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Created October 28, 2018 14:13
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Asyncio bulk helper methods for elasticsearch-py-async (python 3.6+) , use it like a regular helper, with AsyncElasticsearch
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from operator import methodcaller
import asyncio
from elasticsearch.exceptions import TransportError
from elasticsearch.helpers import BulkIndexError, expand_action, _chunk_actions
from elasticsearch.compat import map
logger = logging.getLogger('elasticsearch.helpers')
async def _process_bulk_chunk(client, bulk_actions, bulk_data, raise_on_exception=True, raise_on_error=True, *args, **kwargs):
Send a bulk request to elasticsearch and process the output.
# if raise on error is set, we need to collect errors per chunk before raising them
errors = []
# send the actual request
resp = await client.bulk('\n'.join(bulk_actions) + '\n', *args, **kwargs)
except TransportError as e:
# default behavior - just propagate exception
if raise_on_exception:
raise e
# if we are not propagating, mark all actions in current chunk as failed
err_message = str(e)
exc_errors = []
for data in bulk_data:
# collect all the information about failed actions
op_type, action = data[0].copy().popitem()
info = {"error": err_message, "status": e.status_code, "exception": e}
if op_type != 'delete':
info['data'] = data[1]
exc_errors.append({op_type: info})
# emulate standard behavior for failed actions
if raise_on_error:
raise BulkIndexError('%i document(s) failed to index.' % len(exc_errors), exc_errors)
for err in exc_errors:
yield False, err
# go through request-reponse pairs and detect failures
for data, (op_type, item) in zip(bulk_data, map(methodcaller('popitem'), resp['items'])):
ok = 200 <= item.get('status', 500) < 300
if not ok and raise_on_error:
# include original document source
if len(data) > 1:
item['data'] = data[1]
errors.append({op_type: item})
if ok or not errors:
# if we are not just recording all errors to be able to raise
# them all at once, yield items individually
yield ok, {op_type: item}
if errors:
raise BulkIndexError('%i document(s) failed to index.' % len(errors), errors)
async def streaming_bulk(client, actions, chunk_size=500, max_chunk_bytes=100 * 1024 * 1024,
raise_on_error=True, expand_action_callback=expand_action,
raise_on_exception=True, max_retries=0, initial_backoff=2,
max_backoff=600, yield_ok=True, *args, **kwargs):
Streaming bulk consumes actions from the iterable passed in and yields
results per action. For non-streaming usecases use
:func:`~elasticsearch.helpers.bulk` which is a wrapper around streaming
bulk that returns summary information about the bulk operation once the
entire input is consumed and sent.
If you specify ``max_retries`` it will also retry any documents that were
rejected with a ``429`` status code. To do this it will wait (**by calling
time.sleep which will block**) for ``initial_backoff`` seconds and then,
every subsequent rejection for the same chunk, for double the time every
time up to ``max_backoff`` seconds.
:arg client: instance of :class:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` to use
:arg actions: iterable containing the actions to be executed
:arg chunk_size: number of docs in one chunk sent to es (default: 500)
:arg max_chunk_bytes: the maximum size of the request in bytes (default: 100MB)
:arg raise_on_error: raise ``BulkIndexError`` containing errors (as `.errors`)
from the execution of the last chunk when some occur. By default we raise.
:arg raise_on_exception: if ``False`` then don't propagate exceptions from
call to ``bulk`` and just report the items that failed as failed.
:arg expand_action_callback: callback executed on each action passed in,
should return a tuple containing the action line and the data line
(`None` if data line should be omitted).
:arg max_retries: maximum number of times a document will be retried when
``429`` is received, set to 0 (default) for no retries on ``429``
:arg initial_backoff: number of seconds we should wait before the first
retry. Any subsequent retries will be powers of ``initial_backoff *
:arg max_backoff: maximum number of seconds a retry will wait
:arg yield_ok: if set to False will skip successful documents in the output
actions = map(expand_action_callback, actions)
for bulk_data, bulk_actions in _chunk_actions(actions, chunk_size,
for attempt in range(max_retries + 1):
to_retry, to_retry_data = [], []
if attempt:
await asyncio.sleep(min(max_backoff, initial_backoff * 2 ** (attempt - 1)))
async for ok, info in _process_bulk_chunk(client, bulk_actions, bulk_data,
raise_on_error, *args, **kwargs):
if not ok:
action, info = info.popitem()
# retry if retries enabled, we get 429, and we are not
# in the last attempt
if max_retries \
and info['status'] == 429 \
and (attempt + 1) <= max_retries:
# _process_bulk_chunk expects strings so we need to
# re-serialize the data
to_retry.extend(map(client.transport.serializer.dumps, bulk_data))
yield ok, {action: info}
elif yield_ok:
yield ok, info
except TransportError as e:
# suppress 429 errors since we will retry them
if attempt == max_retries or e.status_code != 429:
if not to_retry:
# retry only subset of documents that didn't succeed
bulk_actions, bulk_data = to_retry, to_retry_data
async def bulk(client, actions, stats_only=False, *args, **kwargs):
Helper for the :meth:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.bulk` api that provides
a more human friendly interface - it consumes an iterator of actions and
sends them to elasticsearch in chunks. It returns a tuple with summary
information - number of successfully executed actions and either list of
errors or number of errors if ``stats_only`` is set to ``True``. Note that
by default we raise a ``BulkIndexError`` when we encounter an error so
options like ``stats_only`` only apply when ``raise_on_error`` is set to
When errors are being collected original document data is included in the
error dictionary which can lead to an extra high memory usage. If you need
to process a lot of data and want to ignore/collect errors please consider
using the :func:`~elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk` helper which will
just return the errors and not store them in memory.
:arg client: instance of :class:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` to use
:arg actions: iterator containing the actions
:arg stats_only: if `True` only report number of successful/failed
operations instead of just number of successful and a list of error responses
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to
:func:`~elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk` which is used to execute
the operation, see :func:`~elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk` for more
accepted parameters.
success, failed = 0, 0
# list of errors to be collected is not stats_only
errors = []
# make streaming_bulk yield successful results so we can count them
kwargs['yield_ok'] = True
async for ok, item in streaming_bulk(client, actions, *args, **kwargs):
# go through request-reponse pairs and detect failures
if not ok:
if not stats_only:
failed += 1
success += 1
return success, failed if stats_only else errors
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Thanks very much for this!

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bisoldi commented Mar 22, 2019

I get RuntimeError: Task got bad yield: 200 with the last element in the traceback:

File "/MyApp/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch_async/", line 150, in main_loop method, url, params, body, headers=headers, ignore=ignore, timeout=timeout)

Any thoughts as to what I'm doing wrong?

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eranhirs commented May 30, 2019

Thanks for this, getting SyntaxError: 'yield' inside async function in python 3.5.2

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