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Created January 31, 2020 17:53
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// Reset
#pragma kernel ResetTextureKernel
#pragma kernel ResetAgentsKernel
// Step
#pragma kernel MoveAgentsKernel
#pragma kernel WriteTrailsKernel
#pragma kernel DiffuseTextureKernel
// Render
#pragma kernel AgentsDebugKernel
#pragma kernel RenderKernel
Texture2D<float4> readTex;
SamplerState sampler_readTex;
RWTexture2D<float4> writeTex;
RWTexture2D<float4> outTex;
RWTexture2D<float4> debugTex;
struct Agent
float2 position;
float2 direction;
RWStructuredBuffer<Agent> agentsBuffer;
uint rez;
uint stepn;
float time;
float trailDecayFactor;
// via "Art of Code" on youtube
float2 RandomA(float2 p)
float3 a = frac(p.xyx * float3(123.34, 234.34, 345.65));
a+= dot(a, a + 34.45);
return frac(float2(a.x * a.y, a.y * a.z));
float RandomB(float2 st) {
return frac(sin(dot(st.xy,
float2(12.9898, 78.233)))*
float2 RandomDirection(float2 p)
return(normalize(2.0 * (RandomB(p) - 0.5)));
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void ResetTextureKernel(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
writeTex[id.xy] = 0;
[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void ResetAgentsKernel(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
Agent a;
//a.position = RandomA(id.x * .0001 + time * .001) * rez;
//a.direction = RandomDirection(id.xx * .01 + sin(time));
//float2 st = float2(randomB(float2((float)id.x*time + .5, id.x)) - 0.5, randomB(float2((float)id.x*time, id.x * 11)) - 0.5)
//a.position = RandomB(st) * rez;
//a.direction = RandomDirection(st);
a.position = float2(RandomB(float2((float)id.x*time* .0001 + .5* .0001, id.x* .0001)), RandomB(float2((float)id.x*time* .0001, id.x * 11* .0001))) * rez;
a.direction = float2((RandomB(float2((float)id.x*time* .0001 + .7* .0001, id.x* .0001)) - 0.5), (RandomB(float2((float)id.x*time* .0001, id.x * 3* .0001)) - 0.5));
agentsBuffer[id.x] = a;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void WriteTrailsKernel(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
Agent a = agentsBuffer[id.x];
writeTex[round(a.position)] = clamp(writeTex[round(a.position)] + .1, 0, 1);
float2 SimpleTurns(uint3 id, Agent a) {
//We will use round whenever reading from or writing to the grid tex
float4 f = readTex[round(a.position + a.direction * 2)];
float2 d = a.direction;
if (f.x > 0){
d = RandomDirection(id.xx * 0.1 + sin(time));
return d;
float2 NeighborhoodTurns(uint3 id, Agent a){
float2 vectors[50];
float maxTrail = 0;
int range = 1;
int i = 0;
for (int x = -range; x <= range; x++){
for (int y = -range; y<= range; y++){
if (!(x==0 && y==0)){
float2 direction = float2(x, y);
// Hacky but we are just exploring
if (dot(normalize(direction), a.direction) > 0){
uint2 coord = round(a.position + direction);
float level = readTex.SampleLevel(sampler_readTex, coord / (float)rez, 0).r;
if (level == maxTrail) {
vectors[i] = normalize(float2(x,y));
else if (level >= maxTrail){
maxTrail = level;
vectors[i] = normalize(float2(x, y));
if (stepn % 2 == 1){
// Mark blue the neighbourhood being read
debugTex[coord] = float4(0, 0, 1, 0);
float2 d = a.direction;
if(maxTrail >= .1){
int index = 0;
d = vectors[index];
d = normalize(d);
// Mark red the next direction
if (stepn % 2 == 1){
debugTex[round(a.position + d)] += float4 (1, 0, 0, 0);
return d;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void MoveAgentsKernel(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
Agent a = agentsBuffer[id.x];
// Choose next direction
a.direction = NeighborhoodTurns(id, a);
// Move Forward
a.position = a.position + a.direction;
// Boundaries: Wrap
if (a.position.x < 0) {
a.position.x = rez - 1;
if (a.position.y < 0) {
a.position.y = rez - 1;
a.position %= float2(rez, rez);
if (stepn % 2 == 0) {
agentsBuffer[id.x] = a;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void DiffuseTextureKernel(uint3 id: SV_DispatchThreadID)
float4 oc = readTex[id.xy];
float avg = 0;
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++){
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++){
float2 coord = (id.xy + int2(x, y)) / (float)rez;
avg += readTex.SampleLevel(sampler_readTex, coord, 0).r;
avg /= 9.0;
oc = avg * trailDecayFactor;
oc = clamp(oc, 0, 1);
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void RenderKernel(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
outTex[id.xy] = readTex[id.xy];
outTex[id.xy] += debugTex[id.xy];
