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Last active June 14, 2021 04:31
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Switch Flutter SDK project version in IntelliJ IDEA/Android Studio and fvm
{:paths ["."]
:deps {org.clojure/tools.cli {:mvn/version "1.0.194"}}}
;#!/usr/bin/env bb
;; Helper to switch SDK versions in IntelliJ IDEA and fvm
(ns runner
(:require [ :as shell]
[clojure.string :refer [replace]]
[ :refer [file]]
[ :refer [parse-opts]]))
(def cli-options
[["-h" "--help" "Show help"]])
;; TODO(lucky): need "version" validation
(defn change-idea-if-exists [version]
(let [path ".idea/libraries/Dart_SDK.xml"
exists? (.exists (file path))]
(if exists?
;; file exists, find current version
(let [content (slurp path)
current-version (second
(re-seq #"\<root url\=.*\/fvm\/versions\/(.*)\/bin.*\/>" content)))
same? (= current-version version)]
(if same?
(println (str "Current IDEA Flutter project is already on " version))
;; return success status
(let [pattern (re-pattern (replace current-version #"\." "\\\\."))
new-content (replace content pattern version)]
(spit path new-content)
(println (str "Current IDEA Flutter project SDK is set to " version))
;; return success status
;; file is not exists, print error
(println ".idea SDK folder configuration is not found")
;; return success status
;; TODO(lucky): need "version" validation
(defn change-fvm [version]
(println (:out (shell/sh "fvm" "use" version)))
(println (:out (shell/sh "fvm" "flutter" "pub" "get"))))
(defn change-sdk [{:keys [options arguments summary errors] :as args}]
(when (change-idea-if-exists (first arguments))
(change-fvm (first arguments))))
(let [{:keys [options arguments summary errors] :as args} (parse-opts *command-line-args* cli-options)
is-args-empty? (empty?
;; to avoid NPE in babashka, bash will pass empty string to arguments
(filter #(not= % "") arguments))]
is-args-empty? (println
(str "ERROR: Error changing sdk.\n\n" summary))
errors (println errors "\n" summary)
(:help options) (println summary)
arguments (change-sdk args)))
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