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Last active June 10, 2020 15:28
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In a few sentences, explain what the project was and the scope of your work. Imagine explaining your answer to a technical recruiter or a developer who you’d potentially be interviewing with who knows nothing about Turing.
RomCom was a project where a user can create random romance covers with a title and descriptors that are random as well. The user can create their own on a form with input and save any covers they choose.
Intention timer allows a user to choose a category, add a description for how they want to use that time, pick how long in minutes and seconds they want to perform their choice. After filling out this form they see a timer that shows the information that was created. The timer counts downs and the intention can be saved for future reference, after a page refresh.
Slapjack is a 2 player game that uses key events to determine if a player plays (deals a single card from their hand to the central pile) or slaps, which results in multiple win and lose conditons. Players switch turns and wins are stored in local storage.
Overall (Choose One)
What role do you typically play on a team? (If you answer, provide an example from this project)
I generally take whatever role is needed. For romcom, I took the lead as I had a similiar project.
What is your approach to working on a team? (In your answer, provide an example from this project)
Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a colleague and how you resolved it. (only choose if applicable to this project)
Intention timer: I thought we were moving slower than the timeline allowed, so I pushed for dividing and conquering when it was suited (for css and html. This was more efficient.
Technical (Choose One)
What was a specific technical challenge your group faced? How did you approach this challenge? What went well? What was a struggle?
RomCom- poor internet connectios at time. We went at a strong pace and I belive mutual learning and understanding was met.
What resources or strategies did you use when you were presented with a technical challenge?
Intention timer: Google searches, mentors and peers.
You can’t work out how to solve a coding problem. What do you do to find the answer?
I would start over with the function I was working on, pseudocode the problem I was having, or reach out to peers, mentors, kindhearted turing alum or students.
What is one personal/professional takeaway from this project?
RomCom- I can complete a project.
My brain is learning the language!
Intention timer- We almost had full separattion of the DM and the dom. Also, I can rubber duck and collaborate effectively with a partner! Talking the code through with another person is so helpful.
What is one technical takeaway from this project?
RomCom- Instantiating classes can save you time and trouble.
SJ- There were many times I had something scheduled that would get rescheduled or cancelled, not relying on that help and letting it get me down/shut down was a great personal accomplishment for me. Really being vulnerable with seeking out help as well.
Intention timer- We almost had full separation from the data model. Better understanding of passing parameters from arguments.
SJ- This was a tough logic game. Really sinking in and untangeling the conditions flexed my cerebral cortex, which I love. Passing player storage info to the game, where the player is instantiated and then grabbing the info from local storage was a great technical education opportunity.
Based on these takeaways, what is something you want to focus on for the next project?
Pseudo code more from the start.
RomCom- being more collaborative with the talking through code/rubber ducking.
Intention timer- Fully mastering dom and dm separation with a more complicated project.
SJ- I want to work on my pregame. I have gained progress in regards to following directions, but I need to improve the overall mechanics of a project. Think it through more- from start to finish. How you choose to access and use information is so important.
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