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Last active September 11, 2019 10:45
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Coq text adventure
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive Place
:= Kitchen | Bedroom | Hallway | Outside.
Inductive Card := NORTH | EAST | SOUTH | WEST.
Definition moveTo (p : Place) (c : Card) : option Place :=
match p, c with
| Hallway, SOUTH => Some Bedroom
| Hallway, WEST => Some Outside
| Hallway, EAST => Some Kitchen
| Kitchen, WEST => Some Hallway
| Bedroom, NORTH => Some Hallway
| Outside, EAST => Some Hallway
| _, _ => None
Inductive Move : Place -> Place -> Set
:= Go : forall a b c dir, moveTo a dir = Some b -> Move b c -> Move a c
| Stay : forall a, Move a a.
Ltac DESCRIBE room :=
match room with
| Kitchen => idtac "You are in a cramped, claustrophobic kitchen. You can see the tiles peeling off the walls. A hallway leads WEST."
| Hallway => idtac "You are in a cramped, claustrophobic hallway. The hallway continues EAST and WEST, while there is an open door SOUTH."
| Bedroom => idtac "You are in a cramped, claustrophobic bedroom. Exits are NORTH."
| Outside => idtac "You are outside. Exits are WEST."
Ltac OK := match goal with
| |- Move ?a ?a
=> apply Stay;
idtac "You win!"
Ltac GO X :=
let x := fresh "X"
in let hx := fresh "HX"
in match goal with
| |- Move ?a _ =>
remember (moveTo a X) as x eqn:hx;
destruct x; inversion hx
match goal with
| _ : (Some ?bbb = moveTo ?aaa _) |- _
=> apply Go with (a := aaa) (b := bbb) (dir := X)
| _ : None = moveTo _ _ |- _
=> idtac "There is no exit to the" X
try assumption;
try OK;
clear hx;
match goal with
| |- Move ?a _ =>
Ltac START :=
match goal with
| |- Move ?a _ => DESCRIBE a
Theorem x : Move Kitchen Outside.
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