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Last active September 22, 2020 23:31
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Describe one of your strengths

What is something you have learned to do well (list a skill)? Analyze self awareness

What is something you know about (list some knowledge/expertise you have)? Scientific inquiry

What is something you have a natural ability to do well (list a talent)? Make a plan

How do those combine to create a specific strength? Look at a project and make an efficient plan forward.

Read through your Top 4 results from Pairin

In your own words, what do these top 4 qualities tell you about yourself? I am analytical and determined

Do they resonate with you? Why/why not? yes, they make sense

How do they relate to the strength you wrote about in Prompt #1? I am determined and compassionate

Challenges with strengths What can make it challenging to recognize your strengths? How can you work through those challenges? I can be defensive, which I realize.

Do you ever see yourself overusing certain strengths? Although I am introspective, others might not be.

In what circumstances would you want to use them less and amplify other strengths? I value efficiency while others might not.

How could you adjust your approach in those instances?** Take a step back and enjoy different processes more.

Strengths in action

Write 1-2 sentences describing how you like to work (i.e., Do you pre-plan? Do you talk through your ideas first? Do you work better with deadlines? How do you stay organized?) I pre-plan, talk about my ideas and prefer a deadline. I like checklists within checklists.

How could you talk about these working preferences with your project teammates? Your mentor? Your instructors? Communicate them.

What would you need to be aware of when working with people who have different strengths from you? This is a time to learn and appreciate the experience.

How could your Pairin results help you better understand your everyday working preferences? Improves efficiency and effectivness.

Continued growth

Is there any particular strength you'd like to sharpen while you're at Turing? It would nice to share my strengths with others, which would result in them being sharpened.

Any area you consider a weakness that you'd like to strengthen?** Communication.

What are some steps you could take here? Be more vulnerable and part of the group. I also tend to isolate.

How could you be aware of progress you're making? By action.

Mod 1 Week 2: Building Your Compass Power of self-reflection What is challenging about self-reflection? It forces you to acknowledge what might not be working, and then change.

How can you continue to build the habit of self-reflection at Turing? Make it a habit.

Social identity mapping First, create you own social identity map on a piece of paper (or print this out): Outer ring: write words that describe your given identity natural, honest, caring, reflective

Middle ring: list aspects of your chosen identity progressive, inspiring, effective

Center: write your core attributes—traits, behaviors, beliefs, values, characteristics, and skills that you think make you unique as an individual. Select things that are enduring and key to who you are. After you complete your map: +curious +hard-working +attentive ? natural ? enviormental

  • adaptive +forward-thinkng +positive +capable +efficient +empathetic ?intuitive +active ? +proactive -self-sabotaging (working on this) -my mood can affect me more than I would like (working on this as well) ?+(both)focus on details -anxious -stress response (working on this too, repeating has helped with managing stress tremendously)
  • eager
  • reactive -informal
  • looking at the overall picture can be distracting. it makes me have to hold myself accountable to take the time to follow directions.

Underline the items that are important to you Put a + beside the items that you believe clearly demonstrate that you fit into the tech industry Put a - beside the items that you believe do not demonstrate that you fit into the tech industry Put a ? beside the items that you're unsure how they could show your ability to contribute to the tech industry Reflect: I think I am well suited to the tech industry. After being at turing, I have been so optomistic to be part of the community at turing and the tech world. I can code all day and wake up the next day excited to get back to work. I think that the world would be a better place if schools were formated in Turings image.

What does your social identity tell you about what you already bring to the tech industry? I hope that my empathy and willness to change and adapt can contribut to the industry.

What would it look like for some of your minuses or question marks to turn into pluses? In other words, how could some of these traits be assets for the tech industry? Most of my minuses are personal things I work on as much as I can, and slowly slowly, they become less and less.

Values mapping Pull out 5 values for each bullet below from this list: Always valued: efficiency, hard-workng, empathetic, forward thinking, self-reflective Often valued: attentive, curious, adaptive, eager, proactive Sometimes valued: natural, environment, active, intuitive, problem solver Seldom valued: anxious, stress-reponse, mood, reactive , informal Reflect: I think if I continue to work on myself, that is being a better person, I will continue to grow and gain confidence and be a person who contributes to others and the world.

