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Last active April 8, 2018 06:44
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  • Save amosavian/6959baeaefd58760c5d8f7927d3ed091 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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func correctFuckingResumeData(data: NSData?) -> NSData? {
let kResumeCurrentRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeCurrentRequest"
let kResumeOriginalRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeOriginalRequest"
guard let data = data, let resumeDictionary = (try? NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(data, options: [.MutableContainersAndLeaves], format: nil)) as? NSMutableDictionary else {
return nil
resumeDictionary[kResumeCurrentRequest] = correctFuckingRequestData(resumeDictionary[kResumeCurrentRequest] as? NSData)
resumeDictionary[kResumeOriginalRequest] = correctFuckingRequestData(resumeDictionary[kResumeOriginalRequest] as? NSData)
let result = try? NSPropertyListSerialization.dataWithPropertyList(resumeDictionary, format: NSPropertyListFormat.XMLFormat_v1_0, options: NSPropertyListWriteOptions())
return result
func correctFuckingRequestData(data: NSData?) -> NSData? {
guard let data = data else {
return nil
if NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(data) != nil {
return data
guard let archive = (try? NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(data, options: [.MutableContainersAndLeaves], format: nil)) as? NSMutableDictionary else {
return nil
// Rectify weird __nsurlrequest_proto_props objects to $number pattern
var k = 0
while archive["$objects"]?[1].objectForKey("$\(k)") != nil {
k += 1
var i = 0
while archive["$objects"]?[1].objectForKey("__nsurlrequest_proto_prop_obj_\(i)") != nil {
let arr = archive["$objects"] as? NSMutableArray
if let dic = arr?[1] as? NSMutableDictionary, let obj = dic["__nsurlrequest_proto_prop_obj_\(i)"] {
dic.setObject(obj, forKey: "$\(i + k)")
arr?[1] = dic
archive["$objects"] = arr
i += 1
if archive["$objects"]?[1]["__nsurlrequest_proto_props"] != nil {
let arr = archive["$objects"] as? NSMutableArray
if let dic = arr?[1] as? NSMutableDictionary, let obj = dic["__nsurlrequest_proto_props"] {
dic.setObject(obj, forKey: "$\(i + k)")
arr?[1] = dic
archive["$objects"] = arr
// Rectify weird "NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey" top key to NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey = "root"
if archive["$top"]?["NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey"] != nil {
archive["$top"]?.setObject(archive["$top"]?["NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey"], forKey: NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey)
// Re-encode archived object
let result = try? NSPropertyListSerialization.dataWithPropertyList(archive, format: NSPropertyListFormat.BinaryFormat_v1_0, options: NSPropertyListWriteOptions())
return result
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@amosavian Hey man its not working with SWIFT 3.0. Can you please update above fix for 3.0? I did manutally convert it but its not anymore. Please check.

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