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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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In our first session we said that a variable acts as a named storage location. Or its a name refers to some value
in your program.
An example would be:
age = 20
Here age is the name that is refering to the value 20. This means we can use 'age' wherever we would have wanted to use
the number 20 but we want to give it a name so that if some one reads our code they will know that we are working with
some ones age. Also, It will be easier for us to think about what our program is doing if we are reading names of values.
next_years_age = age + 1 # we can use age in arithmetic expressions
last_years_age = age - 1 # last year this person was 19 e.t.c
What if I had four students, I want to represent their ages.
would I say, age1 = 20, age2 = 18, age3 = 17 .e.t.c?
That could work, but then I have to do something with the ages, I have to get each of them independently, many
times we want related data to be represented by the same name. e.g. If I could say:
ages = [20, 18, 17, 19, 20] #This is called an array. A collection/sequence of related values.
We can say that an array is like a variable, only that it keeps more that one value. I have ages which keeps five ages
instead of one age.
1. What can we do with arrays?
Everything we can do with variables and more.
# Lets see who is the oldest student in our array.
puts ages.max #This will return the biggest number in the array which will be 20
# Lets see who is the youngest student in our array.
puts ages.min # This return the least/minimum number in the array
# Another student has joined, Lets add their age to the array of ages
ages << 16
The `<< ` Is refered to as the shovel operator. So we are perfoming a shovel operation :-)
"ages.push 16 " is equivalent to the above. But the above is the most prefered way of adding things to an array.
#Lets find the average of the ages
total_ages = ages.inject { |accumulator=0, age| accumulator+= age}
number_of_students = ages.size
average = total_ages / number_of_students # Our average will be 18.
Here we use Inject, Inject collects or folds an array into one value. Using the block or { }. We call it with a { }
which takes and accumulator and a gets a value from the array (x) and adds up the x's and keeps them in the
accumulator and returns the accumulator
We could aslo do it this way. On the same line.
ages.inject { |total=0, age| total+= age} / ages.size
We shall learn more about { } which is also called a block in ruby during the next session
# What if we wanted to get the first age
puts ages.first
# How about the last age
puts ages.last
# Lets get the first two ages
puts ages.take 2
# Lets get the last two ages
puts ages.drop 3
# Lets get all ages that are equal to 20 { |x| x == 20 } # [20, 20]
#we have expelled the student whose age is 18. i.e the second age in the array ages. (remember ages = [20, 18, 17, 19, 20])
# Lets remove their age
ages.delete 18 # => 18
ages.delete_at 1 # => 18
#This will get rid of the students age in the array.
# Did I say that we can add arrays ?. Yes we can add arrays and also compare them.
even_numbers = [2,4,6,8]
odd_numbers = [3,5,7,9]
#We can add the two arrays like this.
all_numbers = even_numbers + odd_numbers
# This will give us all the numbers put together. But not sorted :-(
# How do I sort them so that the numbers are in their natural order?
all_numbers.sort # => [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Arrays are not just for numbers
Arrays in Ruby allow all types of data. We can easily mix numbers, booleans and strings together.
mixed_array = ["Andrew", 31, true]
# They can also contain other arrays
array_with_arrays = [["age", 19], ["age", 20]]
# You can mix any thing/type that ruby knows and nest them abitrarily.
But we don't know whose age that is. we want to keep the student with their age and name
student = { name: "Alicia", age: 20 }
This is is a called a harsh in ruby. A harsh is a key value pair. In our example, the key is name: and the value is "Alicia".
age: is also a key to 20.
They are called keys, because we use them to access the values.
Lets get 20 (I mean, Alicia's age)
puts student[:age] #20 => nil
#No, lets print both age and name
puts "#{student[:name]} is #{student[:age]} years old" # Alicia is 20 years old => nil
# By the way we can get all the values out of student harsh if we wanted
puts student.values # => ["Alicia", 20]
# And we can get the keys too :-)
puts student.keys # => [:name, :age]
#Ohh, alicia wants to change her name? Okay Lets help her.
student[:name] = "Kelis" #=> {:name=>"kelis", :age=>20}
# And its a new year so her age has chaged too
student[:age] = 21 #=> {:name=>"kelis", :age=>201
Enough, with Alicia we actually have many students. why are we favouring one student :-(
Let us remember the rest of the students. We can now use our arrays again, Yay!!. Remember we said arrays can keep anything?
Now we can keep harshes (students) in the arrays.
students = [{ name: "Kelly", age: 20 },
{name: "Alex", age: 18 },
{ name: "Kelis", age: 19 },
{ name: "Chris", age: 17 },
{ name: "Raymond", age: 20 }
# Ah, Now we have all our students, Lets the get the first student (Kell)
students.first # or student[0] => {:name=>"Kelly", :age=>20}
All the stuff we did with ages array we can now do on students. Because Its another array.
Only this time it has harshes instead of just numbers. e.g
students.take 2 # => [{:name=>"Kelly", :age=>20}, {:name=>"Alex", :age=>18}]
students.drop 2 # => [{:name=>"Kelis", :age=>19}, {:name=>"Chris", :age=>17}, {:name=>"Raymond", :age=>20}] { |student| student[:age] == 20} #= > [{:name=>"Kelly", :age=>20}, {:name=>"Raymond", :age=>20}]
# E.t.c
# Finally we can get all their ages out if we wanted to compute average. { |student| student[:age] } # => [20, 18, 19, 17, 20]
# Now we can do what we did when we had ages array ages = [20, 18, 19, 17, 20].
#On the same line we can still do this { |student| student[:age] }.inject {|acc=0, age| acc+= age } / students.size
# This is gives is the 18 we had when we used ages
A set is a collection where the order does not matter, and the elements are unique Its very simmilar to an array except that
its elements are unique.
To use sets, we need to include it in our environment.
require 'set'
Now we can create a new set
a_set = [2,3,4,5,5,5] # => #<Set: {2, 3, 4, 5}>
another_set = [2,3,4,5,5,5] # => #<Set: {2, 3, 4, 5}>
You will notice that the duplicates were eliminated :-( . All elements have to be unique.
We can compare sets, merge them, add and subtract them to each other.
a_set & another_set => intersection of the two sets
a_set ^ another_set => the difference between the sets of the two sets. Simmillar to (-)
a_set | another_set => the union of both sets. Simiilar + (adding the two sets)
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