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Last active November 2, 2018 15:06
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import sys
import os
import re
import shutil
import math
import openpyxl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from pyhocon import ConfigFactory
from pyhocon.config_tree import ConfigTree
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def strip_margin(text: str) -> str:
return re.sub('\n[ \t]*\|', '\n', text)
def get_rounded_min_max_values(min_max: tuple) -> tuple:
min_val = None
if min_max[0] < 0:
min_val = math.floor(min_max[0] + min_max[0] * 0.2)
min_val = math.floor(min_max[0] - min_max[0] * 0.2)
max_val = None
if min_max[1] > 0:
max_val = math.floor(min_max[1] + min_max[1] * 0.2)
max_val = math.floor(min_max[1] - min_max[1] * 0.2)
min_val_rounded = get_next_power_of_ten(min_val)
max_val_rounded = get_next_power_of_ten(max_val)
return (int(min_val_rounded), int(max_val_rounded))
def draw_hline(axes: plt.Axes, min_val: int, max_val: int):
axes.axhline(y=0.5, xmin=min_val, xmax=max_val, linewidth=2, color='black')
axes.annotate(0, (0, 0.31), ha='center', va='bottom')
def get_spike_steps(price_range: int) -> tuple:
if price_range < 16000:
small_tick_step = 1000
big_tick_step = 3000
elif price_range >= 16000 and price_range < 24000:
small_tick_step = 1000
big_tick_step = 6000
elif price_range >= 24000 and price_range < 30000:
small_tick_step = 2000
big_tick_step = 8000
small_tick_step = 4000
big_tick_step = 10000
return (small_tick_step, big_tick_step)
def get_next_power_of_ten(number: float) -> int:
factor = 1
div = abs(number) // 10
tip = 0
while div != 0:
factor *= 10
tip = div
div //= 10
next_power_of_ten = 10 if tip == 0 else (tip + 1) * factor
return (number / abs(number)) * next_power_of_ten
def draw_vspikes(axes: plt.Axes, min_val: int, max_val: int):
price_range = abs(max_val - min_val)
(small_tick_step, big_tick_step) = get_spike_steps(price_range)
# Big ticks
for i in range(min_val, max_val, big_tick_step):
axes.axvline(i, ymin=0.5, ymax=0.8, linewidth=1, color='black')
axes.annotate(i, (i, 0.31), ha='center', va='bottom')
# Small ticks
for i in range(min_val, max_val, small_tick_step):
axes.axvline(i, ymin=0.6, ymax=0.7, linewidth=1, color='black')
def draw_values(axes: plt.Axes, bond_data: tuple):
axes.plot(bond_data[0], 0.5, 'bs', zorder=99)
axes.plot(bond_data[1], 0.5, 'bD', zorder=99)
axes.plot(bond_data[2], 0.5, 'bs', zorder=99)
class Template:
def __init__(self, config: ConfigTree): = config.get_string('id') = config.get_string('name',
self.worksheet = {
'start_index': config.get_int('worksheet.start_index'),
'anchors': {
'middle': config.get_string('worksheet.anchors.middle'),
'low': config.get_string('worksheet.anchors.low'),
'high': config.get_string('worksheet.anchors.high'),
'plot': config.get_string('worksheet.anchors.plot')
self.plot_dimensions = {
'height': config.get_float('plot_dimensions.height'),
'width': config.get_float('plot_dimensions.width')
self.tmp_dir = \
config.get_string('tmp_dir', f'{}_tmp_plots')
def __str__(self):
return strip_margin(f'''Template {}
| id: {}
| name: {}
| worksheet {{
| start_index: {self.worksheet['start_index']}
| anchors: {{
| middle: {self.worksheet['anchors']['middle']}
| low: {self.worksheet['anchors']['low']}
| high: {self.worksheet['anchors']['high']}
| plot: {self.worksheet['anchors']['plot']}
| }}
| plot_dimensions: {{
| height: {self.plot_dimensions['height']}
| width: {self.plot_dimensions['width']}
| }}
| tmp_dir: {self.tmp_dir}
| }}
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class Config:
def __init__(self, filename: str):
conf = ConfigFactory.parse_file(filename)
template_confs = conf.get_list('templates')
self.templates = \
dict(map((lambda tc: (, Template(tc))), template_confs))
mapping_confs = conf.get_list('mappings')
self.mappings = dict(map(
lambda mc: (mc.get_string('template'), mc.get_list('files')),
