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Created December 14, 2021 15:14
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#!/bin/bash -e
for name in `az resource list --tag backup=true --query "[?type=='Microsoft.Compute/disks']".name -o tsv`; do
for id in `az resource list --tag backup=true --query "[?type=='Microsoft.Compute/disks' && name=='$name'].id" -o tsv`; do
rg=`az resource list --tag backup=true --query "[?type=='Microsoft.Compute/disks' && name=='$name'].resourceGroup" -o tsv`;
az snapshot create --tags createdby=backupscript --incremental -l $location -g $backuprg --source $id --name $name-snap-$rg-`date '+%Y-%m-%d'` > /dev/null 2>&1;
echo "Incremental snapshot created from disk $name, saved as $name-snap-$rg-`date '+%Y-%m-%d'` in resource group $backuprg, tagged with createdby = backupscript";
#Delete snapshot older than a month
for snapshot in `az snapshot list -g $backuprg --query "[?tags.createdby == 'backupscript' && timeCreated < '$(date -d "-1 month" --iso-8601=seconds)'].[name]" -o tsv`; do
az snapshot delete -g $backuprg --name $snapshot;
echo "Snapshot $snapshot in $backuprg resource group deleted" ;
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