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Created November 29, 2011 07:03
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create pentadactyl commandline options
// createshortcut.js -- ++pentadactyl
// @Author: eric.zou (
// @License: GPL (see
// @Created: Tue 29 Nov 2011 01:24:05 PM CST
// @Last Change: Tue 29 Nov 2011 02:23:36 PM CST
// @Revision: 41
// @Description:
// @Usage:
// @TODO:
"Create Shortcut",
function (args) {
if (args.length == 0)
return false;
var command_ascii = args[0];
if (args["-javascript"])
command_ascii = "js " + command_ascii;
command_ascii = escape(command_ascii);
var output = <>-pentadactyl "++cmd 'execute unescape(&lt;>{command_ascii}&lt;/>.toString())'"</>;
dactyl.echo(output, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE);
argCount: "?",
literal: 0,
completer: function(context, args) {
if (!args["-javascript"])
return completion.ex(context);
return completion.javascript(context);
options: [
names: ["-javascript", "-js", "-j"],
description: "execute javascript code.",
type: CommandOption.NOARG,
completer: completion.javascript
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