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Last active April 8, 2022 08:59
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"express": "4.14.0",
"uWebSockets.js": "github:uNetworking/uWebSockets.js#v20.6.0"
# uws backend
curl -v http://localhost:3030
curl -v -d 'hello from curl' -X POST http://localhost:3030
websocat3 ws://localhost:3030/echo
# http backend
curl -v http://localhost:3031
curl -v -d 'hello from curl' -X POST http://localhost:3031
const app = require("express")();
const server = require('uWebSockets.js').App();
const Readable = require('stream').Readable;
var log = ()=>{};
var log = console.log;
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
log('get called', req.connection.remoteAddress);
res.status(200).send('hello world get');
})'/', (req, res) => {
log('post called');
req.on('data', e => log('on post =>', e.toString()));
req.on('end', e => res.status(200).send('hello world post'));
function aborted(){
log('uws onAborted');
this.res.aborted = this.req.aborted = true;
function get_header(k) {
return this.headers[k];
function set_header(k, v){
if (k === "Set-Cookie") v = typeof v == "object" ? v[0] : v;
if (this.headers[k] == v) return;
this.headers[k] = v;
function _read(a){
this.__stream_started = true;
var chunk = this.req_body_arr.shift();
if(chunk) this.push(chunk);
else if(this.__stream_ended) this.push(null);
function on_data(chunk, isLast){
chunk = Buffer.from(chunk.slice(0));
if(this.__stream_started && this.req_body_arr.length == 0) this.push(chunk);
else this.req_body_arr.push(chunk);
this.__stream_ended = true;
if(this.__stream_started && this.req_body_arr.length == 0) this.push(null);
function end(chunk) {
if(this.statusCode) this.writeStatus(this.statusCode.toString());
delete this.headers['Content-Length'];
Object.keys(this.headers).forEach(k => this.writeHeader(k, this.headers[k]));
this.aborted = true;
return this._end(chunk);
function removeHeader(k) {
delete this.headers[k];
function write(chunk) {
const parseParams = (querystring) => {
const params = new URLSearchParams(querystring);
const obj = {};
for (const key of params.keys()) {
if (params.getAll(key).length > 1) obj[key] = params.getAll(key);
else obj[key] = params.get(key);
return obj;
function wrap_and_serve(res, req){
var req_stream = new Readable();
req_stream.headers = {};
req_stream._read = _read;
req_stream.req_body_arr = [];
req_stream.url = req.getUrl();
req_stream.method = req.getMethod().toUpperCase();
req_stream.query = parseParams(req.getQuery());
req_stream.connection = {remoteAddress: Buffer.from(res.getRemoteAddressAsText()).toString()};
res.headers = {};
res.chunkArr = [];
res._end = res.end;
res._write = res.write;
res.end = end;
res.write = write;
res.setHeader = set_header;
res.getHeader = get_header;
res.writeHeader = res.writeHeader;
res.writeStatus = res.writeStatus;
res.removeHeader = removeHeader;
res.onAborted(aborted.bind({req, res}));
req.forEach((k, v) => req_stream.headers[k] = v);
app(req_stream, res); return;
// setTimeout(e => app(req_stream, res), 100);
server.any('/*', wrap_and_serve);
const HTTP_PORT = 3030;
const HTTP_HOST = '';
server.listen(HTTP_HOST, HTTP_PORT, function(success){
log(success ? 'Listening to port' : 'Failed to listen on port', HTTP_PORT);
/*ws begin*/
function uws_on_upgrade(res, req, context){
var handle = {url: req.getUrl(), headers: {}};
req.forEach((k, v) => k.indexOf('sec-websocket') == -1 ? handle.headers[k] = v : undefined);
res.upgrade({hdl: handle}, req.getHeader('sec-websocket-key'), req.getHeader('sec-websocket-protocol'),
req.getHeader('sec-websocket-extensions'), context
function uws_on_open(ws){
ws.hdl._ws = ws;
function uws_on_message(ws, msg, is_binary){
this.onmessage(ws.hdl, is_binary ? msg : Buffer.from(msg).toString());
function uws_on_close(ws, code, msg){
this.onclose(ws.hdl, code, Buffer.from(msg).toString())
function uws_send(hdl, msg){
return hdl._ws.send(msg, typeof msg != 'string');
function uws_close(hdl, code, msg){
hdl._ws.end(code, msg);
function reg_wss(opts){, {
upgrade: uws_on_upgrade,
open: uws_on_open.bind(opts),
message: uws_on_message.bind(opts),
close: uws_on_close.bind(opts),
return {send: uws_send, close: uws_close};
const ws_funcs = reg_wss({
path: '/echo',
onopen: (ws) => log('ws on open', ws),
onmessage: (ws, msg) => ws_funcs.send(ws, msg) && log('ws on message', msg),
onclose: (ws, code, msg) => log('ws on close', code, msg),
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