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Last active June 22, 2022 17:57
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Initializing GraphQL instance on ClojureDart
(ns project.core.graphql
(:require ["package:graphql/client.dart" :as g]
[project.env :refer [env]]))
(def ^:private http-link (g/HttpLink (:base-url env)))
(def ^:private auth-link
(g/AuthLink :getToken (fn ^:async [])
:headerKey "Authorization"))
(def client
(g/GraphQLClient :cache (g/GraphQLCache)
:link (.concat auth-link http-link)))
(:require ["package:graphql/client.dart" :refer [QueryOptions gql] :as g]
[project.core.graphql :refer [client]]
[cljd.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]))
(defn- keywordize-blunt
"Make keys of map turn to keyword"
(dart/is? entry Map)
(loop [result {}
entries (seq entry)]
(let [[k v] (first entries)]
(if k
(assoc result
(keyword k)
(keywordize-blunt v))
(rest entries))
(dart/is? entry List)
(map (fn [e] (keywordize-blunt e)) entry)
:else entry))
;; Examples from
(def ^{:private true :const true} random-message-q
query organizationLoyaltyMessageRandomMessage {
organizationLoyaltyMessageRandomMessage {
(defn ^:async random-message! []
(let [opts (QueryOptions :document (gql random-message-q))
result (-> client (.query opts) await)]
(if (.-hasException result)
{:error (.exception! result)}
(-> result
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