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Created September 3, 2016 14:06
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Easy Simon Game

Easy Simon Game

This is an easier version of the classic game Simon where the computer plays a sequence of colors and the player has to repeat the sequence in order to move on to the next round. The player wins the game when they can successfully complete 5 rounds. There are two modes of play: General: if the player misses a color in the sequence, the computer will repeat the last sequence until the player gets it right. Strict: the player has to be perfect in repeating the computer's color sequence. If the player misses any part of the sequence, the game is over.

A Pen by Angela Johnson on CodePen.


<meta charset="UTF-8">
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<title>Simon Game</title>
<div id="resetContainer" class="popupContainer">
<div id="gameStatementBox" class="loserPopUp">
<h3 id="gameStatement"></h3>
<div id="gameTitle">SIMON</div>
<div id="centeringFlexBox">
<div class="middleCircle">
<div id="gameOptions">
<div id="count" class="centeredRow">Level</div>
<div class="centeredRow">
<div id="countWindow">&nbsp</div>
<div id="gameControlButtons" class="centeredRow">
<div id="start" class='gameControlButton'>
<div id="startButtonLabel">Start</div>
<button id="startButton" class="btn"></button>
<div class="led-box" class='gameControlButton'>
<div id="led" class="led-clear"></div>
<div id="strict" class='gameControlButton'>
<div id="strictButtonLabel">Strict</div>
<button id="strictButton" class="btn"></button>
<div id="powerSwitch" class="centeredRow">
<div id="off">
<div id="on-off-mark"><span id="mark-toggle"></span></div>
<div id="on">
<div id="simonContainer">
<div class="flexContainerColumns">
<div class="flexContainerRows">
<div id="greenPad" class="green circle greenPadTurnOff"></div>
<div id="redPad" class="red circle redPadTurnOff"></div>
<div class="flexContainerRows">
<div id="bluePad" class="blue circle bluePadTurnOff"></div>
<div id="yellowPad" class="yellow circle yellowPadTurnOff"></div>
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<p>Created and Coded by Angela Johnson 2016</p>
var gameSequence = [];
var playerResponse;
var playerResponsesCounter = 0;
var strictMode = false;
var levelCount = 0;
var roundsToWin = 5;
var powerState = "off";
var gameState = "notPlaying";
var turnState = "computer";
var colors = ["greenPad", "redPad", "bluePad", "yellowPad"];
var lightUpDuration;
var lightUpStep = 50;
var lightGap;
var lightGapStep = 2;
var yellowPadSound;
var greenPadSound;
var redPadSound;
var bluePadSound;
var setTimeOutLightUp;
var setTimeOutDarken;
var timeOutArray = [];
var wrongAnswerBuzzer;
var winnerCheer;
var losingMessage = "You Lose! Press Start To Play Again.";
var winningMessage = "You Won! Press Start To Play Again";
var boolFirstPlay = true;
$(function() {
loadSounds(); //
W = window.innerWidth;
H = window.innerHeight;
$("#powerSwitch").on("click", function() {
if (powerState === "off") {
left: "26px"
}, 50);
powerState = "on";
} else if (powerState === "on") {
left: "0px"
}, 50);
powerState = "off";
if ($("#resetContainer").hasClass('slideDown')) {
//clears the setTimeout method that were set for the lightUpPad function
for (var i = 0; i < timeOutArray.length; i++) {
//clears the setTimeout method for the darkenGamePad function
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
$(".circle").mousedown(function(event) {
if ((powerState === "on") &&
(turnState === "player")) {
$(".circle").mouseup(function(event) {
if ((powerState === "on") &&
(turnState === "player")) {
$("#startButton").on("click", function() {
if (powerState === "on") {
if ($("#resetContainer").hasClass('slideDown')) {
gameState = "playing";
$("#strictButton").on("click", function() {
if ((powerState === "on") &&
((turnState !== "computer") && (turnState !== "player"))) {
strictMode = !strictMode;
if (strictMode === true) {
} else {
//chooses a random color out of the 4 colors
function chooseRandomColor() {
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
var randomColor = colors[randomNumber];
return randomColor;
//initializes the game upon starting
function init() {
levelCount = 1;
/*if (powerState === "on") {
gameState = "notPlaying";
turnState = undefined; // allows the player to turn on the strict button prior to the game starting.
gameSequence = [];
playerResponsesCounter = 0;
lightUpDuration = 1400;
lightGap = 75;
function computerPlays(addNew) {
if (levelCount > roundsToWin) {
gameState = "playerWon";
if (gameState === "playing") {
