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Created July 27, 2023 04:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import functools
import json
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import List
PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.clipboard")
def run(s: str, inp: str = None) -> str:
return subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(s), text=True, input=inp)
def notify(subj, message):["notify-send", subj, message])
def read() -> List[str]:
with open(PATH) as f:
return json.load(f)
def write(xs: List[str]):
with open(PATH, "w") as f:
json.dump(xs, f)
def copy():
xs = read()
xs.insert(0, run("wl-paste").rstrip("\n"))
notify(f"added to buffer, {len(xs)} items now", menuval(xs[0]))
def pop(n: int):
xs = read()
x = xs.pop(n)
run("wl-copy", inp=x)
notify(f"popped from buffer, {len(xs)} items now", menuval(x))
def clear():
notify("cleared", "all data cleared from buffer")
def pop0():
def paste(n: int):
xs = read()
run("wl-copy", inp=xs[n])
notify(f"pulled from buffer", menuval(xs[n]))
def rotate():
xs = read()
write(xs[1:] + xs[0])
notify(f"rotated buffer, top is now", menuval(read()[0]))
def menuval(x):
x = x.replace("\n", " ")
return x
def dmenu(ispop=False):
entries = read()
ilist = [f"{idx:3} {menuval(val)}" for idx, val in enumerate(entries)]
ilist.extend(["!clear", "!rotate"])
ilist.append("!paste" if ispop else "!pop")
inp = "\n".join(ilist)
prompt = "pop" if ispop else "paste"
result = run(f"rofi -dmenu -p {prompt}", inp=inp)
result = result.split()
if result[0].startswith("!"):
"!clear": clear,
"!rotate": rotate,
"!pop": functools.partial(dmenu, ispop=True),
"!paste": dmenu,
[paste, pop][ispop](int(result[0]))
def main():
{"copy": copy, "pop": pop, "dmenu": dmenu}[sys.argv[1]]()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim: ft=python
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