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Created July 18, 2017 18:58
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Google Maps javascript for MRPSS website
// I ran though this quick and expanded my useless comments with everything I could remember about this
// it was 2 years ago when I first wrote this.
// Some of it might be obvious to you, or just wrong, and I apologize but these ~200 lines are just about all of the js
// I have written in my life. Hope it helps!
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', init);
var map;
var infowindow = null;
function init() {
//googlemaps api docs can explain what each option does
//I just kept tweaking until the colors matched the pages color scheeme, and
//all of the place/road names and, icons were either removed or blended into
//the background enough to stop them from cluttering the view
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.227827,-80.422021),
zoom: 16,
zoomControl: true,
zoomControlOptions: {
style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL,
disableDoubleClickZoom: true,
mapTypeControl: true,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU,
scaleControl: true,
scrollwheel: true,
streetViewControl: false,
draggable : true,
overviewMapControl: true,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
styles: [{
{ visibility:"simplified" }
visibility: "simplified"
featureType: "all",
elementType: "labels",
visibility: "off"
visibility: "on",
color: "#6FFFFF",
visibility: "on",
color: "#FFFFFF",
//You need to give the map an element to attach itself too.
// The line below will put the map in any element with id ='map'
// so in my site I just had a <div id="map"></div>
var mapElement = document.getElementById('map');
// The map object is created passing in the options, and element from above
var map = new google.maps.Map(mapElement, mapOptions);
// The objects in the `locations` array are used to create the pins (google calls them marker objects, you will see below)
// that appear on the map
// name: Becomes the title of the Marker object
// latlang: Becomes the location of the Marker object. Latitude, Longitude where the pin will be.
// I don't 100% recall how I figured these out. I think there might have been a utility somewhere
// on the web that I used to help, but I vaguely recall that if you open up the developer console
// and drop a pin on google maps it will say somewhere what the latitude/longitude at that pin is.
// ico: Becomes the icon of the Marker object. The image to use as the actual pin on the map
// I found the icons for free on the internet and resized them so that they weren't too big.
// *The path is relative to the page.html where the map will be rendered, not relative to this file*.
// Urls should work too, I think.
// ctent: Become the html attribute on the marker object
// this is the text that appears when you click on the pin with a little bit more info about each location.
// I will admit, I was playing around a bit when I decided to set this up instead of just putting the text
// on the page below the map.
var locations = [{
name:"Goodwin Hall",
latlang:new google.maps.LatLng(37.232508, -80.425851),
ctent:'<h4 class="text-muted">Goodwin Hall</h4>'+
'<p>Daily Lectures will be held in Goodwin Hall Room 155. Students '+
'will have access to power outlets for thier laptops. '+
'A laptop is not required for class, but you may use one if you wish. '+
'See <a href="student_info.html#D45">below</a> for information on setting up wireless internet access.</p>'
latlang:new google.maps.LatLng(37.221338, -80.420498),
ctent:'<h4 class="text-muted">Washington Street Parking Lot</h4>'+
'<p>If you are driving to Virginia Tech, the closest parking lot to the '+
'residence hall is the Washington Street Parking Lot near Cassell Coliseum. '+
'You will be given a parking permit at check in which should be hung '+
'from the rear-view mirror of your vehicle for the duration of the summer '+
'school to avoid getting tickets on campus.</p>'
name:"Parking Garage",
latlang:new google.maps.LatLng(37.231230, -80.426216),
ctent:'<h4 class="text-muted">Perry Street Parking Garage</h4>'+
'<p>Students who have driven to Virginia Tech may wish to park their '+
'vehicles in the Perry Street Parking Garage while attending lectures '+
'in Goodwin Hall. If students choose to do so, parking permits should '+
'still be hung from the rear-view mirror of your vehicle to avoid getting '+
'tickets on campus.</p>'
name:"D2 Dining Facility",
latlang:new google.maps.LatLng(37.224538, -80.421195),
ctent:'<h4 class="text-muted">'+
'<a href="" target="_blank">'+
'D2 Dining Facility</a></h4>'+
'<p>Students will recieve a meal card which grants them access '+
'to the D2 dining facility. The D2 facility is a short walk from '+
'New Residence Hall East where students will be staying.</p>'
name:"New Residence Hall East",
latlang:new google.maps.LatLng(37.225550, -80.419133),
ctent:'<h4 class="text-muted">New Residence Hall East</h4>'+
'<p>Students will be staying in '+
'<a href="" target="_blank">New '+
'Residence Hall East</a>. Bed linens will be provided; students should be aware '+
'that there is A/C in the dorms </p>'
latlang:new google.maps.LatLng(37.222206, -80.422463),
ctent:'<h4 class="text-muted">New Hall West</h4>'+
'<p>Formal check-in will take place in New Residence Hall East (see map) from'+
' 11:00 AM until 4:00 PM on Sunday June 18<sup>th</sup>. If you are driving'+
' to campus, please try to arrive during this time. However, if you are arriving'+
' at any other time, you will check-in here at New Hall West. The check-in'+
' desk is open 24 hours so just say that you are with the Molecular Response'+
' Properties Summer School</p>'
name:"Smartway Bus",
latlang: new google.maps.LatLng(37.229811,-80.418426),
ctent:'<h4 class="text-muted">Smartway Bus Stop</h4>'+
'<p>The smart way bus will stop on the Almumni Mall Side'+
' of the Squires Student Center. This is the side where '+
'the construction is taking place, not the side facing College Ave.</p>'+
'<em>The bus schedule can be found '+
'<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</em>'
//I loop over the locations array and create another array of marker objects
var marks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
icon: locations[i].ico,
position: locations[i].latlang,
map: map,
// This is the window that will appear on the marker when clicked. I created a single InfoWindow,
// so that when you click on one marker, then another the first infobox wont stay on the map and cover it all up.
infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
//Loop over the markers and add an event listener to display the marker's html in the InfoWindow and open it over the marker
//when the marker is clicked
for (var i=0; i < marks.length; i++){
var marker = marks[i];
// I am certain I got this directly from an example on stack overflow.
// I'm pretty sure `this` is the marker object passed to the callback function?
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