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Andy an-dev

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Drakekin /
Last active June 7, 2019 13:01
Computing roman numerals without es
bad_l_tt_r = chr(101)
num_rals = {
"M": 1000,
"CM": 900,
"C": 100,
"XC": 90,
"L": 50,
"XL": 40,
"X": 10,
andy-thomason /
Created May 14, 2019 13:32
Genomics a programmers introduction

Genomics - A programmer's guide.

Andy Thomason is a Senior Programmer at Genomics PLC. He has been witing graphics systems, games and compilers since the '70s and specialises in code performance.

scrapehero /
Last active November 16, 2022 03:43
Python 3 code to extract amazon reviews
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Written as part of
from lxml import html
from json import dump,loads
from requests import get
import json
from re import sub
from dateutil import parser as dateparser
from time import sleep
judy2k / parse_dotenv.bash
Created March 22, 2017 13:34
Parse a .env (dotenv) file directly using BASH
# Pass the env-vars to MYCOMMAND
eval $(egrep -v '^#' .env | xargs) MYCOMMAND
# … or ...
# Export the vars in .env into your shell:
export $(egrep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
0XDE57 /
Last active December 21, 2024 07:29
Firefox about:config privacy settings


about:config settings to harden the Firefox browser. Privacy and performance enhancements.
To change these settings type 'about:config' in the url bar. Then search the setting you would like to change and modify the value. Some settings may break certain websites from functioning and rendering normally. Some settings may also make firefox unstable. I am not liable for any damages/loss of data.

Not all these changes are necessary and will be dependent upon your usage and hardware. Do some research on settings if you don't understand what they do. These settings are best combined with your standard privacy extensions (HTTPS Everywhere No longer required: Enable HTTPS-Only Mode, NoScript/Request Policy, uBlock origin, agent spoofing, Privacy Badger etc), and all plugins set to "Ask To Activate".

# Purge the following packages
Kartones /
Last active December 24, 2024 11:40
PostgreSQL command line cheatsheet


Magic words:

psql -U postgres

Some interesting flags (to see all, use -h or --help depending on your psql version):

  • -E: will describe the underlaying queries of the \ commands (cool for learning!)
  • -l: psql will list all databases and then exit (useful if the user you connect with doesn't has a default database, like at AWS RDS)
yanofsky / LICENSE
Last active October 17, 2024 22:49
A script to download all of a user's tweets into a csv
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
ndarville /
Last active October 23, 2024 17:18
Business models based on the compiled list at I find the link very hard to browse, so I made a simple version in Markdown instead.

Business Models


Models Examples
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