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Last active December 5, 2022 14:48
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Monkey patch console.error() to process React hydration errors
//Update this array to catch more errors
"Warning: Did not expect server HTML to contain",
"Warning: Text content did not match. Server",
//Can use any npm packag instead of this
const interpolate = (template, params) =>
params.reduce((p, c) => p.replace(/%s/, c), template);
const isReactHydrationError = args => {
const errorArg = args && args[0];
return (
errorArg &&
typeof errorArg.includes === "function" &&
HYDRATION_ERROR_MSGS.some(msg => errorArg.includes(msg))
const logHydrationError = args => {
args[0] = `ReactHydrationError - ${args[0]}`;
const [template, ...params] = args;
const error = interpolate(template, params);
//Function to log this error in the desired error logging channel
reportError({ error });
const patchConsoleError = () => {
//Save reference to original error() function
const { error } = console;
console.error = function () {
if (isReactHydrationError(arguments)) {
error.apply(console, arguments);
export default patchConsoleError;
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I am new to React and would love to make use of this gist, but I don't know how to use it. Would you be able to post or describe an example of how to use it?

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@horatiorosa Hey, I am a bit late on your comment. I will post its working usage if you let me know if you still need it, otherwise, I will assume you found some way to make it work.

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Yes, please post the working usage. This hydration error is driving me mad! :-p

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Hey, I have added a demo here: and also hosted it(which is meaningless since we can only catch it in dev env). I have added all the steps on how to run this on your local machine. Let me know if you still are having some trouble with it. Peace

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