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Deploy app on glassfish by creating virtual server
Deploy App(war) in Glassfish & run through virtual server
open glassfish admin console
Set environment for domain
Goto Enterprise server/Server admin -> System properties tab -> click Add propertie
Enter: Name=environment, value=testing/development
Deploy war file
- Goto -> Application -> click on deploy
- Choose war file
-Slcik on save
Now launch the appa by creating virtual server
Goto Configuration -> Virtual Server -> Click on irtual server
Enter : id : <domain-name>
host : <domain-name>
State : Virtual server active
SSO : Disable
Network Listner : http-server-1(80 port), http-server-2(443 port)
Default Web Module : <deployed app need to run using virtual server>
Log File : replace server.log by app name
Docroot : replace docroot by applications/<war-file-name>
Access Logging : Controlled by HTTP service
Click on “ok” to save
Goto Application -> deployed app
Select recently virtual for deployd app
Click on “save”
Now access application by cliking on “Launch”
URL will be like:
Now add the url in Apache pass proxy
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://<domain-name>:<port>/
ProxyPassReverse / http://<domain-name>:<port>/
Open Url http://<domain-name>
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