debugTex[id.xy] = 0;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void AgentsDebugKernel(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
Agent a = agentsBuffer[id.x];
outTex[round(a.position)] += float4(0, .1, 0, 0);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using EasyButtons;
public class TrailAgent : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Trail Agent Params")]
[Range(1, 50000)]
public int agentsCount = 1;
private ComputeBuffer agentsBuffer;
public float trailDecayFactor = .9f;
[Range(8, 2048)]
public int rez = 8;
public int stepsPerFrame = 0;
[Range(1, 50)]
public int stepMod = 1;
public Material outMat;
public ComputeShader cs;
private RenderTexture readTex;
private RenderTexture writeTex;
private RenderTexture outTex;
private RenderTexture debugTex;
private int agentsDebugKernel;
private int moveAgentsKernel;
private int writeTrailsKernel;
private int renderKernel;
private int diffuseTextureKernel;
protected List<ComputeBuffer> buffers;
protected List<RenderTexture> textures;
protected int stepn = -1;
void Start()
public void Reset()
agentsDebugKernel = cs.FindKernel("AgentsDebugKernel");
moveAgentsKernel = cs.FindKernel("MoveAgentsKernel");
renderKernel = cs.FindKernel("RenderKernel");
writeTrailsKernel = cs.FindKernel("WriteTrailsKernel");
diffuseTextureKernel = cs.FindKernel("DiffuseTextureKernel");
readTex = CreateTexture(rez, FilterMode.Point);
writeTex = CreateTexture(rez, FilterMode.Point);
outTex = CreateTexture(rez, FilterMode.Point);
debugTex = CreateTexture(rez, FilterMode.Point);
agentsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(agentsCount, sizeof(float) * 4);
private void GPUResetKernel()
int kernel;
cs.SetInt("rez", rez);
cs.SetFloat("time", Time.time % 1);
kernel = cs.FindKernel("ResetTextureKernel");
cs.SetTexture(kernel, "writeTex", writeTex);
cs.Dispatch(kernel, rez, rez, 1);
cs.SetTexture(kernel, "writeTex", readTex);
cs.Dispatch(kernel, rez, rez, 1);
kernel = cs.FindKernel("ResetAgentsKernel");
cs.SetBuffer(kernel, "agentsBuffer", agentsBuffer);
cs.Dispatch(kernel, agentsCount, 1, 1);
void Update()
if (Time.frameCount % stepMod == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerFrame; i++)
public void Step()
stepn +=1;
cs.SetFloat("time", Time.time % 1);
cs.SetInt("stepn", stepn);
if (stepn % 2 == 1)
private void GPUDiffuseTextureKernel()
cs.SetTexture(diffuseTextureKernel, "readTex", readTex);
cs.SetTexture(diffuseTextureKernel, "writeTex", writeTex);
cs.SetFloat("trailDecayFactor", trailDecayFactor);
cs.Dispatch(diffuseTextureKernel, rez, rez, 1);
private void GPUMoveAgentsKernel()
cs.SetBuffer(moveAgentsKernel, "agentsBuffer", agentsBuffer);
cs.SetTexture(moveAgentsKernel, "readTex", readTex);
cs.SetTexture(moveAgentsKernel, "debugTex", debugTex);
cs.Dispatch(moveAgentsKernel, agentsCount, 1, 1);
private void GPUWriteTrailsKernel()
cs.SetBuffer(writeTrailsKernel, "agentsBuffer", agentsBuffer);
cs.SetTexture(writeTrailsKernel, "writeTex", writeTex);
cs.Dispatch(writeTrailsKernel, agentsCount, 1, 1);
private void SwapTex()
RenderTexture tmp = readTex;
readTex = writeTex;
writeTex = tmp;
private void Render()
outMat.SetTexture("_UnlitColorMap", outTex);
if (!Application.isPlaying)
private void GPURenderKernel()
cs.SetTexture(renderKernel, "readTex", readTex);
cs.SetTexture(renderKernel, "outTex", outTex);
cs.SetTexture(renderKernel, "debugTex", debugTex);
cs.Dispatch(renderKernel, rez, rez, 1);
private void GPUAgentsDebugKernel()
cs.SetBuffer(agentsDebugKernel, "agentsBuffer", agentsBuffer);
cs.SetTexture(agentsDebugKernel, "outTex", outTex);
cs.Dispatch(agentsDebugKernel, agentsCount, 1, 1);
public void Release()
if (buffers != null)
foreach (ComputeBuffer buffer in buffers)
if (buffer != null)
buffers = new List<ComputeBuffer>();
if (textures != null)
foreach (RenderTexture tex in textures)
if (tex != null)
textures = new List<RenderTexture>();
private void onDestroy()
private void onEnable()
private void onDisable()
protected RenderTexture CreateTexture(int r, FilterMode filterMode)
RenderTexture texture = new RenderTexture(r, r, 1, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat); = "out";
texture.enableRandomWrite = true;
texture.dimension = UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension.Tex2D;
texture.volumeDepth = 1;
texture.filterMode = filterMode;
texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
texture.autoGenerateMips = false;
texture.useMipMap = false;
return texture;
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