What do these values tell you about yourself? I am strong, capable, and valuable.

Workview & Lifeview Summarize what good, worthwhile work means to you (Tip: this is NOT about what work you want to do but about why work matters to you): Always learning, whether it is through repetition or new knowledge, work that benefits others, feeling like I am contributing to something.

Lifeview: summarize what you value in life; what matters to you? I value hard-wrok, effieciencty, progress, building something or being part of something meaninful/

Where do your views on work and life complement each other? Everywhere!

Where do they clash? I can work too long and not make time for self-care.

Does one drive the other? How? Work can drive too much, moderation is also something I am learning.

Mod 1 Week 3: Habits & Accountability Systems Ideas here are adapted from Atomic Habits by James Clear

Habits of a Software Developer

What do you think are the traits of a good software developer? What are they like in the workplace? What would you as a co-worker think of this person? patience, attention to detail, accountable, capable.

What are the habits that this person demonstrates to embody the identity of a software developer? schedule, prioritizing whats important. .

Who do you want to be as a software developer? What kind of behaviors do you already have in place to be that person? What behaviors would you need to put into place? How will you do that? I answered this in week 2. and last mod.

Working on the 1st Law of Behavior Change: Make it Obvious

Bring self-awareness to your current habits by making a Habits Scorecard. Make a list of your daily habits (examples: wake up, turn off alarm, check phone, etc.) as a way to bring awareness to what you do. Then, decide how effective that habit is for you and your goal of becoming a software developer.Put a + next to habits that are effective; put a - next to habits that are not effective; put a = next to habits that are neutral.

  • dedication
  • not taking breaks

Pick 1 new habit you'd like to build and create an implementation intention following this template: "I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]." Then, stack the habit onto something you already do: "After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]." (Hint: make this highly specific and immediately actionable)

I will go on a walk at 5PM in neighborhood.After I get off call with mentor or finsih reviewing, I will exercise.

Design your environment for success: what changes could you make in your space to better implement your habit? How could you remove any triggers for bad habits? How will you implement these changes? I spend less time with my boyfriend becasuse he can be a negative influence. I try and spend friday nights destressing with allowing my mood to be what it is. self care, self care

Respond after a few days of this implementation: What are your results? How do you feel about this method? How will you move forward with this habit? make a habit a habit.

Additional Optional Reading: The Five Triggers That Make New Habits Stick

Mod 1 Week 4: Creating a Vision, Part I

Start Where You Are (Empathize with the user -- you) Health: how you answer “how are you”; intersection of physical, mental, and emotional health

How would you rate your overall health on a scale of 1-5? How do you currently make time for activities associated with your health? What is a small change you could make here to readjust your health ratings? health-3 gyms are closed, but i try to do yoga/pilates and walk my dog and walk for exercise. I try to get daily recommended fiber and sleep I have a garden I am trying ot make time for to connect with food and nature Take more breaks when coding.

Work: what you do

Make a short list of all the ways you work right now; How much value do each of those things bring to your life? How are those activities purposeful for you? I code alone and started working with another person on video to talk through ideas and concepts.

Play: what brings you joy? Think about joy just for the pure sake of doing it; everyone benefits from this kind of play being with my pomeranian, exercise, catching up with friends, gardening

What activities do you do that bring you joy throughout an average week? In what ways could you make a small change to bring more joy into your life? see above

Love: sense of connection; who are the people who matter in your life and how is love flowing to and from you and them? My twin sister is my favorite person, she lives in Italy, but I still feel like she is with me. My two dads pomeranian, my number one. my boyfriend, although this is a difficult situation.

How does love currently show up in your life? How do you show love to others right now? What adjustments would you like to make in this area? I dont have the time I would like to connect with those I love.

Looking back at the 4 areas, do any problems emerge that you want to begin designing solutions for? Yes, for the future. I make time whe I can.

Define your needs, problem, and insights: Based on what you wrote about above and your group conversation, what problems have you identified that you'd like to design solutions for? What do you already about what you want for your career? What do you still need to find out? Who or what do you want to grow into by the end of the Turing program? I am still exploring career possibilites as in what kind of companies Ic an work for. I have never been good at self care until I made it a priority the last couple of years, still working to get it right. Turing is the path I have been trying to follow on my own. Joining the program feels so right and I am so lucky to have this opportunity to grow. I cant think of a better environent for my personal goals to be aligned with what I am doing.

