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Created July 11, 2016 23:13
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Dockerfile and bash script that builds node-sass binaries for Alpine Linux
versions=( 0.10 0.12 4 5 6 )
for i in "${versions[@]}"
echo $i
sed -i '' "s/FROM.*/FROM mhart\/alpine-node:$i/" Dockerfile
docker build --tag node-sass-binaries .
docker run node-sass-binaries cat /node-sass/binaries.tar.gz > "binary-$i.tar.gz"
# Running:
# --------
# ./
FROM mhart/alpine-node:6
### setup ###
RUN apk add --no-cache python=2.7.12-r0 git-perl bash make gcc g++
RUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
### get node-sass ###
RUN git clone --recursive
WORKDIR /node-sass
### build the binaries ###
RUN echo "v3.7.0"
RUN rm -rf vendor
RUN git fetch
RUN git checkout v3.7.0
RUN git submodule update --init --recursive
RUN npm install --verbose
RUN node scripts/build.js -f --verbose
### place binaries in vendor folder ###
RUN ls -lsa vendor
RUN tar -cvzf binaries.tar.gz vendor/
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