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Created May 8, 2024 18:53
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import sys
import timeit
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import product
from typing import Optional, Union
import torch
from torch._inductor.compile_fx import compile_fx_inner, cudagraphify_impl, compile_fx
from torch._inductor.decomposition import decompositions
from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import make_fx
from torch.utils.benchmark import Compare, Language, Timer, timer as torch_default_timer
device = "cuda"
# SZ = [2**i for i in range(13, 20)]
IN_SZ = [100, 300]
# RATIOS = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
RATIOS = [0.1, 0.15, 0.2]
def benchmark(name, label, f, x, out_size, would_fallback):
"""Update signature and sub label as needed"""
sub_label = f"{tuple(x.shape)}, adaptive_max_pool2d({out_size})"
if would_fallback:
sub_label = sub_label + "*"
return Timer(
"f([x, out_size])",
def gen_inputs():
"""Modify this to generate the correct args for function"""
make_arg = partial(torch.randn, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
for n, c in [(512, 3), (1024, 3)]:
for h_in, w_in in product(IN_SZ, IN_SZ):
for scale in RATIOS:
h_out, w_out = int(scale * h_in), int(scale * w_in)
x = make_arg(n, c, h_in, w_in)
h_kmax = -((h_in + h_out - 1)//-h_out)
w_kmax = -((w_in + w_out - 1)//-w_out)
would_fallback = (h_kmax * w_kmax) > 25
yield x, (h_out, w_out), would_fallback
def gen_compare(name, x, out_size, would_fallback):
"""Fix signature as needed"""
def f(args):
"""Unpack args as needed, update val=line to call correct function"""
x, out_size = args
val, idx = torch.ops.aten.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, out_size)
return (val,idx)
sys.stderr.write(f"{x.shape} maxpool2d({out_size})\n")
args = [x, out_size]
decomposed = make_fx(f, decomposition_table=decompositions, tracing_mode="fake")(
compiled_decomposed = compile_fx(decomposed, args, inner_compile=partial(compile_fx_inner, cudagraphs=False))
yield benchmark(name, f"Compile", compiled_decomposed, *args, would_fallback)
# Just show the first two generated kernels
if device == "cuda":
eager_f = cudagraphify_impl(f, args, static_input_idxs=tuple(range(len(args))))
eager_f = f
yield benchmark(name, f"Eager", eager_f, *args, would_fallback)
for d in ('cuda','cpu'):
device = d
results = []
name = f"adaptive_max_pool2d-{device}"
for args in gen_inputs():
for res in gen_compare(name, *args):
compare = Compare(results)
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