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Last active September 19, 2021 13:33
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An alternative, "austere" implementation of the Solarized color scheme for Vim
" URL:
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "Solarized"
let s:base0 = "#839496"
let s:base00 = "#657b83"
let s:base01 = "#586e75"
let s:base02 = "#073642"
let s:base03 = "#002b36"
let s:base1 = "#93a1a1"
let s:base2 = "#eee8d5"
let s:base3 = "#fdf6e3"
let s:blue = "#268bd2"
let s:cyan = "#2aa198"
let s:green = "#859900"
let s:magenta = "#d33682"
let s:orange = "#cb4b16"
let s:red = "#dc322f"
let s:violet = "#6c71c4"
let s:yellow = "#b58900"
let s:bases = [ s:base03, s:base02, s:base01, s:base00, s:base0, s:base1, s:base2, s:base3 ]
if &background == "dark"
call reverse(s:bases)
let s:default_attrs = { "gui": "NONE", "guibg": "NONE" }
function s:hl(group, attrs)
call extend(a:attrs, s:default_attrs, "keep")
let l:command = "highlight" . " " . a:group
for name in keys(a:attrs)
let l:command .= " " . name . "=" . a:attrs[name]
exe l:command
call s:hl("ColorColumn", { "guibg": s:bases[6] })
call s:hl("Comment", { "guifg": s:bases[5] })
call s:hl("Constant", { "guifg": s:yellow })
call s:hl("Cursor", { "guifg": "white", "guibg": s:red })
call s:hl("CursorLine", { "guibg": s:bases[6] })
call s:hl("CursorLineNr", { "guifg": s:magenta, "guibg": s:bases[6] })
call s:hl("EndOfBuffer", { "guifg": s:bases[6] })
call s:hl("ErrorMsg", { "guifg": s:base3, "guibg": s:red })
call s:hl("Function", { "guifg": s:bases[4], "gui": "italic" })
call s:hl("Identifier", { "guifg": s:blue })
call s:hl("Keyword", { "guifg": s:bases[4], "gui": "italic" })
call s:hl("LineNr", { "guifg": s:bases[5], "guibg": s:bases[6] })
call s:hl("MatchParen", { "guifg": s:magenta })
call s:hl("NonText", { "guifg": s:bases[5] })
call s:hl("Normal", { "guifg": s:bases[3], "guibg": s:bases[7] })
call s:hl("PreProc", { "guifg": s:magenta })
call s:hl("SpecialKey", { "guifg": s:bases[5] })
call s:hl("Statement", { "guifg": s:green, "gui": "italic" })
call s:hl("StatusLine", { "guibg": s:base0 })
call s:hl("String", { "guifg": s:cyan })
call s:hl("Question", { "guifg": s:green })
call s:hl("Todo", { "guifg": s:magenta })
call s:hl("Type", { "guifg": s:yellow })
call s:hl("VertSplit", { "guifg": s:bases[5], "guibg": s:bases[5] })
call s:hl("WarningMsg", { "guifg": "white", "guibg": s:yellow })
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amn commented Sep 19, 2021

I wrote this because I wanted to better understand both Vim scripting and implementing color schemes and syntax highlighting in Vim, so I have come up with the above. Solarized has stayed my favourite color scheme throughout several years now, but I have been having issues with the upstream implementation, which I can't name right now, so I ventured into writing my own minimal implementation of the same color scheme.

I expect it is missing a good deal of highlighting groups being specified (with hi), I may be adding those later and have a repository documenting history as is proper.

Please keep note of the fact that while the palette is (obviously) the same as the one from upstream, the distribution of the colors in the palette over different syntactic elements, may be different.

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