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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Rails partial for rendering collections as an HTML table
Renders a collection of objects in an HTML table (developed under Rails 4.0).
* size: The size of the collection (required to determine when to close the table)
* ignore (optional): array of symbols which map to object attributes which won't be rendered in the table
* calls (optional): array of strings which map to methods to call against each object
* table_class (optional): class value to use for the table
* table_id (optional): id to use for the table
* style (optional): style value to use for the table
Example usage:
render partial: "collection_as_table", collection: @users, as: :item,
locals: {
size: @users.count,
ignore: [:updated_at, :created at],
calls: [['fullname'], ['is_admin.humanize', 'Is Admin?']],
table_class: 'tablesorter',
table_id: 'user',
style: 'background-color: white'
calls = [] if local_assigns[:calls].nil?
ignore = [] if local_assigns[:ignore].nil?
column_headers = item.attributes.keys
table_class = '' if local_assigns[:table_class].nil?
table_style = '' if local_assigns[:table_style].nil?
table_id = '' if local_assigns[:table_id].nil?
<% if item_counter == 0 %>
<table id="<%= table_id %>" class="<%= table_class %>" style="<%= table_style %>">
<% column_headers.each do |header| %>
<% next if ignore.include?(header.to_sym) %>
<th><%= header.titleize %></th>
<% end %>
<% calls.each do |call| %>
<% if call.kind_of?(Array) %>
<%= call.last %>
<% else %>
<%= call.split('.').last.titleize %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% item.attributes.each do |key, value| %>
<% next if ignore.include?(key.to_sym) %>
<td><%= value %></td>
<% end %>
<% calls.each do |call| %>
<% if call.kind_of?(Array) %>
<%= item.instance_eval(call.first) rescue nil %>
<% else %>
<%= item.instance_eval(call) rescue nil %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if item_counter == size - 1 %>
<% end %>
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