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Last active September 28, 2017 15:41
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Orbit AST Tests
fun fibonacci(n: Number) -> Number {
if n < 2 {
return 1
return fibonacci(n-2) + fibonacci(n-1)
fun main() -> Void {
print("OrbitVM running on " + System.getOS())
print("Fibonacci demo:")
for i in steps(0, 20) {
print(i + " -> " + fibonacci(i))
ModuleDecl 'TranslationUnit'
|-FuncDecl 'fibonacci'
| |-VarDecl 'n'
| | `-TypeExpr 'Number'
| |-TypeExpr 'Number'
| `-Block
| |-IfStmt
| | |-BinaryOperatorExpr '<'
| | | |-NameRefExpr 'n'
| | | `-ConstantExpr '2'
| | |-Block
| | | `-ReturnStmt
| | | `-ConstantExpr '1'
| `-ReturnStmt
| `-BinaryOperatorExpr '+'
| |-CallExpr
| | |-NameRefExpr 'fibonacci'
| | `-CallParamList
| | `-BinaryOperatorExpr '-'
| | |-NameRefExpr 'n'
| | `-ConstantExpr '2'
| `-CallExpr
| |-NameRefExpr 'fibonacci'
| `-CallParamList
| `-BinaryOperatorExpr '-'
| |-NameRefExpr 'n'
| `-ConstantExpr '1'
`-FuncDecl 'main'
|-TypeExpr 'Void'
| |-NameRefExpr 'print'
| `-CallParamList
| `-BinaryOperatorExpr '+'
| |-ConstantExpr 'OrbitVM running on '
| `-CallExpr
| `-BinaryOperatorExpr '.'
| |-NameRefExpr 'System'
| `-NameRefExpr 'getOS'
| |-NameRefExpr 'print'
| `-CallParamList
| `-ConstantExpr 'Fibonacci demo:'
| |-NameRefExpr 'steps'
| `-CallParamList
| |-ConstantExpr '0'
| `-ConstantExpr '20'
|-NameRefExpr 'print'
`-BinaryOperatorExpr '+'
|-BinaryOperatorExpr '+'
| |-NameRefExpr 'i'
| `-ConstantExpr ' -> '
|-NameRefExpr 'fibonacci'
`-NameRefExpr 'i'
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