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Forked from refriedchicken/stream_test.ex
Last active February 22, 2017 19:28
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Streaming Size Check
defmodule StreamTest do
use GenServer
require Logger
def start_link(opts \\ []) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, opts)
def init(:ok) do
Process.flag :trap_exit, true
send(self(), :start_request)
{:ok, %{file: "", poison: nil}}
def terminate(:normal, state), do: {:noreply, state}
def terminate(reason, state) do
Logger.warn("Terminate in #{inspect __MODULE__}. Reason: #{inspect reason}")
{:noreply, state}
def handle_info(:start_request, state) do
#url = ""
#url = ""
#url = ""
poison = HTTPoison.get!(url, %{}, [stream_to: self()])
{:noreply, %{ state | poison: poison, size: 0 }}
def handle_info(:check_size, %{size: size} = state) when size > 10_000_000, do: {:stop, :normal, state} # file is big, lets stop now
def handle_info(:check_size, %{size: size} = state) do
IO.puts "Size: #{size}"
{:noreply, state}
def handle_info(msg, %{ file: file } = state) do
updated_state =
case msg do
%HTTPoison.AsyncStatus{} -> %{ state | size: 0 }
%HTTPoison.AsyncHeaders{} ->
content_length = Enum.find_value(msg.headers, fn(map) -> if Enum.member?(Tuple.to_list(map), "Content-Length"), do: elem(map, 1) end)
if is_nil(content_length) do
%{ state | size: 0 }
{int, _} = Integer.parse(content_length)
%{ state | size: int }
%HTTPoison.AsyncChunk{} ->
%{ state | file: file <> msg.chunk, size: byte_size(updated_state.file) }
%HTTPoison.AsyncEnd{} ->
%{ state | size: byte_size(file) }
_ ->
IO.inspect {:handle_info, msg}
%{ state | size: 0 }
# verify the size on the next loop
send(self(), :check_size)
{:noreply, updated_state}
{:ok, pid} = StreamTest.start_link
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