Ideate -- challenge assumptions When you discussed software developers with your small group, what assumptions came up about what software developers actually do? What steps could you take to challenge those assumptions and find more facts to answer the question of what developers do? In addition to what a typical software developer life could look like, what do you want yours to include? I used to think priogrammers were isolated and not community based. I could not have been more wrong! I have reached out to people like Mike and on the donut channel. Its really exciting to hear how different the job can be.

Prototype -- start creating solutions What is the basic threshold that your new career must meet after Turing? What would you hope WILL NOT happen in your future after Turing? What is your absolute, no-holds-barred, ideal dream for your future after Turing? Baic threshold would be community and positive environment. I am scared that jobs might not be avaialble with the pandemic. I would either start or work for a company that was environmental focused. making positive change in education or design. I would absolutely love to work for a company that brings positive change to the world.

Test –- solutions Based on this week of reflections, write out your initial vision statement for your career: Gain knowlege, become a capable coder, working in a positive, progressive environment. Be part of a forward-thinking, progressive, meaninful company.

Mod 1 Week 5: Creating a Vision, Part II Habits Reflection: How have you seen yourself become more aware of your habits? Have you tried implementing anything new? What have the results been? I have been more aware of my habits as a result of repeating. I have implemented more exercise and time for positive self-reflectoin.

Design Thinking Reflection: Cultivating Beginner's Mind How can beginner's mind be helpful when it comes to thinking about your career and job search? What are some habits you could put into place to cultivate beginner's mind regularly? Always ask questions and be open for challenging yourself.

Optional additional reading: How to Cultivate Beginner's Mind to Become a True Expert

Go through the Flower Exercise brainstorming worksheets linked here. Then complete your Flower Exercise final worksheet here (go to File > Make a copy) and link that finished worksheet here.

Write out your top 5 strengths that you've seen in action this module; then write out the strengths of a software developer. Where do you see these lists overlapping? Where are they different? efficiency, hard-workng, empathetic, forward thinking, self-reflective. patience, attention to detail, accountable, capable.

Write a refined vision statement here (what new things have you discovered this week to incorporate into your vision statement?): Be part of a forward-thinking, progressive, meaninful company that has a positive impact on the world.

Module 2 Journal Reflections

Reflect on your habits from last module: Better self-care which include exercise, diet and more time for diffuse thinking.

Intentions for this module: Continue with better habits that now include the gym. Moring codewar warmup, 1 hour of JSFun/day, scheduled time with mentors, peers, other individuals willing to share their time. Exercise and yoga.

Mod 2 Week 1: Building Habits to Become a Software Developer, Part II

Ideas here are adapted from Atomic Habits by James Clear

Reflect on your habits from last module. What behaviors and activities were helpful for you? What activities and behaviors could be more effective for you? What processes would you like to try differently this module to become more effective at your work and as a software developer? After beginning the book, "A Mind for Numbers", I now really value the importance of the diffuse mode of thinking. Now, I can tell myself my self-care habits are also needed in order to succeed.

Setting intentions for this module: who do I want to be this module? What specific habits would help me get there? How are those habits tied to the identity of a software developer? I want to be competent, informed, ready to ask and anwer questions in and out of class. Seems like habits of a strong programmer. Prelearning is a big one!

Incorporate temptation bundling to create a new habit by using this template:



How to enjoy “hard” habits: Reframe your habits to consider their benefits rather than their drawbacks; name 3 habits that you have to do and explain the benefits of them. How do they further your goals longterm? How will they add to your processes as a successful developer? At the end of the day, how do they add to your life?

I review lecture during my pomeranian walks. My pup is old, so this gives me something to do during the slow pace.

I try to/mostly intermittetly fast, which keeps my stomach issues in check so I can feel the best I can.

I brainstorm a project before beginning it. This helps me to see the whole picture and get exposed to the learning goals and a successful path forward.

Environment design (optional 5-min. additional reading: Motivation is Overvalued. Environment Often Matters More): how does your environment set-up currently help you with your habits? How could it be improved to make it easier for you to follow through on your habits?

