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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Require Import String List.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive Action : Type := action : string -> Action.
CoInductive Process : Type :=
| process : list (Action * Process) -> Process.
Inductive mu_derivative : Action -> Process -> Process -> Prop :=
| derivative_here : forall a q l, mu_derivative a (process ((a, q) :: l)) q
| derivative_later : forall a a' l q q',
mu_derivative a (process l) q ->
mu_derivative a (process ((a', q') :: l)) q.
CoInductive Bisimilar : Process -> Process -> Prop :=
| bisimilar : forall p q,
(forall p' mu, mu_derivative mu p p' -> exists q', mu_derivative mu q q' /\ Bisimilar p' q') ->
(forall q' mu, mu_derivative mu q q' -> exists p', mu_derivative mu p p' /\ Bisimilar p' q') ->
Bisimilar p q.
CoFixpoint p1 := process [(action "a", p2)]
with p2 := process [(action "b", p1)].
CoFixpoint q1 := process [(action "a", q2)]
with q2 := process [(action "b", q3)]
with q3 := process [(action "a", q2)].
Definition destruct (p : Process) : Process :=
match p with
| process l => process l
Lemma destruct_eq : forall p, p = destruct p.
destruct p; auto.
Goal Bisimilar p1 q1.
rewrite (destruct_eq p1).
rewrite (destruct_eq q1).
assert (Bisimilar p2 q2).
rewrite (destruct_eq p2).
rewrite (destruct_eq q2).
assert (Bisimilar p1 q3).
rewrite (destruct_eq p1).
rewrite (destruct_eq q3).
constructor; intros.
inversion H; subst.
exists q2.
split; auto; constructor.
inversion H5.
inversion H; subst.
exists p2.
split; auto; constructor.
inversion H5.
constructor; intros.
inversion H0; subst.
exists q3.
split; auto; constructor.
inversion H6.
inversion H0; subst.
exists p1.
split; auto; constructor.
inversion H6.
constructor; intros.
inversion H0; subst.
exists q2.
split; auto; constructor.
inversion H6.
inversion H0; subst.
exists p2.
split; auto; constructor.
inversion H6.
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