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Created August 12, 2011 01:46
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Start of LFErlang octree implementation
(defmodule octree
(export all))
(include-file "all2.lfe") ; lfe_utils library
;; Vectors:
(defmacro :vec3 ((x y z) `(tuple 'vec3 ,x ,y ,z)))
(defn :+ [(:vec3 x y z) (:vec3 a b c)]
(:vec3 (+ x a) (+ y b) (+ z c)))
(defn null-vec [] (:vec3 0 0 0))
;; Bit helpers:
; Test positive integers.
(defn pow2?
[n] (when (=< n #xff)) (fst-8-bits? n)
[n] (andalso (== 0 (band #xff n))
(pow2? (bsr n 8))))
; Test positive bytes.
(defn fst-8-bits?
[1] 'true [2] 'true [4] 'true [8] 'true
[16] 'true [32] 'true [64] 'true [128] 'true
[_] 'false)
(defn pow2-vec? [(:vec3 x y z)]
(andalso (pow2? x) (pow2? y) (pow2? z)))
(defn bsr-vec [(:vec3 x y z) n]
(:vec3 (bsr x n)
(bsr y n)
(bsr z n)))
;; Octree: (well, predetermined BSP tree)
(defmacro :octree ((size data) `(tuple 'octree ,size ,data)))
; Construct octree using an (:vec3 x y z) --> volume-type lookup fun.
(defn octree [size lup]
(if (pow2-vec? size) ; dimensions must be powers of two
(:octree size (build size (null-vec) 'x lup))
(error 'badarg (list size lup))))
; where
(defn build
; volumes are 1^3 or larger in size
[(:vec3 1 1 1) pos _ lup] (funcall lup pos)
; input is recursively split in two along X,Y,Z,X,Y,Z,X...
[size pos axis lup]
(in (if (== left right)
left ; adjacent identical volumes are merged into a larger one
(cons left right))
[left (build size' pos axis' lup)
right (build size' (:+ pos offset) axis' lup)
(cons size' offset) (split axis size)
axis' (split-order axis)]))
; Split a vector on one axis, returning result and offset of split.
(defn split
['x (:vec3 1 y z)] (cons (:vec3 1 y z) (null-vec))
['y (:vec3 x 1 z)] (cons (:vec3 x 1 z) (null-vec))
['z (:vec3 x y 1)] (cons (:vec3 x y 1) (null-vec))
['x (:vec3 x y z)] (cons (:vec3 (bsr x 1) y z) (:vec3 (bsr x 1) 0 0))
['y (:vec3 x y z)] (cons (:vec3 x (bsr y 1) z) (:vec3 0 (bsr y 1) 0))
['z (:vec3 x y z)] (cons (:vec3 x y (bsr z 1)) (:vec3 0 0 (bsr z 1))))
(defn split-order
['x] 'y ['y] 'z ['z] 'x)
; Look up a coordinate.
(defn at
[pos (:octree size data)] (when (is_list data))
(let* [((:vec3 x y z) pos)
(mask (bsr-vec size 1))
((:vec3 xm ym zm) mask)]
(-> data
(choose-split x xm <>)
(choose-split y ym <>)
(choose-split z zm <>)
(at pos (:octree mask <>))))
[_ (:octree _ volume)] volume)
; where
(defn choose-split
[path mask data] (when (is_list data))
(if (== 0 (band mask path)) (car data) (cdr data))
; can't split leaves of tree (volumes)
[_ _ data] data)
; Structure-preserving map.
(defn smap [f (:octree size data)]
(:octree size (consmap f data)))
; where
(defn consmap
[f (cons l r)]
(in (if (/= l' r')
(cons l' r')
l') ; simplify cells if possible
[l' (consmap f l)
r' (consmap f r)])
[f x] (funcall f x))
;; Test functions:
; S4=[0,1,2,3],[octree:at({vec3,X,Y,Z},octree:test4())||Z<-S4,Y<-S4,X<-S4].
(defn test4 []
(in (octree size data)
[size (:vec3 4 4 4)
data (fn [(:vec3 x y z)]
(: binary at bin' (+ x (+ (* 4 y) (* 16 z)))))
bin' (-> bin binary_to_list (: lists map chr->num <>) list_to_binary)
chr->num (fn [c] (- c 48))
bin (binary "2000" "0000" "0000" "0000"
"0000" "0000" "0000" "0000"
"0000" "0000" "0011" "0011"
"0000" "0000" "0011" "0011")]))
; S2=[0,1],[octree:at({vec3,X,Y,Z},octree:test2())||Z<-S2,Y<-S2,X<-S2].
(defn test2 []
(in (octree size data)
[size (:vec3 2 2 2)
data (fn [(:vec3 x y z)]
(: binary at bin' (+ x (+ (* 2 y) (* 4 z)))))
bin' (-> bin binary_to_list (: lists map chr->num <>) list_to_binary)
chr->num (fn [c] (- c 48))
bin (binary "12"
"34" "56"
(defn bin_lut [n bin]
(fn [(:vec3 x y z)]
(: binary at bin (+ x (+ (* n y) (* (* n n) z))))))
;; Debug:
; Pretty-print tree structure.
(defn print [(:octree _ (cons l r))]
(print-rec `(,(cons l r)) 'x))
; where
(defn print-rec [data axis]
; recurse until no splits left in structure
(if (: lists any (cut is_list <>) data)
(let* [(flatten (fn [(cons l r) acc] (cons l (cons r acc))
[x acc] (cons x acc)))
; flatten one split per recursion
(split (: lists foldr flatten '() data))]
(: io format '"~p split: ~p~n" `(,axis ,split))
(print-rec split (split-order axis)))
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