A clean workspace definitely impacts how I feel while I am working. Keep it clean!

“When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.” Read this 4-min article on how to stop procrastinating. Apply the 2-minute rule to reframe 2-3 of your habits by scaling them down into the 2-minute version. How does this reframing help you think about shaping your new identity as a software developer?

Mod 2 Week 2: Professional Storytelling & Branding

Assess your habits from week 1: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen?

Write a draft of your professional story here as 1-2 paragraphs. Focus on answering the questions who are you, why are you here, and what's next? Consider how to talk about your motives and values, the turning points that led to your career change, and what you envision for yourself going forward.

who are you, why are you here, what's next? I have a background in psychology, science, plants and environment. After getting a degree in Psychology I realized how drawn to physiology I was. This led me to pusrsue dental school. Although I loved people and science and the idea of helping others, I wanted something less in your face haha. I had spent time in restaurants as a way of earning an income and connecting with people and ended up in a postion where I was able to help my partner run his buisness. The business is a restaurant and bar whose focus and goal is to be a place to inspire conversation and eventually be a community center. I studied herbalism, had extensive gardens for the restaurant and began my own line of medicianl bitters during this time. As fullfulling as this was for a time, I realized that although I really enjoyed working on an existing business and studying the medicinal benefits of plants, I wanted something that was more of a challenge. My search began and I heard about computer programming from a friend. It met all of the things I was looking for, challenge, constant growth and learning, community and naturally integrated collaboration. I love that this field is so community based and progressive.

Update your LinkedIn profile with the following: updated photo/headshot, headline, summary statement using your story, and Turing added to your experience and education sections. Include a link to your profile here in the journal. Remember the guidelines and tips from the lesson here.

What other steps will you take this week to update your branding or practice your story? I need to clean it up a bit and plan to recite it to a few friends for feedback. Need to update linkedIn summary. I have a friedn who is going to take a headshot for me.

Mod 2 Week 3: Job Search Strategies

Assess your habits from week 2: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen?

Reflect on how you’ve spent your time so far at Turing to gauge your engagement and energy:

When have you been excited, focused, and enjoyed your work? Working through problems with others and solving them.

When have you felt bored, restless, or unhappy? When stressed!! Stress management is key! Bad coding days, feeling frustrated/lost/imposter syndrome. Restless- when Ive logged to many hours at my computer, especially when in the same spot/location.

When do you feel energized in your work? When I can feel and see progress. Solving a problem, ensuring positive communication that makes project work more clear for the group, learning something new. Aha moments.

When is your energy drained? Zoom fatigue, breakout groups, being called on in class.

Setting up habits and routines to make time for the job search this module:

Block out time on your calendar this week to work on your job search. When will you make this happen? How will you hold yourself accountable to this? What activities will you focus on during this time this week? What outcomes do you hope to reach by the end of this week because of these activities? Applying wayfinding to using job search resources

Go through the resources listed here and explore 2-3 tools. List what you looked at here: I havent felt very well this week, so will complete in week 4.

Apply wayfinding: of what you looked at, what did you discover that aligns with your vision? If it didn't align with your vision, what will you try next? Find a job posting that aligns with your vision. What's the posting? How does it align with what you're looking for? Add it to your Huntr. Mission statements that are inclusive, innovative and community based. What next steps will you take to explore that opportunity and find contacts? Add that information to your Huntr card.

Mod 2 Week 4: Building Habits to Become a Software Developer, Part III

Ideas here are adapted from Atomic Habits by James Clear

Assess your habits from week 3: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen? Unfortunatley, struggled with a stomach issue and lack of sleep. It is hard to operate successfully when not feeling well. I had been getting up earlier, which was a new habit goal. I spent some time getting used to this and got myself to spend a solid 1-1.5 hours at the computer in the am.

Implement a reiforcement strategy: to make one of your habits more satisfying, what is a reward you can give yourself immediately after completing the habit? How will this reward encourage you to continue completing that habit? I am going to look into a wall calender and something like a soft marble.

