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Forked from hrbrmstr/find_emoji.r
Created October 27, 2017 12:06
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find and extract emoji in R
# save this to '_chat.txt` (it require a login)
emoji_src <- ""
emoji_fil <- basename(emoji_src)
if (!file.exists(emoji_fil)) download.file(emoji_src, emoji_fil)
emoji <- read.csv(emoji_fil, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
emoji_regex <- sprintf("(%s)", paste0(emoji$V2, collapse="|"))
compiled <- ore(emoji_regex)
chat <- readLines("_chat.txt", encoding = "UTF-8", warn = FALSE)
which(grepl(emoji_regex, chat, useBytes = TRUE))
## [1] 8 9 10 11 13 19 20 22 23 62 65 69 73 74 75 82 83 84 87 88 90 91
## [23] 92 93 94 95 107 108 114 115 117 119 122 123 124 125 130 135 139 140 141 142 143 144
## [45] 146 147 150 151 153 157 159 161 162 166 169 171 174 177 178 183 184 189 191 192 195 196
## [67] 199 200 202 206 207 209 220 221 223 224 225 226 228 229 234 235 238 239 242 244 246 247
## [89] 248 249 250 251 253 259 260 262 263 265 274 275 280 281 282 286 287 288 291 292 293 296
## [111] 302 304 305 307 334 335 343 346 348 351 354 355 356 358 361 362 382 389 390 391 396 397
## [133] 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419
## [155] 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 442 451 452
## [177] 454 459 463 465 466 469 471 472 473 474 475 479 482 484 485 486 488 490 492 493 496 503
## [199] 505 506 507 509 517 518 519 525 526 527 528 531 535 540 543 545 548 549 557 558 559 560
## [221] 566 567 571 572 573 574 576 577 578 580 587 589 591 592 594 597 600 601 603 608 609 625
## [243] 626 627 637 638 639 640 641 643 645 749 757 764
chat_emoji_lines <- chat[which(grepl(emoji_regex, chat, useBytes = TRUE))]
found_emoji <-, chat_emoji_lines, all=TRUE)
emoji_matches <- matches(found_emoji)
str(emoji_matches, 1)
## List of 254
## $ : chr [1:4] "\U0001f600" "\U0001f600" "\U0001f44d" "\U0001f44d"
## $ : chr "\U0001f648"
## $ : chr [1:2] "\U0001f44d" "\U0001f44d"
## $ : chr "\U0001f602"
## $ : chr [1:3] "\U0001f602" "\U0001f602" "\U0001f602"
## $ : chr [1:4] "\U0001f44c" "\U0001f44c" "\U0001f44c" "\U0001f44c"
## $ : chr [1:6] "\U0001f602" "\U0001f602" "\U0001f602" "\U0001f602" ...
## $ : chr "\U0001f600"
## $ : chr [1:5] "\U0001f604" "\U0001f604" "\U0001f604" "\U0001f603" ...
## $ : chr "\U0001f44d"
## ...
V2 = flatten_chr(emoji_matches) %>%
map(charToRaw) %>%
map(as.character) %>%
map(toupper) %>%
map(~sprintf("\\x%s", .x)) %>%
map_chr(paste0, collapse="")
) %>%
left_join(emoji) %>%
count(V3, sort=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 89 x 2
## V3 n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 face with tears of joy 110
## 2 smiling face with smiling eyes 50
## 3 face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye 43
## 4 musical note 42
## 5 birthday cake 35
## 6 grinning face with smiling eyes 26
## 7 face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes 24
## 8 grinning face 21
## 9 bouquet 17
## 10 thumbs up sign 17
## # ... with 79 more rows
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