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Created January 17, 2018 04:21
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  • Save amtwo/86d6ad7a05f2e62a6760dac30682f79d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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DECLARE @FilePath nvarchar(300) = N'C:\Users\Andy\Documents\GitHub\dba-database\stored-procedures\dbo.Alert_Blocking.sql';
WITH ParseInfo AS(
SELECT FilePath = @FilePath,
PathLen = LEN(@FilePath),
FinalSlashPos = CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(@FilePath), 1)
ParsedPaths AS (
SELECT DirectoryPath = LEFT (FilePath, PathLen - FinalSlashPos + 1),
FullFileName = RIGHT(FilePath, FinalSlashPos - 1),
FileExtension = RIGHT(FilePath, CHARINDEX('.', REVERSE(FilePath)) -1),
FROM ParseInfo
SELECT DirectoryPath,
BareFilename = LEFT(FullFilename,LEN(FullFilename)-(LEN(FileExtension)+1)),
FROM ParsedPaths;
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