"Don't Break the Chain": Use a habit tracker

What is a habit that you want to make sure to do every day? How could you visually cue yourself to complete it (i.e., moving a paper clip)? How can you visually track it each time you've completed it? Could you automate the tracking? How will you do that? I am going to add the marbles to a place everytime I complete a code challenge (codewars, js Fun, iron Fe). I need to spend 45min in the am and pm w final prep.

Need help? Check out one of these habit tracking apps How to get back on track when missing a habit: if you miss a day or two of completing your habit, how will you get yourself going again? Just do it.

Pick an accountability partner (your cohort accountabilibuddy, your mentor, a close friend, etc.) and create a habit contract with them. How often will you check in with each other? How will they hold you accountable? I dont do well with having a person that I am accountable to. I prefer to be accountable to myself, although I think its important to have a buddy to talk about each others wins.

Mod 2 Week 5: Outreach & Networking I

Review your habit tracker: how did you monitor your habit(s)? What does this tell you about your overall progress becoming the person you want to be? In general, how satisfied are you with how you spent your time this module? What could be improved next module? I am satisfied.

Mind Maps:

Engagement. What did you reflect on last week in regards to when you're engaged in your work at Turing? Pull out an idea that resonates with you most (e.g., "Talking through a problem with a partner," "The moment when I solve a problem that I previously didn't know how to do," "Setting up a successful project management process for my team") and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?). All the things I listed above. Thought about and reinforced the feelings.

Energy. What did you reflect on last week in regards to when you feel most energized in your work at Turing? Pull out an idea that resonates with you most and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?). I feel energized working with others

Flow. When have you had an experience recently in which you were in a state of flow? You can also think about this as "joy" or "play." Pull out an idea that resonates with you most and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?). Prototype your mind maps: what do these mind maps tell you about what's important to you as a software developer? What questions do they bring up about what you still want to learn about this career?

Prototype your outreach: (Be prepared to share this in your small group discussion)

Who comes to mind as a person you can reach out to? Why that person? What questions would you ask them? Come up with 2-3 people here to serve as prototypes networking friends- I plan to ask them to put me in touch with people they know in the industry. How would this outreach help you further your job search strategy? Outreach & Networking Plan: Based on your reflections above, create a concrete plan for your outreach:

Who is the right person for you to reach out to? google, turing, companies i want to work for How will you find them? How do you know they’re the right person? How will you reach out? What questions do you need to ask them? How will you use this information to further your solution? How will you follow up? Execute your plan:

Reach out to your contact THIS WEEK. If possible, reach out to more than one person OR find a meetup to attend also. What happened? What other next steps should you take? If this is a person connected to a company you're interested in, be sure to add it to your Huntr card.

set up profile for safari username is email- akarnaze any cohort is good github id doesnt matter, leave blank

Link to mod 3 gist:

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Hey Amy! Thanks for all of your reflections throughout the mod. Going forward, could you update your gist to include .md in the title? That will render it as a markdown and make it easier to read. Thanks!

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Hi Amy, I appreciated reading about how you're putting habits into place this mod and getting a sense of your professional story. Some feedback on that -- the draft currently ends right before you start your career as a software developer. I would recommend spending time thinking about how you can talk about the desire to transition into software development and why this career in particular -- you mention wanting more collaboration. That could be a good detail to explain your motivations if you expand on how you utilize collaboration as a developer. Also, I don't yet see your LinkedIn profile linked here -- could you let me know when you have that updated and share it here so I can check it out? Thanks!

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Hi Allison, I appreciate your feedback. I had started my linkedIn profile and still need to finish my statement. I have been meaning to come back to this, but havent been sleeping well and Ive had a recurring stomach issue. All of my energy has gone to mid mod prep, but will work more on my PD starting tomorrow. Sorry for not having more for you yet! Thanks.

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Hi Amy!

I am not seeing any updates for Mod 3 Week 1. I strongly encourage you to at least work through the resume pieces as that will become very important as you round out the program.

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@ryanlfrank I have been working on my resume. I am terrible at it, but getting better. I have tried to create a profile on chrome and safari and it won't save my information on the Turing site? Looking forward to working with you!

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Hey Amy, over intermission really focus on some of the foundational pieces of PD. Keep at your resume, maybe look at some examples on the Turing portfolio site and then we can really clean that up in the next mod.

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