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Created December 6, 2019 16:16
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Count digit of PI using block collisions
(ns my.core
(:require [quil.core :as q :include-macros true]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
;; x is horizontal position of the block
;; y is vertical position of the block
;; w is width of the block
;; m is mass/weight of the block
;; v is velocity of the block
(defn block [x w v m color]
{:x x
:y (- (q/height) w)
:w w
:m m
:v v
:color color})
(def first-block-weight 20)
(def exponent 7)
(defn draw-block [{:keys [x y w v color]}]
(apply q/fill color)
(q/rect x y w w))
(defn is-colliding? [block other-block]
(let [x1 (:x block)
w1 (:w block)
x2 (:x other-block)
w2 (:w other-block)
colliding? (not (or (< (+ x1 w1) x2) (> x1 (+ x2 w2))))]
(defn is-hit-wall? [block]
(<= (:x block) 0))
;; ellastic collision,
(defn elastic-collision [block other-block]
(let [blocks [block other-block]
v1 (:v block)
v2 (:v other-block)
m2 (:m other-block)
total-mass (apply + (map :m blocks))
diff-mass (apply - (map :m blocks))]
(+ (* (/ diff-mass total-mass) v1) (* (/ (* 2 m2) total-mass) v2))))
(def states (atom nil))
(defn update-block [{:keys [x y w v] :as block}]
(assoc block :x (+ x v)))
(defn setup []
(q/frame-rate 60)
(q/color-mode :hsb)
(let [euler-hack (q/pow 10 (dec exponent))]
(reset! states {:blocks [(block 100 20 0 first-block-weight [255 100 160]) (block 200 100 (/ -5 euler-hack) (* first-block-weight (q/pow 100 (dec exponent))) [100 100 160])]
:counter 0})))
(defn update-state []
(let [{:keys [blocks counter]} @states
new-blocks (if (apply is-colliding? blocks)
(let [new-velocities [(apply elastic-collision blocks) (apply elastic-collision (reverse blocks))]]
(map #(assoc % :v %2) blocks new-velocities))
new-counter (if (apply is-colliding? blocks)
(inc counter)
collide-wall-blocks (map #(if (is-hit-wall? %) (update % :v -) %) new-blocks)
collide-wall-counter (apply + (map #(if (is-hit-wall? %) 1 0) new-blocks))]
(swap! states assoc :blocks (map #(update-block %) collide-wall-blocks))
(swap! states assoc :counter (+ new-counter collide-wall-counter))))
(defn draw-state [state]
(let [{:keys [blocks counter]} @states
euler-hack (q/pow 10 (dec exponent))]
(q/background 240)
(doseq [i (range euler-hack)]
(doseq [block blocks]
(draw-block block))
(q/fill 0)
(q/text-size 24)
(q/text counter 16 24)))
(q/defsketch my
:host "host"
:size [500 500]
:setup setup
:draw draw-state
:middleware [m/fun-mode])
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