
NSArray *takesInUploadingQueue = [[CoreDataManager sharedManager] capturedTakesInUploadingQueue];
In file included from <built-in>:177:
In file included from <command line>:2:
In file included from /Users/amitm02/Takes/App/Takes-Prefix.pch:22:
/Users/amitm02/Takes/DataLayer/CoreData/CoreDataManager.h:81:1: note: method 'capturedTakesInUploadingQueue' declared here
- (NSArray *)capturedTakesInUploadingQueue __deprecated_msg("@Start switching to protocol v.3");
1 warning generated.
✓ Compile UIImage+Snapshot.m (176 ms)
✓ Compile CapturedTakeVideoPlayer.m (220 ms)
✓ Compile QBFlatButton.m (242 ms)
✓ Compile BaseFollowViewController.m (367 ms)
✓ Compile CloudTakeComment.m (142 ms)
✓ Compile User.m (105 ms)
✓ Compile iTunesStoreMusicSearchRequest.m (242 ms)
✓ Compile TYMActivityIndicatorView.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile OnlineUserInfo.m (227 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterHefe.m (147 ms)
✓ Compile VideoThumbnailEncoder.m (280 ms)
✓ Compile ServerValuesValidator.m (117 ms)
✓ Compile FollowersItemCell.m (237 ms)
✓ Compile VerifyUserBlockedRequest.m (122 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterFunkyNoire.m (140 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterVignette.m (134 ms)
✓ Compile Profile LoginOperation.m (158 ms)
✓ Compile CacheManager.m (325 ms)
✓ Compile PlaylistItem.m (190 ms)
✓ Compile TitleLabelView.m (190 ms)
✓ Compile VideoPreviewView.m (248 ms)
✓ Compile UIImage+ImageEffects.m (270 ms)
✓ Compile UIView+Positioning.m (174 ms)
✓ Compile FailUploadingItemCell.m (233 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterLookupSoftElegance.m (121 ms)
✓ Compile StreamCellFullScreenOverlayView.m (203 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFilterGrungeSepia.m (155 ms)
✓ Compile UIView+Size.m (193 ms)
✓ Compile Hashtag.m (132 ms)
✓ Compile Stream+NSOrderedSetModifiers.m (170 ms)
✓ Compile UserProfileInfoCell.m (196 ms)
✓ Compile CompositionFiltersFactory.m (234 ms)
✓ Compile TTTTimeIntervalFormatter.m (380 ms)
✓ Compile PlaylistVideoPlayer.m (358 ms)
⚠ Compile CommentsViewController.m (404 ms)
/Users/amitm02/Takes/InterfaceLayer/Galleries/GalleriesUI/layout/CommentsScreen/CommentsViewController.m:232:74: warning: 'sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 - Use -boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context: [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
CGSize backgroundNoticeLabelFrameSize = [_backgroundNoticeLabel.text sizeWithFont:_backgroundNoticeLabel.font
In module 'UIKit' imported from /Users/amitm02/Takes/App/Takes-Prefix.pch:13:
/Applications/ note: method 'sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:' declared here
- (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)lineBreakMode NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(2_0, 7_0, "Use -boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context:"); // NSTextAlignment is not needed to determine size
1 warning generated.
✓ Compile VideoSegmentsFile.m (125 ms)
✓ Compile Cloud AmazonPOSTUploadOperation.m (159 ms)
✓ Compile Cloud FetchTakesOperation.m (224 ms)
✓ Compile StreamCellMusicBar.m (214 ms)
✓ Compile ReportCommentOperation.m (121 ms)
⚠ Link New New Capture (526 ms)
ld: warning: instance method 'localizedStringForNumber:ofCalendarUnit:' in category from /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/ overrides method from class in /Users/amitm02/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Takes-ajazpcwgmqzjpscguttujfjkqmpq/Build/Intermediates/
✓ Copy New beep.caf (0 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ skipToPrev.png skipToPrev.png (42 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ onePhoto.png onePhoto.png (45 ms)
✓ Copy InfoPlist.strings (7 ms)
✓ Copy InfoPlist.strings (5 ms)
✓ Copy InfoPlist.strings (6 ms)
✓ Copy InfoPlist.strings (5 ms)
✓ Copy InfoPlist.strings (4 ms)
✓ Copy InfoPlist.strings (5 ms)
✓ Copy InfoPlist.strings (2 ms)
✓ Copy New Settings.bundle (2 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ twoHorizontalPhotos.png twoHorizontalPhotos.png (40 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ twoVerticalPhotos.png twoVerticalPhotos.png (36 ms)
✓ Copy New images (127 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ icon.png icon.png (34 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ batchPhotos.png batchPhotos.png (41 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ lookup_amatorka.png lookup_amatorka.png (172 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ threeHorizonatlPhotos.png threeHorizonatlPhotos.png (41 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ lookup_miss_etikate.png lookup_miss_etikate.png (239 ms)
