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Last active May 11, 2021 02:54
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Implementation of octave convolution in pytorch
class OctConv(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, ch_in, ch_out, kernel_size, stride=1, alphas=[0.5,0.5]):
super(OctConv, self).__init__()
# Get layer parameters
self.alpha_in, self.alpha_out = alphas
assert 0 <= self.alpha_in <= 1 and 0 <= self.alpha_in <= 1, \
"Alphas must be in interval [0, 1]"
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.stride = stride
self.padding = (kernel_size - stride ) // 2
# Calculate the exact number of high/low frequency channels
self.ch_in_lf = int(self.alpha_in*ch_in)
self.ch_in_hf = ch_in - self.ch_in_lf
self.ch_out_lf = int(self.alpha_out*ch_out)
self.ch_out_hf = ch_out - self.ch_out_lf
# Create convolutional and other modules necessary. Not all paths
# will be created in call cases. So we check number of high/low freq
# channels in input/output to determine which paths are present.
# Example: First layer has alpha_in = 0, so hasLtoL and hasLtoH (bottom
# two paths) will be false in this case.
self.hasLtoL = self.hasLtoH = self.hasHtoL = self.hasHtoH = False
if (self.ch_in_lf and self.ch_out_lf):
# Green path at bottom.
self.hasLtoL = True
self.conv_LtoL = nn.Conv2d(self.ch_in_lf, self.ch_out_lf, \
self.kernel_size, padding=self.padding)
if (self.ch_in_lf and self.ch_out_hf):
# Red path at bottom.
self.hasLtoH = True
self.conv_LtoH = nn.Conv2d(self.ch_in_lf, self.ch_out_hf, \
self.kernel_size, padding=self.padding)
if (self.ch_in_hf and self.ch_out_lf):
# Red path at top
self.hasHtoL = True
self.conv_HtoL = nn.Conv2d(self.ch_in_hf, self.ch_out_lf, \
self.kernel_size, padding=self.padding)
if (self.ch_in_hf and self.ch_out_hf):
# Green path at top
self.hasHtoH = True
self.conv_HtoH = nn.Conv2d(self.ch_in_hf, self.ch_out_hf, \
self.kernel_size, padding=self.padding)
self.avg_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(2,2)
def forward(self, input):
# Split input into high frequency and low frequency components
fmap_w = input.shape[-1]
fmap_h = input.shape[-2]
# We resize the high freqency components to the same size as the low
# frequency component when sending out as output. So when bringing in as
# input, we want to reshape it to have the original size as the intended
# high frequnecy channel (if any high frequency component is available).
input_hf = input
if (self.ch_in_lf):
input_hf = input[:,:self.ch_in_hf*4,:,:].reshape(-1, \
input_lf = input[:,self.ch_in_hf*4:,:,:]
# Create all conditional branches
LtoH = HtoH = LtoL = HtoL = 0.
if (self.hasLtoL):
# Since, there is no change in spatial dimensions between input and
# output, we use vanilla convolution
LtoL = self.conv_LtoL(input_lf)
if (self.hasHtoH):
# Since, there is no change in spatial dimensions between input and
# output, we use vanilla convolution
HtoH = self.conv_HtoH(input_hf)
# We want the high freq channels and low freq channels to be
# packed together such that the output has one dimension. This
# enables octave convolution to be used as is with other layers
# like Relu, elementwise etc. So, we fold the high-freq channels
# to make its height and width same as the low-freq channels. So,
# h = h/2 and w = w/2 since we are making h and w smaller by a
# factor of 2, the number of channels increases by 4.
op_h, op_w = HtoH.shape[-2]//2, HtoH.shape[-1]//2
HtoH = HtoH.reshape(-1, self.ch_out_hf*4, op_h, op_w)
if (self.hasLtoH):
# Since, the spatial dimension has to go up, we do
# bilinear interpolation to increase the size of output
# feature maps
LtoH = F.interpolate(self.conv_LtoH(input_lf), \
scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear')
# We want the high freq channels and low freq channels to be
# packed together such that the output has one dimension. This
# enables octave convolution to be used as is with other layers
# like Relu, elementwise etc. So, we fold the high-freq channels
# to make its height and width same as the low-freq channels. So,
# h = h/2 and w = w/2 since we are making h and w smaller by a
# factor of 2, the number of channels increases by 4.
op_h, op_w = LtoH.shape[-2]//2, LtoH.shape[-1]//2
LtoH = LtoH.reshape(-1, self.ch_out_hf*4, op_h, op_w)
if (self.hasHtoL):
# Since, the spatial dimension has to go down here, we do
# average pooling to reduce the height and width of output
# feature maps by a factor of 2
HtoL = self.avg_pool(self.conv_HtoL(input_hf))
# Elementwise addition of high and low freq branches to get the output
out_hf = LtoH + HtoH
out_lf = LtoL + HtoL
# Since, not all paths are always present, we need to put a check
# on how the output is generated. Example: the final convolution layer
# will have alpha_out == 0, so no low freq. output channels,
# so the layers returns just the high freq. components. If there are no
# high freq component then we send out the low freq channels (we have it
# just to have a general module even though this scenerio has not been
# used by the authors). If both low and high freq components are present,
# we concat them (we have already resized them to be of the same dimension)
# and send them out.
if (self.ch_out_lf == 0):
return out_hf
if (self.ch_out_hf == 0):
return out_lf
op =[out_hf,out_lf],dim=1)
return op
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