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Last active June 5, 2020 08:30
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#if !defined(AMT_EXP_HPP)
#define AMT_EXP_HPP
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
namespace amt{
template<typename... Ts>
struct expr_list{
using type_list = std::tuple<Ts...>;
template<std::size_t I>
struct nth_impl{
using type = std::tuple_element_t<I,type_list>;
template<std::size_t I>
using nth_t = typename nth_impl<I>::type;
static constexpr auto const size = sizeof...(Ts);
template<typename T, typename... Es>
constexpr auto push_front(expr_list<Es...>) -> expr_list<T,Es...>;
template<typename T, typename... Es>
constexpr auto push_back(expr_list<Es...>) -> expr_list<Es...,T>;
template<std::size_t I, typename Exp>
using expr_nth_t = typename Exp::template nth_t<I>;
template<typename Oper, typename Op2>
struct unary_expr : expr_list<Oper,Op2>{};
template<typename Op1, typename Oper, typename Op2>
struct binary_expr : expr_list<Op1,Oper,Op2>{};
template<typename T>
struct is_expr_list : std::false_type{};
template<typename... T>
struct is_expr_list<expr_list<T...>> : std::true_type{};
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
struct is_expr_list<binary_expr<T1,T2,T3>> : std::true_type{};
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct is_expr_list<unary_expr<T1,T2>> : std::true_type{};
template<typename T>
inline static constexpr auto const is_expr_list_v = is_expr_list<T>::value;
} // namespace amt
#endif // AMT_EXP_HPP
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/core/demangle.hpp>
#include "rules.hpp"
template<typename T>
std::string type( T const& t ){
return boost::core::demangle(typeid(t).name());
struct A{};
struct B{};
struct C{};
int main(){
using exp1 = amt::binary_expr<
A, amt::sym::mul, B
A, amt::sym::mul, C
A, amt::sym::add, A
> ; // ( A * B + A * C ) + ( A + A ) => ( A * ( B + C ) ) + (2 * A)
using exp2 = amt::binary_expr<
A, amt::sym::add, A
> ; // ( A + ( A + A ) ) => (3 * A)
std::cout<<type(amt::optimize_expr<3 /*Max number of rules*/>(exp1{}))<<'\n'; // output: ( A * ( B + C ) ) + (2 * A)
std::cout<<type(amt::optimize_expr<3 /*Max number of rules*/>(exp2{}))<<'\n'; // output: (3 * A)
return 0;
#if !defined(AMT_RULE_HPP)
#define AMT_RULE_HPP
#include "symbols.hpp"
#include "exp.hpp"
namespace amt{
struct accept{};
struct reject{};
template<typename T>
inline static constexpr auto const is_accepted_v = std::is_same_v<T,accept>;
template<typename T>
inline static constexpr auto const is_rejected_v = std::is_same_v<T,reject>;
template<std::size_t N>
struct rule;
struct rule<0>{
static constexpr auto const total_sym_consumed = 3;
// a * b + a * c
using from_expr = expr_list< expr_list< sym::expr<0>, sym::mul, sym::expr<1> >, sym::add, expr_list< sym::expr<0>, sym::mul, sym::expr<2> > >;
// a * ( b + c )
using to_expr = expr_list< sym::expr<0>, sym::mul, expr_list< sym::expr<1>, sym::add, sym::expr<2> > >;
template<typename Exp>
inline constexpr auto operator()(Exp const&) const noexcept{
if constexpr ( Exp::size != from_expr::size || !is_expr_list_v<Exp> ){
return reject{};
using left_op = expr_nth_t<0,Exp>;
using op = expr_nth_t<1,Exp>;
using right_op = expr_nth_t<2,Exp>;
if constexpr( sym::is_expr_v<left_op> &&
sym::is_operator_v<op> && std::is_same_v< expr_nth_t<1, from_expr>, op > &&
if constexpr( is_accepted_v< decltype( check<left_op,right_op>() ) > ){
return expr_list<
return reject{};
}else {
return reject{};
template<typename LExp, typename RExp>
inline constexpr auto check() const noexcept{
if constexpr( is_expr_list_v<LExp> && is_expr_list_v<RExp> ){
if constexpr(
sym::is_expr_v< expr_nth_t<0,LExp> > && sym::is_expr_v< expr_nth_t<0,RExp> > &&
sym::is_operator_v< expr_nth_t<1,LExp> > && sym::is_operator_v< expr_nth_t<1,RExp> > &&
sym::is_expr_v< expr_nth_t<2,LExp> > && sym::is_expr_v< expr_nth_t<2,RExp> > &&
std::is_same_v< expr_nth_t<1,LExp>, expr_nth_t<1,expr_nth_t<0,from_expr>> > &&
std::is_same_v< expr_nth_t<1,RExp>, expr_nth_t<1,expr_nth_t<0,from_expr>> >
return accept{};
return reject{};
return reject{};
struct rule<1>{
static constexpr auto const total_sym_consumed = 3;
// a + a
using from_expr = expr_list< sym::expr<0>, sym::add, sym::expr<0> >;
// 2 * a
using to_expr = expr_list< sym::integer<2>, sym::mul, sym::expr<0> >;
template<typename Exp>
inline constexpr auto operator()(Exp const&) const noexcept{
if constexpr ( Exp::size != from_expr::size || !is_expr_list_v<Exp> ){
return reject{};
using left_op = expr_nth_t<0,Exp>;
using op = expr_nth_t<1,Exp>;
using right_op = expr_nth_t<2,Exp>;
if constexpr(
sym::is_expr_v<left_op> && std::is_same_v<left_op,right_op> &&
sym::is_operator_v<op> && std::is_same_v< expr_nth_t<1, from_expr>, op >
