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Created November 16, 2011 06:59
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Example of using Touch Charts's Column Chart
// This sample is based on given example by Sencha,
// I simplify it so I hope this example is easier to read by newbies
onReady: function() {
// store untuk menyimpan data
window.store1 = new{
fields: ['name', 'data1', 'data2'],
data: [{
name: 'Jan',
data1: 24,
data2: 60
}, {
name: 'Feb',
data1: 20,
data2: 70
}, {
name: 'Mar',
data1: 33,
data2: 90
}, {
name: 'Apr',
data1: 20,
data2: 30
}, {
name: 'May',
data1: 88,
data2: 40
// perhatikan properti gradient dari items milik panel
var colors = ['url(#v-1)', 'url(#v-2)', 'url(#v-3)', 'url(#v-4)', 'url(#v-5)'];
// fungsi handler untuk button help
var onHelpTap = function() {
new Ext.Panel({
floating: true,
modal: true,
centered: true,
width: 300,
height: 250,
styleHtmlContent: true,
scroll: 'vertical',
dockedItems: [{ // untuk menampilkan title bar
dock: 'top',
xtype: 'toolbar',
title: 'Column Chart'
stopMaskTapEvent: false,
fullscreen: false,
html: "Contoh ini menampilkan penggunaan sederhana Sencha Touch Charts.<br>" +
"Bar-nya bisa diberi warna gradien, selain itu chart bisa di zoom " +
"dengan cara pinch. Perhatikan tombol di bawah yg menunjukkan state " +
"zoom atau fixed."
}).show('pop'); // menampilkan popup screen
// membuat object Panel
new Ext.chart.Panel({
fullscreen: true,
title: 'Contoh Column Chart',
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'button',
iconCls: 'help',
iconMask: true,
ui: 'plain',
handler: onHelpTap
items: {
cls: 'column1',
//theme: 'Demo',
animate: {
easing: 'bounceOut',
duration: 750
store: store1,
shadow: false,
gradients: [{
'id': 'v-1',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: { // 0 for top
color: 'rgb(212, 40, 40)'
100: { // 100 for bottom
color: 'rgb(117, 14, 14)'
'id': 'v-2',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(180, 216, 42)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(94, 114, 13)'
'id': 'v-3',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(43, 221, 115)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(14, 117, 56)'
'id': 'v-4',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(45, 117, 226)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(14, 56, 117)'
'id': 'v-5',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(187, 45, 222)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(85, 10, 103)'
axes: [{
type: 'Numeric',
position: 'left',
fields: ['data1'],
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100,
label: {
renderer: function(v) {
return v.toFixed(0);
title: 'Number of Hits'
type: 'Category',
position: 'bottom',
fields: ['name'],
title: 'Month of the Year'
series: [{
type: 'column',
axis: 'left',
highlight: true,
renderer: function(sprite, storeItem, barAttr, i, store) {
barAttr.fill = colors[i % colors.length];
return barAttr;
label: {
field: 'data1'
xField: 'name',
yField: 'data1'
interactions: [{
type: 'panzoom',
axes: ['bottom']
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<title>Touch Chart Example</title>
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