/*console.log("*** starting Round ***");*/
turnState = "computer";
//adds a new color to the sequence
if (addNew === true) {
color = chooseRandomColor(); //the random color that has been choosen
gameSequence.push(color); //the color is pushed into the game sequence array
if (addNew === false) {
lightUpDuration = lightUpDuration - lightUpStep; //the length of time the pad stays illuminated
lightGap = lightGap - lightGapStep; //the time between a light turning off and the next light turning on
timeOutArray = []; //emptying of the timeOutArray
//the gameSequence array is looped through and the current color to be animated is selected.
for (var i = 0; i < gameSequence.length; i++) {
var currentColor = gameSequence[i];
var setTimeOutLightUp = setTimeout(lightUpPad.bind(null, gameSequence[i]), lightUpDuration * i);
var setTimeOutDarken = setTimeout(darkenGamePad.bind(null, gameSequence[i]),
lightUpDuration * (i + 1) - lightGap);
timeOutArray.push(setTimeOutLightUp, setTimeOutDarken);
setTimeout(function() {
turnState = "player";
gameSequence.length * lightUpDuration);
//darkens the game pad after the lightUpPad function has done it's job
function darkenGamePad(color) {
//console.log("darkenGamePad " + color);
$("#" + color).removeClass(color + "TurnOn");
$("#" + color).addClass(color + "TurnOff");
function playerPlays(playerResponse) {
turnState = "player";
if (gameSequence[playerResponsesCounter] !== playerResponse) {
} else {
if (gameSequence.length === playerResponsesCounter) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 750); //keeps the computer from immediately doing it's sequence before the player has fully responded
playerResponsesCounter = 0;
function lightUpPad(color) {
/*console.log("lightUpPad " + color);*/
$("#" + color).removeClass(color + "TurnOff");
$("#" + color).addClass(color + "TurnOn");
if (color === "yellowPad") {
yellowPadSound = context.createBufferSource(); //creates a sound source
yellowPadSound.buffer = bufferList[3]; //tells the source which sound to play
yellowPadSound.connect(context.destination); //connects the sound to the speakers
yellowPadSound.start(0); //plays the source innediately. (time)=equals the amount of time before the source is played
} else if (color === "greenPad") {
greenPadSound = context.createBufferSource();
greenPadSound.buffer = bufferList[0];
} else if (color === "redPad") {
redPadSound = context.createBufferSource();
redPadSound.buffer = bufferList[1];
} else if (color === "bluePad") {
bluePadSound = context.createBufferSource();
bluePadSound.buffer = bufferList[2];
//Using a bufferLoader class through web audio api to create, load audio buffers
var context;
var bufferLoader;
var bufferList;
function loadSounds() {
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
//AudioContext is used for managing and playing all sounds.
context = new AudioContext();
bufferLoader = new BufferLoader(
context, ["",
function finishedLoading(bList) {
bufferList = bList;
function loseRound() {
if (strictMode === true) {
} else {
playerResponsesCounter = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3250);
function loserNotification() {
wrongAnswerBuzzer = context.createBufferSource();
wrongAnswerBuzzer.buffer = bufferList[4];
function playerWins() {
winnerCheer = context.createBufferSource();
winnerCheer.buffer = bufferList[5];
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.bluePadTurnOff {
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animation-fill-mode: forwards;
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animation-fill-mode: forwards;
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0% {
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border-width: 1em 1em 0.5em 0.5em;
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100% {
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top: 0%;
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top: 0%;
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top: -100%;
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animation: winningAnimation 1s linear;
animation-iteration-count: 2;
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100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
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animation: losingAnimation 1.5s linear;
animation-iteration-count: 2;
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0% {
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25% {
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50% {
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75% {
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