return expr_list<
}else {
return reject{};
struct rule<2>{
static constexpr auto const total_sym_consumed = 3;
// (N * a) + a
using from_expr = expr_list< expr_list< sym::expr<1>, sym::mul, sym::expr<0> >, sym::add, sym::expr<0> >;
// (N + 1)a
using to_expr = expr_list< sym::expr<3>, sym::mul, sym::expr<0> >;
template<typename Exp>
inline constexpr auto operator()(Exp const&) const noexcept{
if constexpr ( Exp::size != from_expr::size || !is_expr_list_v<Exp> ){
return reject{};
using left_op = expr_nth_t<0,Exp>;
using op = expr_nth_t<1,Exp>;
using right_op = expr_nth_t<2,Exp>;
if constexpr(
sym::is_expr_v<left_op> &&
sym::is_operator_v<op> && std::is_same_v< expr_nth_t<1, from_expr>, op >
if constexpr ( is_accepted_v< decltype(check<left_op,right_op>()) > ){
if constexpr( sym::is_integer_v< expr_nth_t<0,left_op> > ){
return expr_list<
sym::integer< expr_nth_t<0,left_op>::value + 1 >,
return expr_list<
sym::integer< expr_nth_t<2,left_op>::value + 1 >,
}else if constexpr ( is_accepted_v< decltype(check<right_op,left_op>()) > ){
if constexpr( sym::is_integer_v< expr_nth_t<0,right_op> > ){
return expr_list<
sym::integer< expr_nth_t<0,right_op>::value + 1 >,
return expr_list<
sym::integer< expr_nth_t<2,right_op>::value + 1 >,
return reject{};
}else {
return reject{};
template<typename LExp, typename RExp>
inline constexpr auto check() const noexcept{
if constexpr( is_expr_list_v<LExp> ){
using left_type = expr_nth_t<0,LExp>;
using op = expr_nth_t<1,LExp>;
using right_type = expr_nth_t<2,LExp>;
if constexpr( ( std::is_same_v<left_type,RExp> || std::is_same_v<right_type,RExp> ) &&
( sym::is_integer_v<left_type> || sym::is_integer_v<right_type> ) &&
sym::is_operator_v<op> && std::is_same_v< op, expr_nth_t<1, expr_nth_t<0,from_expr>> >
return accept{};
return reject{};
return reject{};
} // namespace amt
namespace amt::detail{
template<typename Op, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr auto const_while(expr_list<Ts...> res = expr_list<>{}) noexcept{
using res_type = decltype( Op{}(res) );
if constexpr( !is_rejected_v< res_type > ){
return const_while<Op>(res_type{});
return res;
template<typename Exp, typename Op>
inline constexpr auto optimize_helper() noexcept{
if constexpr( is_expr_list_v<Exp> ){
return const_while<Op>(Exp{});
return Exp{};
template<std::size_t RuleN, typename Exp, typename... Ts >
constexpr auto optimize_expr(expr_list<Ts...> res = expr_list<>{}) noexcept {
if constexpr( is_expr_list_v<Exp> && !sym::is_operator_v<Exp>){
static_assert( Exp::size <=3 && Exp::size > 0, "Invlaid expression" );
if constexpr ( rule<RuleN>::total_sym_consumed == 3 && Exp::size == 3 ){
using left_type = expr_nth_t<0,Exp>;
using op_type = expr_nth_t<1,Exp>;
using right_type = expr_nth_t<2,Exp>;
using lreturn_type = decltype( optimize_expr<RuleN,left_type>(expr_list<>{}) );
using rreturn_type = decltype( optimize_expr<RuleN,right_type>(expr_list<>{}) );
using new_exp_type = expr_list< lreturn_type, op_type, rreturn_type >;
using opt_exp = decltype( optimize_helper<new_exp_type,rule<RuleN> >() );
return opt_exp{};
using expr_type = expr_nth_t< Exp::size == 1 ? 0 : 1 ,Exp>;
using rexpr_type = decltype( optimize_expr<RuleN,expr_type>(expr_list<>{}) );
using new_exp_type = expr_list< rexpr_type >;
using opt_exp = decltype( optimize_helper<new_exp_type,rule<RuleN> >() );
return opt_exp{};
return Exp{};
namespace amt{
template<std::size_t Max, std::size_t I = 0, typename Exp, typename... Ts >
constexpr auto optimize_expr(Exp const& res) noexcept {
if constexpr( I < Max ){
using op_type = decltype(detail::optimize_expr<I,Exp>());
return optimize_expr<Max,I + 1>(op_type{});
return res;
#endif // AMT_RULE_HPP
#if !defined(AMT_SYMBOLS_HPP)
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include "exp.hpp"
namespace amt::sym{
struct op{};
struct mul : op{};
struct add : op{};
struct sub : op{};
struct div : op{};
template<std::size_t N>
struct expr
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t,N>{};
template<std::ptrdiff_t N>
struct integer
: std::integral_constant<std::ptrdiff_t,N>{};
template<typename T>
struct is_operator : std::is_base_of<op,T>{};
template<typename T>
inline static constexpr auto const is_operator_v = is_operator<T>::value;
template<typename T>
struct is_integer : std::false_type{};
template<std::ptrdiff_t N>
struct is_integer< integer<N> > : std::true_type{};
template<typename T>
struct is_expr :
std::integral_constant<bool, !is_operator_v<T>> {};
template<typename T>
inline static constexpr auto const is_expr_v = is_expr<T>::value;
template<typename T>
inline static constexpr auto const is_integer_v = is_integer<T>::value;
} // namespace amt::sym
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