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Created July 10, 2020 19:58
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io-ts decoding and custom types example
import { either, isLeft, isRight } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'
import * as it from 'io-ts'
import { Int, Type, TypeOf } from 'io-ts'
import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'
// custom type: integer string
const IntegerString = new Type<number, string, unknown>(
(u, c) =>
either.chain(it.string.validate(u, c), src => {
const out = +src
return ? it.success(out) : it.failure(u, c, `${src} is not a valid integer`)
// container type
const Container = it.interface({
integerString: IntegerString,
plainString: it.string
// decoding and error reporting
const failedDecode = Container.decode(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({
integerString: '114.514',
plainString: 'this should fail'
const error =[0]
if (isLeft(failedDecode)) {
} else {
throw new Error('Assertion failed')
// static type extraction
const successDecode = Container.decode(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({
integerString: '-1919810',
plainString: 'this should succeed'
type ContainerT = TypeOf<typeof Container>
function printResult(result: ContainerT) {
if (isLeft(successDecode)) {
throw new Error('Assertion failed')
} else {
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