✓ Copy New TYMActivityIndicatorView.bundle (4 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ lookup_soft_elegance_1.png lookup_soft_elegance_1.png (191 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ lookup_soft_elegance_2.png lookup_soft_elegance_2.png (247 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ Icon@2x.png Icon@2x.png (43 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ pauseVideo.png pauseVideo.png (33 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ plusSign.png plusSign.png (31 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ Icon-Small.png Icon-Small.png (32 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ Icon-Small@2x.png Icon-Small@2x.png (37 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ photoAndVideoModes.png photoAndVideoModes.png (33 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ Icon-Small-50.png Icon-Small-50.png (35 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ Icon-Small-50@2x.png Icon-Small-50@2x.png (43 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ home-50.png home-50.png (41 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ twoSmallAtBottom.png twoSmallAtBottom.png (37 ms)
✓ Copy New iTunesArtwork (1 ms)
✓ Copy New iTunesArtwork@2x (1 ms)
✓ Copy New (1 ms)
✓ Copy New (2 ms)
✓ Copy New (2 ms)
✓ Copy New audio (109 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ skipToNext.png skipToNext.png (32 ms)
⚠ CopyPNGFile New\ Default-fb315588091872920-568h@2x.png Default-fb315588091872920-568h@2x.png (29 ms)
libpng warning: Warning: Input PNG does not have an 8 bit input depth. Please convert your PNG to 8-bit for optimal performance on iPhone OS.
⚠ CopyPNGFile New\ Default-fb315588091872920.png Default-fb315588091872920.png (30 ms)
libpng warning: Warning: Input PNG does not have an 8 bit input depth. Please convert your PNG to 8-bit for optimal performance on iPhone OS.
⚠ CopyPNGFile New\ Default-fb315588091872920@2x.png Default-fb315588091872920@2x.png (33 ms)
libpng warning: Warning: Input PNG does not have an 8 bit input depth. Please convert your PNG to 8-bit for optimal performance on iPhone OS.
✓ Copy TakesSettings.plist (2 ms)
✓ Copy New LICENSE (0 ms)
✓ Copy New Avenir.ttc (2 ms)
✓ Copy New (1 ms)
✓ Copy New TTTLocalizedPluralString.podspec (3 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ 98-palette.png 98-palette.png (33 ms)
✓ Copy Localizable.strings (7 ms)
✓ Copy Localizable.strings (5 ms)
✓ Copy Localizable.strings (5 ms)
✓ Copy Localizable.strings (4 ms)
✓ Copy Localizable.strings (2 ms)
✓ Copy Localizable.strings (3 ms)
✓ Copy Localizable.strings (3 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ 98-palette@2x.png 98-palette@2x.png (38 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ Default-568h@2x.png Default-568h@2x.png (94 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ plus1.png plus1.png (40 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ playVideo.png playVideo.png (28 ms)
✓ CopyPNGFile New\ plus1gray.png plus1gray.png (34 ms)
✓ CompileAssetCatalog New\ Images.xcassets (1964 ms)
2014-04-23 14:07:21.670 IBCocoaTouchImageCatalogTool[43713:303] CFPreferences: user home directory at file:///Users/amitm02/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/User/ is unavailable. User domains will be volatile.
/* */
✓ Process Takes-Info.plist (2 ms)
✓ Generate New (429 ms)
ProcessProductPackaging Provisioning\ 5D74079E-B86A-4713-9ECF-A33E43323F5E.mobileprovision New\ embedded.mobileprovisi ✓ ProcessProductPackaging Provisioning\ 5D74079E-B86A-4713-9ECF-A33E43323F5E.mobileprovision New\ embedded.mobileprovision (0 ms)
✓ Touch New (5 ms)
✓ ProcessProductPackaging Entitlements.plist New\ Capture.xcent (0 ms)
✓ CodeSign New\ (194 ms)
✓ Validate New\ (50 ms)
** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** (33643 ms)
Deploying App!
* Signing *
env SDKROOT=/Applications/ /Applications/ /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/ -o /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/Takes.ipa -sign iPhone\ Distribution\:\ Metro\ Enterprises,\ Inc. -embed ''
error: Specified application doesn't exist or isn't a bundle directory : '/Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/'
cp: /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/Takes.ipa: No such file or directory
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleVersion", Does Not Exist
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleDisplayName", Does Not Exist
UPLOAD_DIR: /Users/amitm02/Takes/build/Release-iphoneos/upload
* Uploading *
spawn rsync -avz -e ssh build/Release-iphoneos/upload/'s password:
building file list ... done
sent 321 bytes received 2976 bytes 2198.00 bytes/sec
total size is 333549 speedup is 101.17
Removing Keys!
amits-MacBook-Pro-2:Takes amitm02$ gist
-bash: gist: command not found
amits-MacBook-Pro-2:Takes amitm02$
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