# print('Loaded the following templates')
# [print(t) for _, t in self.templates.items()]
# print('Loaded the following mappings')
# [print(f'{t} - {fs}') for t, fs in self.mappings.items()]
class WorkbookProcessor:
def __init__(self, filename: str, template: Template):
self.template = template
self.filename = filename
self.wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename) = self.wb.worksheets[0]
self.curr_index = template.worksheet.get('start_index')
def get_next_bond(self) -> tuple:
worksheet_conf = self.template.worksheet
price_low = \[f'{worksheet_conf["anchors"]["low"]}{self.curr_index}']
price_high = \[f'{worksheet_conf["anchors"]["high"]}{self.curr_index}']
price_middle = \[f'{worksheet_conf["anchors"]["middle"]}{self.curr_index}']
self.curr_index += 1
if price_low is not None and price_high is not None:
return (price_low.value, price_middle.value, price_high.value)
def plot(self, bond_data: tuple):
template = self.template
plot_dimensions = template.plot_dimensions
fig = plt.figure()
cur_axes = fig.gca()
cur_axes.set_ylim(0.3, 0.6)
(min_val, max_val) = \
get_rounded_min_max_values((bond_data[0], bond_data[2]))
draw_hline(cur_axes, min_val, max_val)
draw_vspikes(cur_axes, min_val, max_val)
draw_values(cur_axes, bond_data)
fig_name = \
f'{template.tmp_dir}/plot_{self.curr_index - 1}.png'
def update_excel(self):
from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image
template = self.template
img = Image(f'{template.tmp_dir}/plot_{self.curr_index - 1}.png')
img_name = \
f'{template.worksheet["anchors"]["plot"]}{self.curr_index - 1}', img_name)
def cleanup(self):
def process(self):
print(f'Processing {self.filename} with {} template')
if not os.path.exists(self.template.tmp_dir):
bond_data = self.get_next_bond()
while bond_data[0] is not None and bond_data[2] is not None:
bond_data = self.get_next_bond()
print(f'Done processing {self.filename}')
def main():
conf = None
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
conf = Config('plotter.conf')
elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
if sys.argv[1] == '-c':
conf = Config(sys.argv[2])
for template_name, files in conf.mappings.items():
template = conf.templates.get(template_name, None)
if template is not None:
for filename in files:
processor = WorkbookProcessor(filename, template)
def help():
|Invalid usage. Try
| [-c <configuration file> ('plotter.conf' by default)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
templates = [
id = CDS
# name - equals to `id` if not set
worksheet = {
start_index = 10
anchors = {
middle = K
low = M
high = N
plot = Q
plot_dimensions = {
height = 0.58
width = 4.2
# tmp_dir - equals to `{id}_tmp_plots` if not set
id = 'DTGF'
# name - equals to `id` if not set
worksheet = {
start_index = 10
anchors = {
middle = 'P'
low = 'S'
high = 'R'
plot = 'X'
plot_dimensions = {
height = 0.58
width = 4.2
id = 'DTGL'
# name - equals to `id` if not set
worksheet = {
start_index = 10
anchors = {
middle = 'P'
low = 'S'
high = 'R'
plot = 'X'
plot_dimensions = {
height = 0.58
width = 4.2
id = 'FXO'
# name - equals to `id` if not set
worksheet = {
start_index = 13
anchors = {
middle = 'N'
low = 'O'
high = 'P'
plot = 'S'
plot_dimensions = {
height = 0.58
width = 4.2
id = 'WMGP'
# name - equals to `id` if not set
worksheet = {
start_index = 10
anchors = {
middle = 'K'
low = 'P'
high = 'O'
plot = 'U'
plot_dimensions = {
height = 0.58
width = 4.2
id = 'ZMGP'
# name - equals to `id` if not set
worksheet = {
start_index = 10
anchors = {
middle = 'I'
low = 'O'
high = 'P'
plot = 'S'
plot_dimensions = {
height = 0.58
width = 4.2
mappings = [
template = CDS
files = [ CDS_MGP_Report_20180829.xlsx ]
template = DTGF
files = [ DTG_MGP_Report_F_20180515.xlsx ]
template = DTGL
files = [ DTG_MGP_Report_L_20180515.xlsx ]
template = FXO
files = [ FXOptionen_MGP_Report_20180824.xlsx ]
template = WMGP
files = [ Wertpapiere_MGP_Template_v2.xlsm ]
template = ZMGP
files = [ Zinsswap_MGP_Report_20180718.xlsx ]
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