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Last active April 14, 2016 14:24
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Attempt to create a reusable enumerated type wrapper
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
enum Type1 {
enum Type2 {
template <typename T, int MAX, int MIN=0>
class Enum {
Enum(T t) : thing(t) {}
Enum(std::string name) {
void FromString(std::string name) {
for (int count = MIN; count <= MAX; ++count) {
if (Enum((T)count).GetString() == name) {
thing = (T)count;
Enum& operator= (T val) {
thing = val;
return *this;
Enum& operator= (std::string name) {
return *this;
std::string GetString() const;
T GetValue() const {
return thing;
operator T() const {
return thing;
operator std::string() const {
return GetString();
T thing;
typedef Enum<Type1, Hey> Enum1;
typedef Enum<Type2, Mama> Enum2;
std::string Enum1::GetString() const {
return thing == What ? "What" : "Hey";
std::string Enum2::GetString() const {
return thing == Yo ? "Yo" : "Mama";
template <typename T, int MAX, int MIN>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Enum<T, MAX, MIN> &thing) {
return os << thing.GetString();
int main()
Enum1 thing(What);
Enum2 other(Mama);
std::cout << "Value of thing: " << thing << std::endl;
std::cout << "Value of other: " << other << std::endl;
std::string testString = "Hey";
Enum1 fromString(testString);
std::cout << "Test string: " << testString << std::endl;
std::cout << "Value of fromString(testString): "
<< Enum1(fromString.GetValue())
<< std::endl;
thing = Hey; // Assignment operator
Type1 wasThing = thing; // Coercion operator
std::cout << "New value of thing: " << thing << std::endl;
std::cout << "New value coerced to Type1 and back: "
<< Enum1(wasThing) << std::endl;
other = "Yo";
Type2 wasOther = other;
std::cout << "New value of other: " << other << std::endl;
std::string yo = other;
std::cout << "Other coerced to string: " << yo << std::endl;
return 0;
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The purpose of this is to avoid defining an identical operator<< overload for each enumerated type that has a GetString function declared like std::string GetString(Type1 enumVal). I am currently working with a codebase that has a lot of these enumerated types and overloads of GetString for each one. These should have been wrapped in a generic class like the one shown here a long time ago.

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