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Last active March 5, 2022 15:04
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Wall of Game

Coordinating a new high score

  1. When the game loads, establish an event listener to listen for message events from the parent window:
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  if (event.origin !== '') return;

  const { data, origin, source } = event;

  // Do something with the message

data will conform to this shape:

  type: string,
  payload: {}

data.type can be one of the following:

| 'GAME_ID';
  1. When the game has reached an end state, send a message to the parent window via the postMessage api requesting a game ID, and wallet address for the player:
const message = {
  payload: {},

window.parent.postMessage(message, '');
  1. Rensa Games will then postMessage back with the following: window:

const message = {
  type: 'GAME_DETAILS',
  payload: {
    gameId: <The string id of the game. Conforms to an IPFS hash>,
    walletAddress: <The wallet address of the player as a string>,

gameFrame.postMessage(message, <origin for hosted webGL package>);

Which will be handled by the event handler you previously initialized:

game running in iFrame

window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  if (event.origin !== '') return;

  const { data, origin, source } = event;

  if (data.type === 'GAME_DETAILS') {
    // Perform the next step with the game details.
  1. Now make a POST request to with the gameId and walletAddress. This will generate and return a scoreId for you to use in the next step. This can be done in JavaScript or C#. The JavaScript would be something like:
const requestBody = {
  gameId: <game id from step 3>,
  walletAddress: <wallet address from step 3>,
  score: <player's score. Should be an Integer>,

const request = new Request(
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),

  .then(response => {
  }).catch(error => {
  1. Finally, in the response block, postMessage to the parent with the scoreId.
  .then(async (response) => {
    const res = await response.json();
    const { scoreId } = res;

        type: 'SCORE_ID',
        playload: { scoreId },
  .catch((error) => {

NOTE: <gameId> will be the same gameId you received in the message from the parent in step 3.

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