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Last active January 7, 2021 01:03
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Checks the current subscription for public access containers in all storage accounts
red=`tput setaf 1`
reset=`tput sgr0`
subscription=$(az account show -o tsv --query id)
echo "Checking subscription $subscription"
for account in `az storage account list -o tsv --query [].name`
for container in `az storage container list --auth-mode login --account-name $account -o tsv --query [].name 2>/dev/null`
#echo " ...checking container $container in storage account $account"
public=$(az storage container show --auth-mode login --account-name $account --name $container -o json --query properties.publicAccess)
if [[ $public == *"container"* ]]
echo "container $container in storage account $account is ${red}insecure!${reset}"
#echo "Done with analysis of account $account"
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