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Created May 1, 2020 12:29
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Krell x Babashka project generator
{:main $TEMPLATE$
:output-to "target/main.js"
:output-dir "target"}
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.react-native :as rn]))
(defn hello []
[rn/view {:style {:flex 1 :align-items "center" :justify-content "center"}}
[rn/text {:style {:font-size 50}} "Hello Krell!"]])
(defn ^:export -main [& args]
(r/as-element [hello]))
{:deps {io.vouch/krell {:git/url ""
:sha "ac75bdc0e41c7e061aaf4453921c272549b7b511"}
io.vouch/reagent-react-native {:git/url ""
:sha "54bf52788ab051920ed7641f386177374419e847"}
reagent {:mvn/version "0.10.0"
:exclusions [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom]}}}
{:deps {org.clojure/tools.cli {:mvn/version "1.0.194"}}}
#!/usr/bin/env bb
; NodeJS is required by react-native in this project
; clj is required
; pod is optional
(ns runner
(:require [ :as shell]
[ :refer [parse-opts]]))
(defn camelcase-to-delimitered [k delimeter]
(->> (clojure.string/split k #"(?=[A-Z])")
(map clojure.string/lower-case)
(clojure.string/join delimeter)))
(def documentation
(def cli-options
[;["-v" "--version" "Define specific React Native version"]
["-h" "--help" "Show help"]])
(defn run-shell
(let [{:keys [exit err out]} shell-command]
(if (zero? exit)
(do (println "ERROR:" err)
(System/exit 1)))))
([shell-command fn-error]
(let [{:keys [exit err out]} shell-command]
(println exit)
(if (zero? exit)
(fn-error shell-command))))
([shell-command fn-success fn-error]
(let [{:keys [exit]} shell-command]
(if (zero? exit)
(fn-success shell-command)
(fn-error shell-command)))))
(defn gen-rn-project [{:keys [arguments]}]
"Generate react-native project using [npx react-native init ProjectName]"
(let [project-name (first arguments)]
(println (str "๐Ÿ›  Building React Native " project-name " project"))
(println (str "โ„น๏ธ (This may take a while. You know npm better than me)\n"))
(run-shell (shell/sh "npx" "react-native" "init" project-name))))
(defn install-rn-deps [project-name]
"npm install"
(println (str "๐Ÿ›  Installing Node dependencies"))
(run-shell (shell/sh "npm" "install" :dir project-name)))
(defn make-edns [project-name]
(println "๐Ÿ›  Initializing dependency files")
(spit (str project-name "/deps.edn") (slurp "deps-template.edn"))
(spit (str project-name "/build.edn")
(slurp "build-template.edn") #"\$TEMPLATE\$" (str (camelcase-to-delimitered project-name "_") ".core"))))
(defn install-deps [project-name]
(println "๐Ÿ›  Installing Clojure dependencies")
(run-shell (shell/sh "clj" "-m" "cljs.main" "--install-deps" :dir project-name)))
(defn run-pod-install [project-name]
"pod install"
(run-shell (shell/sh "which" "pod")
(fn [_]
(println "๐Ÿ›  Running pod install")
(run-shell (shell/sh "pod" "install" :dir (str project-name "/ios"))))
(fn [{:keys [exit]}]
(when (= exit 1)
(println "โš ๏ธ Pod is not installed. Skipping ...")))))
(defn write-clojure-file [project-name]
(let [file-name (str project-name "/src/" (camelcase-to-delimitered project-name "_") "/core.cljs")
content (slurp "core-template.cljs")
adjusted-content (clojure.string/replace content #"\$TEMPLATE\$" (str (camelcase-to-delimitered project-name "-") ".core"))]
(println "๐Ÿ›  Preparing ClojureScript files")
( file-name)
(spit file-name adjusted-content)))
(defn setup-clojure-env [project-name]
(make-edns project-name)
(install-deps project-name)
(run-pod-install project-name)
(write-clojure-file project-name))
(defn gen-project [{:keys [options arguments summary] :as args}]
(let [project-name (first arguments)]
(if-let [is-project-name-valid? (re-find #"^\w+$" project-name)]
(gen-rn-project args)
(install-rn-deps project-name)
(setup-clojure-env project-name)
(str "\n"
"๐Ÿ‘‰ You're good to go!!\n\n"
" $ cd " project-name "\n"
" $ clj -m krell.main -co build.edn -c -r\n"
" Open New Terminal Tab and the run\n"
" $ npx react-native start"
" Open New Terminal Tab again and the run \n"
" $ npx react-native run-ios for ios\n"
" $ npx react-native run-android for android\n"
"๐Ÿ‘‰ Production Build\n"
" $ cd " project-name "\n"
" $ clj -m krell.main -v -co build.edn -O advanced -c\n\n"
"Read more: " documentation)))
(str "ERROR: Error creating \"" project-name "\" project. Consider using CamelCase name. e.g. AwesomeProject"
(System/exit 1)))))
(let [{:keys [options arguments summary errors] :as args} (parse-opts *command-line-args* cli-options)]
errors (println errors "\n" summary)
(:help options) (println summary)
arguments (gen-project args)))
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