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Last active March 11, 2021 14:39
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Merge two urls using PHP
* Combine two urls.
* The urls can be either a string or url parts that consist of:
* scheme, host, port, user, pass, path, query, fragment
* If passed in as parts in an array, the query parameter can be either
* a string or an array of name/value key pairs. The query parameters
* will be added on to the ones from the original url. If you want to
* remove query parameters, or any other parts of the url, you need to
* pass the value in as null.
* Examples:
* urlMerge(
* '/tests/section/people?id=9405',
* array('query' => array('found' => true, 'id' => null))
* );
* urlMerge(
* '',
* array('scheme' => 'https', 'query' => 'foo=bar&test=1'
* );
* urlMerge(
* array('path' => '/tests/item', 'query' => 'id=9405'),
* ''
* );
* @param string|array $original
* @param string|array $new
* @return string
function urlMerge($original, $new)
if (is_string($original)) {
$original = parse_url($original);
if (is_string($new)) {
$new = parse_url($new);
$qs = null;
if (!empty($original['query']) && is_string($original['query'])) {
parse_str($original['query'], $original['query']);
if (!empty($new['query']) && is_string($new['query'])) {
parse_str($new['query'], $new['query']);
if (isset($original['query']) || isset($new['query'])) {
if (!isset($original['query'])) {
$qs = $new['query'];
} elseif (!isset($new['query'])) {
$qs = $original['query'];
} else {
$qs = array_merge($original['query'], $new['query']);
$result = array_merge($original, $new);
$result['query'] = $qs;
foreach ($result as $k => $v) {
if ($v === null) {
if (!empty($result['query'])) {
$result['query'] = http_build_query($result['query']);
if ($result['path'][0] != '/') {
$result['path'] = "/{$result['path']}";
return (isset($result['scheme']) ? "{$result['scheme']}://" : '')
. (isset($result['user']) ? $result['user']
. (isset($result['pass']) ? ":{$result['pass']}" : '').'@' : '')
. (isset($result['host']) ? $result['host'] : '')
. (isset($result['port']) ? ":{$result['port']}" : '')
. (isset($result['path']) ? $result['path'] : '')
. (!empty($result['query']) ? "?{$result['query']}" : '')
. (isset($result['fragment']) ? "#{$result['fragment']}" : '');
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